Ahad, 31 Disember 2017

2017 kepada 2018; ia adalah perayaan Tahun Baru atau ia cuma Perayaan bulan penuh? "...Tiuplah sangkakala pada bulan baru, pada bulan purnama, pada hari raya kita."

2 Begin the music, strike the timbrel, play the melodious harp and lyre. 3 Sound the ram’s horn at the New Moon, and when the moon is full, on the day of our festival; (Psalm 81: 2-3)

    Sambutan Perayaan peralihan tahun 2017 ke Tahun Baru 2018, seperti tahun-tahun yang lepas dalam calendar Matahari adalah sekadar sambutan perayaan tahunan secara sekular (modern secular festival). Ia tidak ada 'akar' (root) atau 'bayangan' dalam Kitab  Suci Perjanjian Lama. Tahun Baru (New Moon) bagi umat Tuhan dalam Perjanjian Lama, iaitu bani Ibrani, menurut pengertian perayaan New Moon adalah dirayakan sekitar dalam bulan March/April, iaitu pada anak bulan, 17 March 2018, atau 14 hari sebelum Perayaan Paskah. Perayaan peralihan tahun dari 2017 ke Tahun Baru  2018 dengan detik saat jam 12 tengah malam' pada 31 December 2017 tidaklah memberi apa-apa pengertian rohaniah sebagai Tahun Baru, samada bagi umat Tuhan dalam Perjanjian Lama ataupun bagi umat Perjanjian Baru. 

    Walaubagaimanapun, oleh kerana hari pada 31 haribulan December bagi tahun 2017 ini adalah hari yang ke-14 dari anak bulan, maka ia dilihat sebagai memasuki fasa 'bulan penuh' (full moon) dan bangsa Ibrani merayakannya sebagai perayaan bulan penuh. Justeru itu, 'bulan penuh' (full moon) masih mempunyai makna rohaniah (spiritual meanings) menurut kitab suci dalam Bilangan 10 dan juga Mazmur 81!  Ia masih mempunyai pengertian rohaniah untuk dirayakan dengan penuh kesyukuran, kerana ia jatuh pada hari memasuki  hari yang ke-15 bulan penuh (full moon).

Paskah Tuhan samada Paskah Perjanjian Lama atau Paskah Perjanjian Baru, sebenarnya jatuh pada masa bulan penuh, iaitu Hari ke-14  atau menjelang full moon (15th day from the new moon) pertama dari anak bulan pertama (New Moon)! Justeru itu, setiap kali full moon (the 15th), bunyi shofar itu senantiasa menunjuk (pointing to) kepada 'nama' Tuhan yang melepaskan kita dari penghambaan dosa.  Bunyi 'shofar' pada hari bulan penuh berfungsi sebagai reminder akan 'nama' Tuhan.

2 Begin the music, strike the timbrel, play the melodious harp and lyre. 3 Sound the ram’s horn at the New Moon, and when the moon is full, on the day of our festival; (Psalm 81: 2-3)

    Dalam Mazmur 81:2-3, Nabi Asaph menjelaskan puji-pujian kepada Tuhan pada hari bersukacita, dan mengingatkan supaya ram's horn (shofar) dibunyikan seperti pada ayat yang ke-3. Mengapa shofar harus ditiup pada Tahun Baru dan juga apabila hari bulan penuh?

    Kerana ia adalah dekree kepada Israel, malah ia adalah hukum (Ordinance) yang harus dianuti (observe) oleh bani Ibrani. Ia dijelaskan pada ayat yang ke-4 (Mazmur 81). Dan maksud dekree itu adalah untuk memperingati bahawa YHWH adalah Tuhan mereka yang melepaskan mereka dari penghambaan di Egypt. Itu dijelaskan  dalam Kitab Bilangan 10, ayat ke-10.

    10 Also on your days of rejoicing, at your appointed festivals, and at the beginnings of your months, you shall blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings and over your sacrifices of well-being; they shall serve as a reminder on your behalf before the Lord your God: I am the Lord your God (Numbers 10: 10, NRSVCE)

     Nabi Asaph menyampaikan semula mesej 'suara' Tuhan Yang pernah diberikan kepada Nabi Moshe dalam Kitab suci Bilangan 10: 1-10, dengan bersaksi tentang 'suara Tuhan' yang menyingkapkan semula maksud asal Bilangan 10: 1-10 melalui lirik-lirik lagu dalam Mazmur 81:6-16:

I heard an unknown voice say:

6 “I removed the burden from their shoulders; their hands were set free from the basket.7 In your distress you called and I rescued you, I answered you out of a thundercloud; I tested you at the waters of Meribah. 8 Hear me, my people, and I will warn you— if you would only listen to me, Israel! 9 You shall have no foreign god among you; you shall not worship any god other than me.10 I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt. Open wide your mouth and I will fill it.11 “But my people would not listen to me; Israel would not submit to me.12 So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own devices.13  “If my people would only listen to me, if Israel would only follow my ways, 14 how quickly I would subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes! 15 Those who hate the Lord would cringe before him, and their punishment would last forever.16 But you would be fed with the finest of wheat; with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.” (Psalm 81: 6-16, NIV).

    Bagi umat Perjanjian Baru, samada Tahun Baru (New Moon) ataupun pada hari-hari bulan penuh (full moon), bunyi ram's horn mengingatkan kita bahawa: 'Yeshua Kristus adalah Tuhan kita yang melepaskan kita dalam kegelapan kepada kerajaan terang!' Peralihan 31 December 2017 kepada 1 January 2018 masih mempunyai makna 'spiritual' kerana ia jatuh pada hari ke-15 dari anak bulan, iaitu perayaan bulan penuh (full moon). Happy secular new year 2018 to all of you.



2 Begin the music, strike the timbrel, play the melodious harp and lyre. 3 Sound the ram’s horn at the New Moon, and when the moon is full, on the day of our festival; (Psalm 81: 2-3)


Khamis, 9 November 2017

Semua bangsa berkata: "marilah kita mencari 'nama'..."

Yeshua said:  “So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” (Matthew 22: 21).

19 Tunjukkanlah kepada-Ku mata uang untuk pajak itu." Mereka membawa suatu dinar kepada-Nya. 20 Maka Ia bertanya kepada mereka: "Gambar dan tulisan siapakah ini?" 21 Jawab mereka: "Gambar dan tulisan Kaisar." 22 Lalu kata Yesus kepada mereka: "Berikanlah kepada Kaisar apa yang wajib kamu berikan kepada Kaisar dan kepada Allah apa yang wajib kamu berikan kepada Allah." (Matius 22: 19-22).


    Yang wajib diberikan kepada Allah ialah seringkasnya menyempurnakan ibadah Roh', iaitu doa Bapa Kami. Orang-orang percaya belum tentu dikenan oleh Bapa di Sorga ketika mereka menyebut "nàma"  Tuhan. Hukum Tuhan yang ke-3 berbunyi: "Jangan menyebut nàma Tuhanmu sembarangan." 'Sebutan' kita mungkin berpenyakit kerana 'percaya' yang ada pada kita boleh saja mempunyai cacat-celah (flaws) kerana ia tidak sepenuhnya menuruti (roh') Pengertian mengenai dengan 'sebutan' atau 'seruan' "nàma" Tuhan. Mengenali Tuhan adalah anugerah karunia Roh' Pengertian (Yesaya 11). "Nàma" Bapa dapat dimengertikan apabila firman yang dicatat oleh  nabi Moshe dalam Kitab suci Keluaran 34: 5, 6, & 7 tersingkap. 'Tersingkap' berarti roh' Pengertian dan (roh') Hikmat datang membimbing Kita kepada Kebenaran.  

Bila tersingkap, firman-firman-Mu memberi terang,memberi pengertian kepada orang-orang bodoh" (Mazmur 119: 130).

    'Tersingkap' terjadi kerana karunia-karunia Roh' Tujuh Lapis (Yesaya 11) dan juga anugerah "ucapan Berbahagia" (Matius 5). Perkataan "Berbahagia" bermaksud 'Anugerah' dari Roh' Tuhan: aliran anugerah dari Roh  Tujuh Lapis Tuhan. Orang-orang percaya tidaklah mempunyai apa-apa sumber manusiawi yang dapat menjadikan diri mereka disebut 'Berbahagia'. "Berbahagia'" adalah sepenuhnya sumber Ilahi atau Berkat dari Roh' Tuhan. Ia bukanlah berasal dari usaha manusia! Ucapan 'Berbahagia' hanya dapat diterima oleh anak-anak Tuhan melalui operasi aliran Roh Tujuh Lapis. Doa Yeshua dalam Yoh.6: 63 dan Yohanes 17 jelas memperlihatkan bahawa Firman itu 'roh.' Dia berkata, "Kuduskanlah mereka dalam kebenaran, Firman-Mu (Roh-Mu) adalah kebenaran" (Yohanes 17: 17). Firman-firman yang dicetak dengan cetakan 'dakwat' pada lembaran kertas dalam Kitab Suci akan terus terperap pada tahap pengertian kapasiti intelek, kecuali jika Roh Tujuh Lapis datang menganugerahkan roh pengertian dan 'roh' hikmat. Yahuwah bersabda: "firman-firmanMu memberi terang, memberikan pengertian kepada orang-orang bodoh" (Mazmur 119: 130). 

