Jumaat, 18 September 2015

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom...the forgotten "key" of the Spirit of God....

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
    and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. (Proverbs 9: 10)

"...he will be the stability of your times, abundance of Salvation, Wisdom, and Knowledge;  'the fear of the Lord' is Zion’s treasure." (Isaiah 33: 6, Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition, RSVCE)

Isaiah 33: 6 (NIV)
6 He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure.

    Unless the Lord endows us the gift of "the fear of the Lord," there would be no way to understand His Covenant (Secrets).    The Source of spiritual strength for every believer is the presence of the Sevenfold Spirit: the Holy Spirit.  The "Word" is the sevenfold Spirit. Christ is the sevenfold Spirit.  Prophet Isaiah wrote about the sevenfold spirit of Christ (see Isaiah 11). The rainbow is seen as if seven rays of Colors though it comes from one colourless light. It is due to what physicist called 'prism effect.' The handiwork of God for the fallen human race is stated in the poem, Genesis 8:22, and it is called "seedtime and harvest." "Seedtime and harvest" is consistently executed within a  given covenant. There would be no "seedtime and harvest" if there is no establishment of divine covenant on earth. And every covenant is preceded by the Lord's Passover. The Passover which is celebrated in every Sabbath is pointing to the name of God: the Redeemer and the Savior. So, Sabbath means God is the Creator, the Father of all spirits, the Redeemer and the Savior. The change of ownership which is the message of "Redemption" must precede a covenant. There would be no covenant people, if there is no redemption. The change of ownership must take place first and only then the covenant is established  between the God and His people. The covenant people would be later sealed by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit or Pentecostal spirit. So, the death of the Lamb of God was the fulfillment of the messianic Melchizedek altar on earth so that the blessing of redemption and salvation would be flowing unceasingly to all nations. It is called Emmanuel flow of the blessings of God through the name of Christ. So, redemption means change of ownership. We were formerly belong to the 'death' or the kingdom of darkness, but later redeemed and thus belong to the kingdom of Christ. We were transferred to the new ownership which is 'of' Christ.

    It is through prayer that we call upon the presence of the Sevenfold Spirit of Christ. When the Sevenfold Spirit speaks unto your spirit, then you would be strengthened by the words He grants unto you.  It is through the "spirit of prayer" that we are strengthened, so that you may have the strength to "glorify" His names, to eat the manna, to forgive others, to ask forgiveness from God, and the strength to say "amen" to all divine Word.  It is through prayer also that we may have the strength in waiting Him.  Jesus said " 36 Be alert at all times, PRAYING that you may have the STRENGTH to escape all these things that will take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke 21: 36).

     It is through "entering your own chamber" (prayer) that we could prepare ourselves in anticipating divine judgments. We may also be strengthened by the presence of the heavenly angels of God or even the visions of the saints. But, if you walk, as if in darkness ("as if," there is no presence of that Sevenfold Spirit, no presence of angels and no presence of the realities of God), and then, that Sevenfold Spirit had once operated at the 'wick' (heart) of your spirit endowing the gift of the fear of the Lord, let your heart keep trusting in His "names" (divine "names" mean divines handiworks  or missions). Isaiah 50: 10.

Who among you fears the Lord
    and obeys the voice of his servant,
who walks in darkness
    and has no light,
yet trusts in the name of the Lord
    and relies upon his God? (Isaiah 50: 10)

      In order to triumph over trials (distress), the followers of the Way must hold unto what was given to them. Earthly wealths are defined by the adhered precepts of our minds; our mental paradigms and spiritual precepts influence the way we decide in favor of our preferences. Thus, our wealth on earth are subjected to or governed by the laws of the rulers.  But, the wealth of Zion is the 'fear of the Lord,' endowed by the Presence of the Sevenfold-Holy Spirit.  Prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 33: 6, proclaimed that "He (sevenfold-Spirit of Christ) will be the stability of your times (life), abundance of Salvation, Wisdom, and Knowledge; the fear of the Lord is Zion’s treasure."

     Such treasure is the only "wealth" that saves us from the days of calamities.  The "Seal" or the empowering presence of the Sevenfold-Spirit is the "treasure" that saves us.  How would you hold unto that kind of 'treasure,' so that you would triumph over trials or distress? Who can say, “I have made my heart clean; I am pure from my sin”? (Proverbs 20: 9).  King David said "apart from you, I am no good!"  It is by becoming the true branches to the true vine that enables the elect to hold on to that " treasure."  No other words that would better express the meaning of dependency compare to Jesus' metaphor of "the true branches and true Vine."

     Jesus unfolds the key in holding what was endowed unto you by saying  "5 I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15: 5). Therefore, how could be your spirit  express the faith in the Word, unless your spirit is hungry for the Source of Life?  If you know the divine seven-fold spirit, as the gift of life, then you should have asked the Father through Christ's 'names' to grant you the descending operations of the seven-fold-Holy Spirit. So, the spirit of "the fear of the Lord" is the beginning of wisdom, and knowing the Holy God is understanding. The gift of the spirit of the Lord would manifest the realities of His light into your spirit, so that your spirit begins calling upon His 'names.' Every redeemed child of God is journeying into "deep calls Deep," and when you call upon Him, he would save you.

     That gift also causes your spirit 'hungry' for the Manna of heaven. King Solomon witnessed that "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight." (Proverbs 9: 10). God gave us the "key" in unlocking the door of His Spirit....the gift of the Sevenfold-Spirit; through the Way, the Door and the Key, i.e. Christ or the Word, we begin to journey our walk of faith with God. King David witnessed that the nature of divine gifts just as what he had sang in Psalm 25: 14 "The friendship of the Lord is for those who fear him, and he makes his Covenant known to them." David's lyrics in Psalm 25: 14, "the fear of the Lord," was referring to the spirit--the operations of the Sevenfold-Spirit of God.

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