Tersingkap" dapat difahami dengan lebih baik seperti yang dipaparkan oleh filem-filem penjelajahan (adventurous films) di mana para penjelajah atau ahli antropologi, tidak dapat melihat pemandangan yang lebih luas di dalam gua yang gelap, tetapi kemudiannya penjelajah itu menemui cermin utama di bawah lubang bukaan menegak gua, dan sinar matahari yang masuk melalui bukaan itu boleh dimanfaatkan dengan lebih lanjut melalui pelarasan sudut cermin utama, supaya rangkaian tambahan beberapa cermin lain dapat menyinari bahagian yang lebih luas di dalam gua gelap tersebut. Pemahaman intelektual kita terhadap firman-firman pada kertas Alkitab akan menjadi pemahaman rohani yang lebih 'dalam,' hanya apabila Roh Tujuh lapis turun 'menyalakan' sumbu roh kita. Roh orang percaya, seterusnya dapat 'diterangi' melalui "Deep calls deep," atau komunikasi di antara Roh Tuhan dan roh' manusia melalui mimpi, penglihatan, dan suara. KehadiranNya memberikan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam berbanding dengan pengertian kita yang sebelumnya. Malah, ia memperbaharui akal budi. Pembaharuan akal budi (spiritual precepts) tidaklah dikecapi kecuali ia 'tersingkap'. "... roh yang memberi hidup, daging itu tidak berguna, tetapi kata-kata yang telah ku katakan kepadamu adalah roh dan hidup" (Yohanes 6: 63).

    "Nàma" umat manusia sejagat adalah urusan kehidupan 'daging.' Kehidupan 'daging' tertumpu kepada 'makan dan minum,' kahwin dan mengahwinkan, membuat 'batu-bata,' 'mendirikan menara,' '
membina kota' (kingdom building/nation building), dan juga 'membeli atau menjual'.' Karya manusia itu juga diungkapkan oleh frasa nubuat yang berbunyi: "Marilah kita mencari 'nama.'" Urusan "membeli atau menjual" yang menggunakan 'duit-fiat' sebagai mewakili nilai sesuatu stok atau upahan adalah urus-niaga di luar urusan ibadah dalam "nama" Tuhan; dengan bahasa mudah, 'duit' bukanlah karya Roh Tuhan. Ia adalah karya pemerintah-pemerintah bangsa-bangsa yang dipimpin oleh "binatang dua tanduk." "Karya" Tuhan atau "nama" Tuhan adalah dijelaskan dalam Wahyu 19: 13 b. KaryaNya ialah Firman Allah. Justeru, Santo Yohanes menulis Injil: "Pada mulanya adalah Firman, dan Firman itu ada bersama-sama Allah, Firman itu adalah Allah" (Yohanes 1: 1). Firman Allah itu ialah Roh Tujuh Lapis Tuhan. Namun, firman-firman yang tercatat pula, perlu disingkapkan oleh peribadi Firman Allah (Roh  Tujuh Lapis) itu: "Bila tersingkap, firman-firman-Mu memberi terang,memberi pengertian kepada orang-orang bodoh" (Mazmur 119: 130).

   Yeshua tahu bahawa manusia yang tidak mengenal Allah semuanya mencari "nama" (karya) manusia sendiri. Justeru itu, ia menasihati: "
31 Sebab itu janganlah kamu kuatir dan berkata: Apakah yang akan kami makan? Apakah yang akan kami minum? Apakah yang akan kami pakai? 32 Semua itu dicari bangsa-bangsa yang tidak mengenal Allah. Akan tetapi Bapamu yang di sorga tahu, bahwa kamu memerlukan semuanya itu. 33 Tetapi carilah dahulu Kerajaan Allah dan kebenarannya, maka semuanya itu akan ditambahkan kepadamu. 34 Sebab itu janganlah kamu kuatir akan hari besok, karena hari besok mempunyai kesusahannya sendiri. Kesusahan sehari cukuplah untuk sehari" (Matius 6: 31-34).   

    Keutamaan bagi setiap warga kerajaan Allah adalah "nama" Tuhan dan nama yang diberikan kepada Yeshua Kristus. Semua 'karya' manusia di bumi' adalah tercakup kepada frasa nubuat "mencari nama" manusia sendiri. "
Nàma" Tuhan (Keluaran 34: 5, 6 & 7) dinyatakan kepada manusia kerana Roh Pencipta langit' dan bumi' berkerja siang dan malam tidak henti-henti dalam "menabur dan menuai." (Kej. 8: 22). Karya-karya atau 'nama-nama' Manusia termasuklah karya politik seperti empayar-empayar (juga diungkapkan sebagai binatang dalam kata nubuat), Liga Bangsa-Bangsa, Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (the United Nations), demokrasi, kapitalisme, komunisme, dan lain-lain lagi. Aktiviti perdagangan sedunia juga telah memperlihatkan kemunculan pelbagai bentuk 'karya' (nàma) manusia yang dikaryakan atau diujudkan oleh manusia, namun monetary adalah salah satu karya manusia yang paling menakluk seluruh umat manusia. Ia menghambakan umat manusia. Ia ('monetary') juga disebut "Mamon." Karya-karya manusia ataupun "nama-nama" manusia sebenarnya adalah berguna untuk kehidupan daging di bumi! Namun, apabila sesuatu "nama" itu mula "mendirikan menara yang sampai  ke langit," maka hal itu akan membawa Penghakiman oleh Tuhan ke atas umat manusia di bumi. Hanya "nàma" Tuhan yang layak dijadikan Tuhan! Pemazmur bernyanyi "...cakrawala memberitakan nàma (handiwork) Tuhan!" (Mazmur 19: 1-2). 'Nàma' atau karya manusia tidaklah layak ditinggikan "sampai ke langit'," kerana ia akan menista nàma Tuhan! "Nama" manusia yang mempunyai 'menara sampai ke langit' adalah suatu ungkapan yang merujuk kepada penghambaan oleh 'karya' Manusia 'daging,' dan karya itu akhirnya meniadakan "nama-nama" Tuhan! Di penghujung 'nama' manusia adalah 'penghambaan' yang menindan penghambaan kasih Tuhan. Tanpa 'nama' Tuhan, 'nama' manusia  akan akhirnya menindankan karya Tuhan. Maka, "mendirikan menara yang sampai ke langit'" (Kejadian 11) juga bermaksud impian manusia untuk menjadikan "nàma" manusia sebagai keutamaan hidup, dan justeru itu,  ia menindan "nàma" Tuhan. "Nàma" Tuhan adalah Sumber Kehidupan yang sebenar' (Keluaran 34: 5, 6, 7).

     Sejak zaman Purbakala, iaitu sejak dari Menara Babel kuno, manusia 'luka' memperlihatkan kecenderungannya untuk "berkarya" ('mencari nama') di bumi tanpa menghiraukan 'nama' Tuhan.  Pusat kesedaran manusia berpaut secara dominan pada kapasiti intelek dan juga aktiviti sistem saraf.  Klimaks kepada 'pencarian nama' bagi semua orang di dunia dinubuatkan oleh alkisah dalam Kitab suci Kejadian 11. Permulaan ini juga menyingkapkan perakhirannya. Sejak berakhirnya peperangan dunia ke-2 (1945 AD), umat manusia di bumi telah kembali "bersatu" dalam karya '
Peace and Safety' dan juga bersatu dalam pelaksanaan karya "monetary" secara global. Dahulunya di zaman selepas 'bah besar,' umat manusia yang satu bangsa dan 'satu bahasa' ('bahasa sejagat') pernah seia-sekata di dalam melaksanakan agenda manusia sejagat. Mereka berkata: "...marilah kita cari nama, supaya kita jangan terserak ke seluruh bumi" (Kej. 11: 4) (Kej. 11: 4). Yang dicari manusia 'daging' itu ialah "karya" atau nàma! Dan, "nàma" itu akan menjadi 'the reason to live and the reason to die.'

    'Duit' di setiap negara adalah dinubuatkan sebagai "nama" pemerintah! ('karya' pemerintah). Matawang ringgit Malaysia, sebagai contoh,  adalah "karya" pemerintah (rulers) Malaysia. Oleh kerana matawang adalah tertakluk kepada perjanjian, undang-undang antarabangsa dan juaga undang-undang domestik, maka "duit" adalah "nama" Yang tertakluk kepada kuasa-kuasa besar pemerintah dunia, dan juga "nama" bagi setiap pemerintah di setiap negara berdaulat.  Duit Malaysia yang tertakluk kepada akta (undang-undang negara), sebagai contoh,  juga dinubuatkan sebagai "nama" pemerintah Malaysia. Duit ringgit lambang Pitis adalah 'karya' pemerintah negara Malaysia. Dan, demikianlah juga halnya bagi semua matawang (duit) yang digunakan oleh setiap negara di dunia. 'Duit' adalah 'karya' atau 'nama' pemerintah-pemerintah bangsa-bangsa. Tidak ada 'nama' manusia yang jauh lebih berkuasa dan dapat menakluki seluruh umat manusia di bumi entah ia seorang raja mahupun seorang hamba melainkan 'mamon' (monetary).
Duit ('monetary') adalah "nama" ('karya') pemerintah-pemerintah yang ada di bumi ; ia bukanlah 'nama' ('karya') Tuhan.

    Roh Tujuh Lapis Tuhan sudah menyingkapkan salah satu rahasia akhir 'zaman Perdamaian' menurut nubuat oleh Nabi Yesaya dalam kitab Yesaya 46: 10, bahawa "tanda-tanda" akhir 'zaman perdamaian,' telahpun diberitakan sejak zaman purba-kala lagi, sebagaimana yang disingkapkan oleh nubuat dalam kitab suci Kejadian 11. Mission ('nama') manusia yang dominan di bumi telah disingkapkan oleh nubuat dalam pemberitaan Kejadian 11: 4:  ... kata mereka: "Marilah kita dirikan bagi kita sebuah kota (yang bermaksud 'kingdom building') dengan sebuah menara yang puncaknya sampai ke langit, dan marilah kita cari nama, ..." (Kejadian 11: 4). Kebenarannya, kehidupan di dunia bukan sahaja 'karya' (nama) manusia semata-mata, tetapi juga 'karya' Tuhan ke atas umat manusia. Namun, manusia telah berkata : "...marilah kita cari nama;"  frasa ini adalah nubuat Roh Tuhan yang mengungkapkan agenda manusia sejagat yang akan diakhiri dengan "karya" manusia yang menghambakan umat manusia itu sendiri. "Nama" manusia itu akan menindan malah menista "nama" Tuhan sebagai Sumber Kehidupan di bumi!
Exodus 34: 5-7.
Note: In prophecy, "name" means divine missions or divine attributes...

    Dalam bahasa Roh Tuhan, Duit (monetary) merupakan salah satu "nama" manusia atau dalam bahasa manusiawi ia disebut "karya" ('mission') manusia /pemerintah. Justeru itu, duit ringgit, sebagai contoh, adalah karya pemerintah negara Malaysia. Dalam bahasa roh, ia disebut "nama" pemerintah Malaysia. Dalam Kitab Kejadian fasal 11 ayat ke-4, manusia yang 'bersatu ' menurut agenda politik menara Babel telah berkata seia-ekata, "Marilah kita mencari 'nama'." Frasa tersebut adalah bersifat nubuat. Ia bermaksud bahawa manusia sejagat berkarya untuk "mencari nama" yang diikat dengan perjanjian atau persefahaman seantero dunia, iaitu disindirkan oleh Roh Tuhan dengan bahasa 'roh nubuat' berbunyi: "... tanda di dahi dan tanda di tangan." 

    Pada zaman sekarang, "nama" utama manusia di bumi ialah "peace and safety" dan juga "monetary." Tidak hairanlah bahawa semua duit 'tender note' dipaparkan dengan gambar-gambar pemerintah, samada pemerintah sistem beraja ataupun pemerintah negara berpresiden mengikut jenis pemerintahan politik di sesebuah negara.  Duit kertas dan duit syiling mengandungi gambar atau ukiran imej pemerintah negara masing-masing, samada raja atau presiden, kerana 'duit' dinubuatkan sebagai "nama" pemerintah sesebuah bangsa atau negara. Bila duit menjadi "nama" pemerintah, maka melalui pelaksanaan undang-undang, ia ("nàma") telah secara otomatis menjadi "nama" bagi kita semua, atau seringkasnya disebut "nama" manusia.

    Roh Nubuat  dari zaman dahulunya, iaitu dalam kitab Kejadian 11 berbunyi: "
Marilah kita mencari "nama." Ada dua "nama" atau "karya" para pemerintah yang dominan, sejak dari zaman purba-kala lagi, iaitu karya yang ada kaitan dengan agenda utama kehidupan manusia di bumi: "Peace and Safety" dan juga "Monetary." Kedua-dua karya utama manusia tersebut akan akhirnya, menghambakan umat manusia, sehingga pada masa yang telah ditakdirkan, maka Sorgawi akan berkata: "Marilah kita turun..."

    Bila Hakim turun ke bumi bersama dengan para penuai (para malaikat), maka kita akan 'melihat' api yang disingkapkan melalui mesej penglihatan Roh iaitu guruh, halilintar, puting-beliung', dan gempa bumi! "1 
Dan ketika Anak Domba itu membuka meterai yang ketujuh, maka sunyi senyaplah di sorga, kira-kira setengah jam lamanya. 2 Lalu aku melihat ketujuh malaikat, yang berdiri di hadapan Allah, dan kepada mereka diberikan tujuh sangkakala. 3 Maka datanglah seorang malaikat lain, dan ia pergi berdiri dekat mezbah dengan sebuah pedupaan emas. Dan kepadanya diberikan banyak kemenyan untuk dipersembahkannya bersama-sama dengan doa semua orang kudus di atas mezbah emas di hadapan takhta itu. 4 Maka naiklah asap kemenyan bersama-sama dengan doa orang-orang kudus itu dari tangan malaikat itu ke hadapan Allah. 5 Lalu malaikat itu mengambil pedupaan itu, mengisinya dengan 'api' dari mezbah, dan melemparkannya ke bumi. Maka meledaklah bunyi guruh, disertai halilintar dan gempa bumi (Wahyu 8: 1-5). 

    Guruh, halilintar dan gempabumi adalah bahasa roh (abjad Roh), iaitu 'tanda-tanda' (signs) yang menyingkapkan hadirat Hakim untuk melaksanakan agenda Penghakiman dan Penghukuman ke atas penduduk bumi. Ringkasnya, guruh, halilintar dan gempabumi adalah 'tanda-tanda' hadirat Hakim di bumi yang membawa maksud pelaksanaan Penghukuman dengan 'api.' Keperincian hukuman oleh 'api' mengikut penggunaan bahasa 'roh' adalah 'menurut nubuat para nabi dari nabi-nabi Perjanjian Lama dan juga nabi-nabi Perjanjian Baru; semua nubuat penghakiman dan Penghukuman adalah api. Maka, "keluarlah api dari mulut Tuhan" bermaksud Penghukuman yang dinubuatkan oleh nabi-nabi Tuhan! Ia bukanlah api buatan manusia, melainkan mesej Firman Tuhanlah itu yang dimaksudkan sebagai api.

    Semua pemerintah di setiap negara sudah seia-sekata melalui 'perjanjian' untuk memperjuangkan atau melaksanakan 'nama' (mission) utama manusia, iaitu "Peace and Safety" dan "monetary." Tunjang utama agenda "nation building" atau "kingdom building" adalah berdasarkan 'menara' "Peace & Safety" dan "monetary." Maka, kekuatan sesebuah negara adalah tertakluk kepada keutuhan 'menara' "Peace and Safety" dan "monetary." Sedangkan, damai dan keselamatan sejati bagi umat Tuhan adalah nama Tuhan; 'nama' Tuhan adalah menara keselamatan yang kuat! "Nama TUHAN adalah menara yang kuat, ke sanalah orang benar berlari dan ia menjadi selamat" (Amsal 18: 10). Penulis tidaklah anti kepada karya-karya manusia kerana karya-karya manusialah yang dikatakan erti kehidupan daging! Namun, tanpa 'nama' Tuhan' di dalam kehidupan, karya-karya manusia di bumi hanyalah sekadar 'mendirikan' sebuah menara yang "...sampai ke langit!" Dan, 'nama' manusia sebagai mendirikan 'menara' tidaklah menjanjikan berkat Penebusan dan berkat keselamatan sejati!

   Kita telah melihat betapa bangsa-bangsa di dunia telah benar-benar telapun bersatu sejak tahun 1945  di dalam "nama" manusia atau "karya" manusia yang disebut "Peace and Safety" dan juga "Monetary." Peace and Security memerlukan kuasa politik (tanduk politik) untuk melaksanakan modus operandi nya, sedangkan "monetary"  pula memerlukan Perjanjian untuk ia menjadi 'seolah-olah' dianuti oleh manusia sejagat : "tanda di dahi dan tanda di tangan." Orang-orang yang percaya nama Tuhan bukanlah di seru untuk menjadi penentang-penentang "nama" manusia sejagat, tetapi mereka diseru untuk..."seek ye first the Kingdom of God." Di mana keutamaan seseorang, maka di sanalah dia dihambakan. Ada dua penghambaan yang kita pilih iaitu penghambaan nama Tuhan ataupun penghambaan nama-nama manusia. Yeshua menyeru pengikutNya dengan berkata: "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God." Ia adalah nasihat rohani yang menyingkapkan keutamaan kita sebagai manusia yang diciptakan menurut gambaran Allah: makhluk roh yang dibaluti daging. Di dalam nubuat Kitab Wahyu 13, pemerintah dituntut untuk membuat pengiraan yang bijaksana, kerana 'pengiraan' itu menentukan 'nama' iaitu 'duit' boleh membawa untung atau rugi! Kita bukan membenci agenda "monetary," akan tetapi 'nama' manusia itu adalah salah satu daripada banyak "tanda" yang menyingkapkan 'karya' Tuhan seterusnya di bumi. Pada ketika 'nama' sejagat yang dicari oleh manusia adalah 'monetary,' maka 'nama' Tuhan, iaitu Hakim akan tiba-tiba turun ke bumi untuk menghakimi semua bangsa dengan penuh keadilan! Walaupun, umat manusia bebas berkarya atau mencari "nama," namun 'nama' manusia akan menindan kebenaran bahawa Sang Pencipta adalah Pengarya Agung di Sorga dan di bumi!  Penghambaan 'duit' akan menindan penghambaan 'kasih Tuhan.' Karya duit akan seolah-olah membuatkan Karya Tuhan menjadi bahan ejekan. 

    Di jam terakhir Perdamaian, 'milik Kaisar' adalah urusan sejagat yang disebut "Peace and Safety"  dan "monetary," manakala 'milik Tuhan' adalah ibadah Roh, iaitu urusan menggenapi "Bapa Kami." Orang percaya yang gagal menyempurnakan "Bapa Kami" adalah tergolong 'seperti' jemaat di "Sardis" : "...1 "Dan tuliskanlah kepada malaikat jemaat di Sardis: Inilah firman Dia, yang memiliki ketujuh Roh Allah dan ketujuh bintang itu: Aku tahu segala pekerjaanmu: engkau dikatakan hidup, padahal engkau mati! 2 Bangunlah, dan kuatkanlah apa yang masih tinggal yang sudah hampir mati, sebab tidak satupun dari pekerjaanmu Aku dapati sempurna di hadapan Allah-Ku. 3 karena itu ingatlah, bagaimana engkau telah menerima dan mendengarnya; turutilah itu dan bertobatlah! Karena jikalau engkau tidak berjaga-jaga, Aku akan datang seperti pencuri dan engkau tidak tahu pada waktu manakah Aku tiba-tiba datang kepadamu. 4 Tetapi di Sardis ada beberapa orang yang tidak mencemarkan pakaiannya; mereka akan berjalan dengan Aku dalam pakaian putih, karena mereka adalah layak untuk itu (Wahyu 3: 1-4).

    Tiada satu orang pun di antara orang-orang percaya yang 'sempurna' ibadahnya di hadapan Roh Tuhan yang Maha Sempurna. Namun, kita dapat membuat pengakuan yang jujur kepada Tuhan, bahawa roh kita 'impure,' dan daging kita hanya berasal dari debu. Oleh kerana kita menambahi luka-luka'  hidup setiap hari, maka selayaknya  pengakuan kita berbunyi: "tanpa Mu, aku tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa." Yeshua bersabda: "
 I am the vine, you are the branches.Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit,because apart from me you can do nothing (John 15: 5)." "Berbuat apa-apa"  itu adalah urusan di antara 'ranting dan pokok,' iaitu urusan Firman Allah! The precept of every spiritual man says: "...while money is undeniably important in this last hour of the peace-age ('the church age'), the names of God are up to be the most absolute genuine Source of life."

     Roh Tuhan adalah Pengarya Langit dan bumi, dan setiap orang yang percaya perlu 'melihat' semula maksud bahasa Roh Tuhan melalui 'sajak nubuat' Tuhan kepada Nuh di dalam Kitab suci Kejadian 8: Tuhan berkarya di bumi berdasarkan mesej Roh dalam sajak  nubuat itu.

As long as the earth endures,seed-time and harvest,cold and heat,summer and winter,day and night will never cease.” (Genesis 8: 22)

  Apakah agaknya maksud sajak Roh Tuhan dalam Kejadian 8: 22 yang disampaikan kepada Nuh? (selepas Kiamat air). Secara ringkas, agenda Perdamaian dengan umat manusia di bumi ada terkandung dalam mesej 'roh' sajak itu. Malah, rahsia Kiamat (Kiamat api) yang akan datang juga, ada terkandung dalam mesej  sajak itu! Pada Kiamat air, hanya Nuh dan tujuh yang lain serta pasangan binatang  terpilih yang telah mewarisi kembali bumi! Dalam era post-Kiamat karya Raja Damai nanti, iaitu selepas selesainya 'Mangkuk Murka' (bowls of wraths) yang ketujuh, hanya mereka yang 'lemah-lembut' sahaja yang akan mewarisi bumi: "Berbahagialah orang yang lemah lembut, karena mereka akan memiliki bumi (Matius 5: 5)." Kedatangan Yesus yang kali kedua bukanlah Kiamat fizikal bumi melainkan pengakhiran Zaman Perdamaian. Zaman Gereja sebagai penuai akan tamat. 'Penuaian' akan diambil-alih dan dilaksanakan oleh para malaikat dalam era Judgment. Agenda Perdamaian yang disingkapkan oleh sajak Tuhan dalam Kejadian 8: 22 akan digenapi. Walaupun fizikal bumi tidaklah hancur berderai, namun Murka Hakim adalah sangat dahsyat sekali, dan tiada tolok bandingnya sejak dari  zaman Menara Babel, iaitu sejak bermulanya zaman bangsa-bangsa! Kiamat api hanya berlaku seperti yang tertulis dalam Wahyu 20: 7-8: "7 Dan setelah masa seribu tahun itu berakhir, Iblis akan dilepaskan dari penjaranya, 8 dan ia akan pergi menyesatkan bangsa-bangsa pada keempat penjuru bumi, yaitu Gog dan Magog, dan mengumpulkan mereka untuk berperang dan jumlah mereka sama dengan banyaknya pasir di laut (Wahyu 20: 7-8).

   Frasa "the earth endures" di dalam Kejadian 8: 22 adalah bahasa Roh Tuhan yang menyatakan sifat Ilahi yang "Panjang Sabar." Sifat-sifat Roh Tuhan adalah asal-usul kepada semua 'karya' atau 'nama' Tuhan. Justeru itu, 'nama' Tuhan itu juga adalah merujuk kepada sifat-sifat Ilahi. Yeshua yang telah menyempurnakan 'nama' Domba Tuhan adalah diutus oleh sifat Allah yang Kasih, mengasihani dan juga sifat setia mengampuni! Maka, Santo Yohanes menulis: " kerana betapa  besar 'Kasih' Tuhan kepada dunia sehingga ia mengutus "Anak Tuhan yang Mahatinggi..." Yeshua itu diutus kerana sifat Tuhan iaitu 'Kasih.'  Semua sifat-sifat Tuhan adalah 'nama' Tuhan kerana Tuhan berkarya di Langit dan di bumi mengikut sifat-sifatNya. Nama Tuhan yang 'immutable' ada dijelaskan kepada Nabi Moshe dalam Kitab Keluaran 34: 6-7. Kenapa pula ada 'nama' Tuhan (Covenanted) yang diutus bersama-sama dengan pengujudan Perjanjian-Perjanjian seperti Yahweh dan Yeshua ? Bila Kita rujuk Kitab Kejadian 8: 22, kita akan dapat jawapannya! Covenanted names of God dianugerahkan kepada umat manusia kerana pengwujudan Perjanjian, dan Perjanjian-perjanjian diwujudkan oleh Tuhan kerana Roh Tuhan berkerja dalam "menabur  dan menuai." "Menabur dan menuai" adalah agenda utama dalam 'karya' Roh Tuhan yang berkerja bersama-sama dengan umatNya ke atas semua bangsa, keturunan Adam yang 'luka,' ...selagi sajak itu masih berterusan berbunyi "
day and night will never cease."  "Nama" atau 'karya' manusia jelas sekali berbeda bila dibandingkan dengan 'nama' Tuhan. Karya-karya manusia keturunan Adam telah disingkapkan oleh frasa-frasa firman dari Roh Nubuat seperti: 'makan-dan minum,' 'kahwin dan mengahwinkan,' 'membuat batu-bata dengan membakarnya baik-baik,' mendirikan kota' dan menara,' dan juga 'membeli atau menjual': kesemua frasa di atas mengungkapkan kehendak manusia yang 'luka.' Kesemua frasa tersebut terkandung dalam cita-cita manusia yang berkata: "marilah kita mencari nama" ('nama' bermaksud 'karya.'). Roh Tuhan merelakan semua karya manusia yang disebutkan di atas, namun semua yang tersebut di atas akan tertakluk kepada "as long as the earth endures."

    Bila "Panjang Sabar" Tuhan sampai masa 'ia tidak bertahan lagi' ('the earth will no longer endure'), atau pada masa ia ditentukan seolah-olah 'habis Panjang Sabar,' maka semarak hadirat kekudusan Hakim yang menghanguskan, berserta dengan para penuai (malaikat) akan 'menjilat' orang-orang berdosa di bumi. Kita akan mendengar semula bahasa Roh "Langit" dan "bumi"  dalam Kejadian 8: 22 yang akan memberitakan maksud "habis Panjang  Sabar Tuhan" (no longer endure), sebagaimana yang diungkapkan oleh nubuat nabi-nabi dalam Yesaya 26: 20-21; Zechariah 14: 6-7 dan Matius 24: 29. 

    Petikan nubuat di atas adalah pengakhiran kepada mesej Perdamaian yang diberitakan oleh Kejadian 8: 22. Bahasa Roh, "Langit" dan "bumi," memberitakan karya keadilan Hakim (Mazmur 50: 3-4; Mazmur 19: 1-2). "Siang dan malam tidak henti-henti" akan menjadi "tiada siang dan tiada malam'." Zaman Perdamaian di antara Tuhan dan umat manusia akan berakhir dan ia berbunyi :"...the earth would no longer conceal the bloodshedding upon her." Atau, "
without daytime and without nighttime."

20 Mari bangsaku, masuklah ke dalam kamarmu, 
tutuplah pintumu sesudah engkau masuk ['spirit of prayer' ~nota penulis], bersembunyilah barang sesaat lamanya, sampai amarah itu berlalu. 21 Sebab sesungguhnya, TUHAN mau keluar dari tempat-Nya untuk menghukum penduduk bumi karena kesalahannya, dan 'bumi' tidak lagi menyembunyikan darah yang tertumpah di atasnya, tidak lagi menutupi orang-orang yang mati terbunuh di sana (Yesaya 26: 20-21).

6 Tetapi jika engkau berdoa, masuklah ke dalam kamarmu  (tabernacled spirit), 
tutuplah pintu dan berdoalah kepada Bapamu yang ada di tempat tersembunyi. Maka Bapamu yang melihat yang tersembunyi akan membalasnya kepadamu (Matius 6: 6).

     Permulaan zaman bangsa-bangsa bermula melalui "penghakiman dan penghukuman" di Menara Babel telah dinubuatkan dalam Kejadian 11: 6-8.  6 "
Mereka ini satu bangsa dengan satu bahasa untuk semuanya. Ini barulah permulaan usaha mereka; mulai dari sekarang apapun juga yang mereka rencanakan, tidak ada yang tidak akan dapat terlaksana. 7 Baiklah Kita turun dan mengacaubalaukan di sana bahasa mereka, sehingga mereka tidak mengerti lagi bahasa masing-masing."8 Demikianlah mereka diserakkan TUHAN dari situ ke seluruh bumi, dan mereka berhenti mendirikan kota itu (Kejadian 11: 6-8).

    Pengakhiran Zaman bangsa-bangsa yang telah bersatu 'seolah-olah' menjadi 'satu' melalui 'menara yang sampai ke langit', iaitu Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa-Bersatu (The United Nations), juga akan diakhiri dengan "penghakiman  dan penghukuman." Salah satu daripada banyak pemberitaan mengenai Pengakhiran Zaman bangsa-bangsa ada disingkapkan dalam Why.11: 18. "15 Lalu malaikat yang ketujuh meniup sangkakalanya, dan terdengarlah suara-suara nyaring di dalam sorga, katanya: "Pemerintahan atas dunia dipegang oleh Tuhan kita dan Dia yang diurapi-Nya, dan Ia akan memerintah sebagai raja sampai selama-lamanya." 16 Dan kedua puluh empat tua-tua, yang duduk di hadapan Allah di atas takhta mereka, tersungkur dan menyembah Allah, 17 sambil berkata: "Kami mengucap syukur kepada-Mu, ya Tuhan, Allah, Yang Mahakuasa, yang ada dan yang sudah ada, karena Engkau telah memangku kuasa-Mu yang besar dan telah mulai memerintah sebagai raja 18 dan semua bangsa telah marah, tetapi amarah-Mu telah datang dan saat bagi orang-orang mati untuk dihakimi dan untuk memberi upah kepada hamba-hamba-Mu, nabi-nabi dan orang-orang kudus dan kepada mereka yang takut akan nama-Mu, kepada orang-orang kecil dan orang-orang besar dan untuk membinasakan barangsiapa yang membinasakan bumi." 19 Maka terbukalah Bait Suci Allah yang di sorga, dan kelihatanlah tabut perjanjian-Nya di dalam Bait Suci itu dan terjadilah kilat dan deru guruh dan gempa bumi dan hujan es lebat (Wahyu 11: 15-19).

Kesilapan terjemahan perkataan "the age" dalam Alkitab Indonesia.

3 When he was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will this be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” (Matthew 24: 3, NRSCVE).  

   Perkataan "the age" diterjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia "dunia," maka maksudnya seolah-olah Kiamat fizikal bumi.  
Saya tiada kepakaran bahasa, namun perkataan "the age" yang dilihat secara 'roh' bersama-sama dengan firman yang tersingkap dari Kej.8: 22, Kej.11, Yes. 46: 10 dan lain-lain nubuat dari para nabi, adalah sepatutnya diterjemahkan kepada perkataan "Zaman." Maka, Matius 24 adalah nubuat Yeshua perihal "penghakiman dan penghukuman" Zaman bangsa-bangsa. Matius 24 adalah nubuat tentang penggenapan penyempurnaan penghakiman dan penghukuman Zaman bangsa-bangsa. Ia bukan perihal Kiamat fizikal bumi! Walaupun penghakiman dan penghukuman bangsa-bangsa sudahpun dimulakan sejak Hari Pentakosta, penyempurnaannya hanya akan digenapi apabila Hakim Kristus kembali ke bumi!

    Kiamat dunia hanya akan berlaku selepas '1,000' tahun seperti yang diwahyukan dalam Wahyu 20: 1-11.  
KEDATANGAN Yesus Kristus untuk kali ke-dua, yang dinubuatkan dalam Matius 24: 29-30, bukanlah kiamat kehancuran fizikal bumi melainkan, 'Nama'-nya sahaja sebagai 'Raja Damai' yang seolah-olah akan berhenti beroperasi, namun sekali-kali tidaklah ia terbatal, tetapi disempurnakan.

Sabtu, 7 Oktober 2017

...and His 'name' is called The Word of God; 'name' means 'handiwork' !

    In prophecy, divine "names" mean divine "handiworks." "Name" means "handiwork." Thus, the beasts' names reveal the "handiworks" or "missions" of the rulers! The 'name' of man on Earth was prophesied to subdue all  inhabitants of the earth into modern-form of slavery. The epitome phrases which reveal the nature of the 'name' says: "16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the 'name' of the beast or the number of its 'name' ['handiwork']." The presaging sentence which says "...to receive a mark on the right hand  or on their foreheads," in truth, discloses the phenomenon of 'entering into the Covenant of the 'name' i.e. international 'monetary' treaty/agreement. It further prognosticated the cryptic descriptions of that 'name.' It was written: 18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the 18 number ['handiwork'] of the beast, for it is the number ['handiwork'] of a man. That 'number' ['handiwork'] is 666 (Revelation 13: 16-18, NASB). The people of God had also received 'the mark.' In Scripture, 'free' man means born-again man. Thus, all people on Earth either the 'wheat' or the 'tares ' had both entered into the 'covenant' of 666. And everybody is involved in the daily chores of life called "buying or selling." The covenant offered the modern form of that prophesied ancient 'brick-making' in every city building (nation building). The ancient 'brick-making' prophesied in the book of Genesis Chapter 11 is equivalent to the modern slavery called "buying or selling." Every nation on Earth already entered into the treaty of this modern 'brick-making' i.e. referring to monetary. It is the tug of war between God and 'mamon' in every heart of men on Earth. No wonder why Yeshua exhorted every follower of the 'Way' to embrace the words, "seek ye first the kingdom of God," because such 'priority' determines whether we are the true branches or vice-versa.

    Modern 'Mamonism' as one of the worldwide 'names' of mankind on earth had long coiled up the whole earth, as if replacing the handiworks of the divine 'names.' The Adversary, Lucifer, was, in truth, a dethroned ruler. However, he seemed remaining enthroning upon mankind because he was subtly able to manipulate the hearts of men into the deceitfulness of wealth.  Modern mamonism had successfully replaced God's 'names' as the ultimate Sources of life. This is, indeed, the 'last-hour' slavery on Earth. We do not resist that 'slavery' because it is the basic 'brick-making' in every 'nation building.'  It was prophesied that those who had shrewdness in that human 'name' ('mission' or 'handiwork') were demanded to do shrewd 'calculation.' That human 'name' is the worldwide 'mission' of mankind on earth. Modern mamonism demands shrewdness in monetary calculation. However, as the followers of the 'Way,' we 'discern' the emergence of this modern mamonism as the 'sign' of times, so that we may know the 'ticking clock' in which hour we are living. It points to the fulfilment of the 'wonders' which were prophesied by the Prophets. We have seen the re-emergence of this ancient "tower of Babel" in our life times. The ancient prophetic words are reverberating: "4 Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city [nation or kingdom building], with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a 'name' for ourselves; (Genesis 11: 4). The 'mission' ('name') of mankind on earth had reached to the heavens. That mission or 'name' had become one of our important handiworks because we seek it everyday. It steals away and replaces the 'names' of God as the Sources of Life. When human mission enslaves mankind and it ('mission') becomes the utmost priority of life above divine names, then God would revealed it in prophetic words which says: "...that reaches to the heavens."

    The true mark on the forehead is always referring to the Lord's Passover, but all the kingdoms of the nations on earth have agreed to receive "the (false) mark on the forehead" by the "two-horned beast, out of the earth," and the sign of the beast subdues the true sign on the forehead by the Lamb of God. The 'name' of the God given unto Christ, who is the Source of Life throughout the Covenant of Peace is centered upon the covenant of the Passover of the Lamb of God, but the sign on the forehead given by the two-horns beast is 'monetary-covenant' or 'Mamon' that is hidden secretly as the 'name' of the beast: 666.

    I am not against the establishments or  the "names" of every 'nation-building' on earth, because Yeshua did not teach his followers to become anti-government.  'Nation-building' was equivalent to the ancient words "city-building" in Genesis 11. We stick to his teachings of submission unto the governments on earth. His words say: "Then he said to them, “So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” (Matthew 22: 21).  God demands us to embrace and to fulfill "Our Father" (Matthew 6: 9-13) as separate 'names' ('handiwork') from the 'names' ('handiworks') of the rulers on earth.  Each one of us acquires earthly "peace and security" by becoming a good citizen in a particular country: a country which is legally accepted by the United Nations. And yet, we 'see' the 'sign' of times which had appeared since 1945 CE; the 'sign' is the prophetic phrasal words "Peace and Security." It is the continuos reason and the main principle of every nation-building on Earth in this 'last-hour' of the 'age of Peace.' St. Paul had prophesied that 'sign' a long time ago in his epistle to the Christians in Thessalonia (1 Thessalonians 5: 3)!

Examples of qouted-verses which have the word "name/names" (divine 'names')

25 Adam had relations with his wife again; and she gave birth to a son, and named him Seth, for, she said, “God has appointed me another offspring in place of Abel, for Cain killed him.”26 To Seth, to him also a son was born; and he called his name Enosh. Then men began to call upon the 'name' of the Lord (Genesis 4: 25-26, NASB).

5 And the Lord descended in the cloud, and stood with him there, and proclaimed the 'name' of the Lord. 6 And the Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed, The Lord, The Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, 7 Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation (Exodus 34: 5-7, NASB).

He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake (Psalm 23: 3, NASB)

For Your name’s sake, O Lord, Pardon my iniquity, for it is great (Psalm 25: 11, NASB).

For You are my rock and my fortress; For Your name’s sake You will lead me and guide me (Psalm 31: 3).

Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of Your name; And deliver us and forgive our sins for Your name’s sake (Psalm 79: 9, NASB).

But You, O God, the Lord, deal kindly with me for Your name’s sake; Because Your loving-kindness is good, deliver me; (Psalm 109: 21, NASB).

6 “I have manifested Your name to the men whom You gave Me out of the world; they were Yours and You gave them to Me, and they have kept Your word (John 17: 6, NASB).

 9 I ask on their behalf; I do not ask on behalf of the world, but of those whom You have given Me; for they are Yours; 10 and all things that are Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine; and I have been glorified in them. 11 I am no longer in the world; and yet they themselves are in the world, and I come to You. Holy Father, keep them in Your name, the name which You have given Me, that they may be one even as We are. 12 While I was with them, I was keeping them in Your name which You have given Me; and I guarded them and not one of them perished but the son of perdition, so that the Scripture would be fulfilled (John 17: 9-12, NASB).

26 and I have made Your name known to them, and will make it known, so that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them” (John 17: 26, NASB).

And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his 'name' is called 'The Word of God' (Revelation 19: 13, NASB).

8 ‘I know your deeds. Behold, I have put before you an open door which no one can shut, because you have a little power, and have kept My word, and have not denied 'My name' (Revelation 2: 8, NASB).


    Spirit of Prayer demands a pure heart from the follower of the Way, but how could a believer's spirit be pure when man, in truth, is absolutely resourceless in purifying one's spirit. Yeshua said: " Blessed those pure heart for they will see the face of God" (Matt. 5: 8). The word "Blessed" means the presence of the flow of  the Sevenfold Spirit of God. Christ said "Blessed are the pure in 'heart' (spirit), for they will see God" (Matthew 5: 8). The word "Blessed" means the 'gift' from Heaven: the flows of  the gifts from the Sevenfold Spirit of God. Mankind has no resources to be imbued with such 'Blessedness'. 'Blessedness' can only be received by the wounded offspring of Adam through the operations of the Seven-fold Spirit: the Word of God. David testified that it was the "unfolding of The Word" which shaped up his 'belief' as according to the Word of God enabling him to be in the 'holy pathway' of prayer! The Word of God is the Sevenfold Spirit. The tangible Seven golden Lampstands in the ancient Tabernacle called the Menorah is always pointing to the intangible Sevenfold Spirit of God. Yeshua's name is the Word of God as revealed in Revelation 19: 13, Isaiah 11: 1-3; and Luke 24: 44

    The word of God is flawless, righteous, holy, and powerful. The basic understanding of the Voice of the Word were sang by David in Psalm 29.  Yeshua spoke: "all my words are spirit and life." The Word of God is the Spirit of God. The written words of God are subjected to be unfoldable; the simple minds understand the deeper spiritual meanings if the tongue of fire descends upon the wicks of our spirits.  "The unfolding of Your words gives light (spirit); it gives understanding [the spirit of Understanding] to the simple" (Psalm 119: 130). His voice comes to the 'the unfolding' of the written word of God through dream dreams, visions and Voice (Joel 2: 28).  The ancient Menorah pointed to the Sevenfold Spirit: the Word of God. It was once clothed with the flesh for 33 years due to the "name" given by the Father whom Prophet John the Baptist proclaimed as "the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the World." He is returning manifesting his consuming fire (holy).

How can a young man keep his 'way' pure?; By keeping it according to Your word [Sevenfold Spirit] (Psalm 119: 9, NASB).
6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me" (John 14: 6, NASB).
13 Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 if you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it (John 14: 13-14, NASB).

    Purity of one's spirit is the prerequisite in entering the presence of the Sevenfold Spirit of God: the Spirit of Prayer. The descendants of Adam are resourceless in justifying themselves except through the 'immutable names' of God and through the 'Covenanted names' of God. The Spirit of Understanding reveals unto us that the Immutable names of God are disclosed according to the Lord's names in the prophecies as in Exodus 34: 6-7. The divine attributes are the origins of divine 'names' (handiworks) ! Thus, divine 'names' are accountable and trustworthy! When the Immutable names of God established a covenant with a chosen people like Abram, Jacob, and David, then Covenanted names of God would be given unto the recipients of the Covenant. While Immutable names of God are always available unto any person whom He had predestined to be endowed with the gift of the fear of the Lord or even mercy, the Covenanted names of God are up to the terms of a particular Covenant. However, both Immutable names of God and the Covenanted names of God are absolutely having the same divine attributes. They are the same 'One' Divine Spirit.

5 And the Lord descended in the cloud, and stood with him there, and proclaimed the 'name' of the Lord.
6 And the Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed, The Lord, The Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, 7 Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation (Exodus 34: 5-7, NASB).

So, some of God's "immutable names" revealed through the spirit of Understanding in Exodus 34: 5-7 are as below: 

1) Merciful;
2) Gracious;
3) Long-suffering;
4) Forgiving;
5) Abundant in goodness;
6) True;
7) Flawless;
8) Righteous;
9) Powerful;
10)Consuming fire (Holy~"by no means clear the guilty) and etc. etc.,

    So, the divine attribute such as "forgiving" is one of his Immutable names. Thus, the New Covenanted 'name,' the  Lamb of God, is the exact manifestation of that immutable divine 'name' called "forgiving." Christ is faithful in forgiving as long as "day and night will never cease" just as the attribute of the covenanted 'name,' YHVH as revealed in Exodus 34: 6-7.

Jumaat, 29 September 2017

The destiny of the ‘seeds’ entrapped within each one of us...

The prophecy about the ‘seeds’ within a man

“26 Then God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.” 27 So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. 28 God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.” 29 God said, “See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. 30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so. 31 God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day." (Genesis 1: 26 – 31) [a]

Be Holy

"Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming. 14 As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. 15 But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; 16 for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” 17 Since you call on a Father who judges each person’s work impartially, live out your time as foreigners here in reverent fear. 18 For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, 19 but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.  20 He was chosen before the Creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.  21 Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God. 22 Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth, so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart.  23 For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring the Word of God. 24 For, “All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, 25but the word of the Lord endures forever.” And this is the word that was preached to you. " (1 Peter 1: 13-25). [b]

What is the spiritual meaning of  the words "...Father who judges each person’s work ..."?

    What is the phrasal meaning of "...each person's work”?  There are two distinguishable interpretations concerning the word "deed" or "work”: the earthly deeds and spiritual deeds. Earthly intellectual deeds are not necessarily for our survival per se, but God said “...the intent of man’s heart is evil from his youth.”  St. Peter’s words "each person's work," therefore, referring to the born-again believers' responses unto their Creator's "Deep calls deep”: faith (Hebrew 11: 1). The word "work' in verse 17 is referring to our spiritual works based upon the imperishable Seed (the Word of God) which demands faith. God's design for man was originally a spiritual man; a man who lived by faith.  Adam's centre of consciousness was dominantly on his spirit, before he was "wounded" by his transgression against the Source of life.

    Therefore, the phrase "a man's works" in St. Peter's Epistle in 1 Peter 1: 17 refers to the divine-ordained 'spiritual' duties.  Of course, the 'perishable being' (flesh) is weak and constantly marring the 'gist en' [it consists in, it lies in] [c] of the 'imperishable being' within; the weakened predisposition of the mortal being is always soiling the 'wounded' spiritual being of every man.  The subtle and intricate relationships between the flesh, the soul and the spirit are constantly soiling even the born again spirits. We are not only inheriting the ‘weakened seeds’ of 'flesh,' but also partaking the fate of darkened-spirits (cut off from the Source of light). The 'fall of man' explains why our consciousness is gravitated towards the intellectual capacities and nervous activities, though our spirits are obviously capable of occult practices... Nevertheless, the flesh-centred awareness of a man appeals dominantly to our five senses. Therefore, we are easily enslaved into fulfilling the desires of the 'flesh,' which also means ceaseless ‘wounding.’

    As we keep on wounding ourselves every day, the ‘wounds’ have kept on ‘cutting off’  the sensitivity of our ‘wicks of our spirits from 'entering' into the 'presence of the Imperishable Seed' (the Light  of God). The phrase "...each person's work" simply refers to the messages of the prophetic prayer in "Our Father" taught by Yeshua unto all believers. Praying 'Our Father' is the trait or lifestyle for every doer of The Word of God. The redeemed children of God were prophesied to call upon God as their eternal Holy Father. Every line in that prophetic prayer reveals the very core of daily 'worship' among the born-again believers, as if it becomes their 'lifestyles.' It points to the 'spiritual works' of a spiritual man as the citizen of the Kingdom: the citizens are the doers of the Word of God.

     The prophetic meanings of the unfolding of the words of God in that prayer reveal the very 'seeds' which would germinate into the 'imperishable' being of each believer.  The unfolding of the words in every line of the prayer of "Our Father" points to the main principles of spiritual life, so that they may grow as the fruitful citizens of the Kingdom of God. Every born again child sees that Heaven is God's 'seat' of His Sovereignty, heaven is likened to be the Father's headquarters in fulfilling his revealed wills: the Word of God or Christ. When the 'Seed' comes down on earth, then we shall see the fulfilment of the words of God: "...Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." If only we have that 'seed' in doing every work of God even "as small as a mustard seed," then our spiritual works shall be completed.

    The earth was predestined to be the place for the 'spiritual' man, and God commanded them "to be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it." Such divine command remained the same though the first man, formerly a spiritual man, had chosen to be independent from God's will. Since then, those who do not embrace the "seeds," as revealed in the prophetic prayer of Our Father, would unknowingly trying to subdue the earth by harnessing the lesser precepts based on the corruptible 'seeds': intellectual capacities and nervous activities." 'Be fruitful' refers to Divine will for every spiritual man. It does not to be literally interpreted as "productive procreation."[1] Procreation is merely related to the perishable seeds. God is rather concerned about "spiritual fruitfulness."[2] Prophet Isaiah revealed the Word of God: "the fruit of righteousness is peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever." (Isaiah 32: 17).

    God’s will for every spiritual man is to multiply, if he chooses to be fruitful. When ones are fruitful, then there would be many 'seeds.' We need more seeds when we want great multiplications. Continuous multiplication is easy when it is fruitful. The Kingdom of God is likened to be the work of the yeast in rice-wine-making. Each bacteria of the yeast is producing the same product: alcohol.  Eventually they would succeed in subduing the whole lump of carbohydrates. They follow the "principles" of "to be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it."[3] Our spiritual works must embrace those principles: fruitful, multiply, fill and subdue. Failure to be fruitful will cause less 'seeds,' and less seeds means slower rate of multiplying, and unproductive process in filling 'a space.' Therefore, 'unfruitfulness' is causing the unproductive process of subduing the earth. To be fruitful, we must have a complete trust in the Sower or the Giver of seeds: Christ. Witness of Christ is essentially the Spirit of prophecy, and without such, multiplication would merely fill a believer with intellectual digest. Outwardly, we may claim that we have subdued the earth, but unless we have learned to the secret of the Kingdom, then we would end up as the ones whom the Judge says... "...I will come like a thief. You will not know at what time I will come to you"... (Rev. 3: 3): we need the genuine 'Seed,' in order to 'wake up' the dying inside, otherwise the Judge says "your spiritual duties becomes an incomplete work." 

    All Spiritual works are based on all the Word of God either the written words of God or the spoken word of God. St. Peter wrote in 1 Peter 1: 15: But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; 16 for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” "...in all you do" refers to all Word of God. We are not demanded by God to be holy in doing the things what belonged to 'Caesars'. However, we might occasionally be entrapped and tempted to sin against Him, while we seek to fulfil our duties which belong to Caesar or our employers. Nevertheless, all sins are forgivable, thus we learn to see the goodness of God's blessing. The divine exhortation "Be holy, because I am holy” is rather practical when it is seen concerning the business of prayer, in which we are demanded to put on "the holy tunic" endowed by the Altar (the 'Way').  Thus, sinner is unable to call upon the Most Holy God, unless he is given the "Way" in covering oneself with the garment of righteousness!

    Life without "the Word of God" would incline us into lower-self life-goals as revealed by the prophetic phrases: "eating and drinking; 'brick-making'; building a city; building a tower; marriage and giving in marriage; seeking a 'name' for ourselves, and also the end-times' enslaving "buying or selling." All the above phrases are the daily chores of the 'wounded' man who seeks after the 'corruptible treasures.' When adjudged in front of the Almighty Judge, those 'works' would be as 'grain-less-sheaves or tares' which would be readily consumed by a breath upon his nostrils (Judge). Everyone who calls upon the Lord would be adjudged whether ones' works are perfect or incomplete. Those whose works found to be incomplete in the sight of God would be exhorted to obey and repent. Obeying means 'total' confidence in the things of what we are hoping for in the names of God: faith. Those 'Sardis-like-believers' are exhorted to repent because of their "incomplete works." Their goals are based on corruptible 'seeds'. We understand right from the beginning that the 'wounded' man tries to justify himself in the sight of God, just as what had been done by Adam: "sewing the fig-leaves" as covering. Doing the will of God as revealed in the prayer, Our Father, "thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven," must be preceded by correct 'understanding' concerning 'basic' spiritual 'covering' in prayer. To be the doer of the Word of God, means knowing how to put on a 'perfect' (holy) 'covering' according to the Word of God.  Unless we have learned 'complete trust's in the Way, our covering would merely reverberate what Adam and Eve had done after their 'fall.'  Such "sewn-fig-leaves" covering was driven by the corruptible precepts within the unrefined believers.

    Our spiritual work must be based on the 'incorruptible seed i.e.  the Word of God: Christ. Those who strive to please God by merely covering themselves with the "sewn fig-leaves," like what had Adam and Eve did in Eden, would definitely end up walking in 'darkness', so that they may learn to see the essence of priority in the Kingdom of God. Through divine mercy, they may see what is "precious" in their lives or else they may become 'the falling unripened fig tree fruits,' when the skies proclaim his handiwork ('name').  "But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you." (Rev. 3: 3). God reveals that those who have complete works (perfect) are those who have not soiled their garment. They are "dressed in white." Those who had learned how to dress in white would be promised that their names not to be blotted out from the book of life. And their names would be acknowledged before Our Father and his angels. (Rev. 3: 5-6).

    Only those who have been taught by the Seven-fold-Spirit in putting on the "white garment" could withstand the present of the consuming fire of the Lord. Every Prophet had learned this lesson i.e. walking in 'darkness.' For those who are walking in darkness prior to that Day of the Lord, know therefore, that darkness is not your enemy, but like sons of Korah's expression in Psalm 88:  let them say "...the darkness is my closest friends." In God's perfect knowledge and wisdom, 'darkness' is the very place to discern God's finger that once touched Jacob's peniel and transformed him to be a man who knew the meaning of 'complete trust in God.  Prophet Isaiah prophesied "Let him who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust in the name of the Lord and rely on his God. (Isaiah 50: 10). Trusting in the 'name' of the Lord could be discerned as "trusting completely in the Word of God." Divine "name' means divine handiwork i.e. the Word of God (Seven-fold Spirit). Thus, "complete works" must begin with "complete trust" in the handiworks of the Seven-fold Spirit. Unless our faith is refined, our trust would linger within mental level: Without faith, God is not pleased.

    Complete trust is pleasing in the sight of the Lord. You are not accepted based on our mental precepts.  God's power could only flow into us when we have learned the basic lesson of complete trust to the 'incorruptible Seed.' Yeshua is the 'incorruptible Seed: the Seven-fold Spirit or the Word of God. All believers must be the branches to the Seven-fold Spirit in order to be able to flow into the spirit of prayer: Our Father. When unfolded by God, the prayer--Our Father would be seen as the spiritual precepts in becoming the doers of the Word of God. A complete trusting in the Work of God would lead us as the "overcomers:" complete works. Without 'complete trust,' in that Seed, we couldn't overcome the world. The 'world' or 'earth' means: "eating and drinking; 'brick-making'; building a city; building a tower; marriage and giving in marriage; seeking a 'name' for ourselves, and also the end-times' enslaving "buying or selling."  Those prophetic phrases are the things men on earth do every day. They are diverting our 'priority' as the citizens of the greater Kingdom of the King of Kings and Lord of lords. Without 'complete trust' or 'genuine faith' (even as small as mustard seed), we are unable to be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it.  We cannot subdue the prophetic phrases "eating and drinking; 'brick-making'; building a city; building a tower; marriage and giving in marriage; seeking a 'name' for ourselves, and also the end-times' enslaving "buying or selling," unless we have learned "complete trust" in the incorruptible "Seed."

    Yeshua counsels, comforts and edifies us with these words: "These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” (John 16: 33).  We cannot escape ourselves from 'receiving' the "mark on the forehead and the mark on the right hand" or the 'name' of the beast. That 'mark' is the prophesied end-times' mammon in 'brick-making' (ancient prophetic words in Genesis 11)  or "buying or selling." The 'name' or 'the handiwork' ('name') of all governments on earth is the greatest force on earth that steals away the 'priority' of every citizen of the Kingdom. That 'name' is the very core or 'the brick' for the activities of "buying or selling" on earth. Modern transaction of "buying or selling" is birthed out from modern'Mammonism.' The post-World-War II 'monetary' or the 'name' of every beast in every nation is enslaving the inhabitants of the earth. And even the "free-men" (born again followers of the 'Way') are subjected to that "receiving" of "the mark." We cannot freed ourselves from that subtle false source of life, except we have learned the basic principle of the Word of God i.e. "to be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it." This is the spiritual principle to be embraced by every citizen in the Kingdom of God.   Modern mam-monism steals away the followers' priority Matthew 6: 33.

    Modern Mammonism ('monetary') itself in the eyes of secular view is the basic medium for "buying or selling" on earth. It is the pulsating heartbeat for 'nation-building' of all governments on earth just as the prophetic words of 'brick-making' which was the basis of 'city-building' in ancient Babel in Genesis 11. God's names are the eternal Sources of life on earth because He is the Creator and owner of this Creation. Modern monetary is the human 'handiwork' on earth: it is the 'name' of man.  Lamb of God, for example, was the 'name' or 'mission' ('handiwork') of Divine Spirit on earth. Divine handiwork is the Word of God. We are spirit creatures clothed with the flesh. In the age of the Prince of Peace, it seemed that we need both the divine 'names' and also the 'names' made by man on earth. Nonetheless, Yeshua revealed that we cannot serve two masters.

    Yeshua's exhortation in Matthew 6: 33 suggests which one we serve, but we are somehow serving and seeking both of them. The worship is somehow like a tug of war for every believer. Only the incorruptible Seed that has the ability to empower us in subduing the 'mark' from enchanting our spirits.  The words of the ancient people at the tower of Babel kept on enchanting human race on earth.  “...come, let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will reach into heaven, and let us make for ourselves a name." And those words remind us of what the Lord had revealed unto us through Prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 46: 10: " [He is] declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things which have not been done." That ancient prophetic-phrases "let us make for ourselves a name" reverberates into this present times, and the "name" we made on earth is "monetary." The leaders of the "name" are the ruler of every nation on earth. The leading ruler of the modern covenant of monetary on earth was the United States of America, and she has not yet ceased to be the money-hegemony on earth. The prophetic phrases in Genesis 11 "...let us make for ourselves a name..." prophesied to be the adversary of divine "names" on earth. Modern-'monetary', in truth, is the 'name' or 'handiwork' made by the inhabitants of the earth in the last hours; Monetary as the basis of 'nation-building' still fulfils the principle of fruitfulness of this mortal-life that glorifies "the tree of knowledge," and yet it denies the true application of fruitfulness of righteousness since monetary was birthed out in sins. It deprives us the true practice of "the true branches of the True Vine." Since our consciousness is centred on the flesh, monetary naturally becomes the 'brick' for us in every transaction of "buying or selling" in our life. It subtly devalues the divine gift of eternal life ('fullness of life'). It steals away the significance of "seeking first the kingdom of God" from every heart of the citizen of the Kingdom.

     Modern 'mammonism' diverts our spiritual "seeking" for the 'names of God:" it opposes the divine design for every spiritual man which is redeemed by the 'Seed,' so that those whom he called to in the book of life would be dependent upon the true Source of Life: the Word of God. The divine names are the Sources of life, but eventually all people on earth would be subtly enslaved with another object of "seeking:” We seek mammon every day, as if it is the source of life! God's Spirit, the Father of all spirits, teaches us that His "names" are the eternal Sources of life. He told us that His Sevenfold-spirit is the true treasure for every 'spiritual man’ whose names written in the book of life (Isaiah 33: 6). However, the words which keep on reverberating from ancient times "...let us make for ourselves a name...” have become the enchanting consciousness which subtly contends against the revealed Divine 'names.'   

  1.     No governments on earth has ever acknowledged the 'names' of God, as the Sources of life.  All peoples on earth are saying the same words from the ancient Babel: "...let us make for ourselves a name..." They are now saying the same words through the United Nations.  We are seeing the 'appearances' of the 'signs of times.' Since 1945 CE, we have seen two horns simultaneously that "came out from the earth." The first horn was the power to achieve "Peace and Security" on earth, and the second horn was the authority to establish 'practical medium' for business transactions in "buying or selling" i.e. the covenanted "modern-monetary."  The leading ruler is undeniably the United States of America. The establishment of the United Nations after WW 2 was fulfilling the prophetic words "like a lamb" in Revelation 13 because she says "Peace and Security:" the five-veto-power nations became the cabal leaders of that world governance.  That world governance does not intend to embrace the Word of God as the true source of "peace." Every spiritual man sees that the establishment of the modern mammon is likened to that ancient 'brick-making' for erecting "a tower that reached to the sky." Modern Mammonism is the basis of 'nation-building.' It is likened to 'brick-making' activities that became the basis business in erecting a tower, and building a city in East Shinar: they enslaved themselves in building "...the tower that reaches to the sky."  Thus, we are on the brink of hearing Divine pronouncement "Come, let us go down ..." We are in the last hour of modern Mammon's enslavement. Modern-Mammonism is the basis for the prophetic phrase in Revelation 13, "buying or selling." You cannot personally 'subdue' mammon in our lives, unless we have learned the basic to be the true branches of the true Vine i.e. "complete trust" in the greatest Seed (the incorruptible Seed: the Word of God). Only then, we could say that we may understand the spoken message of Yeshua in John 16: 33:  "These things I have spoken to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world."

The greatest ‘seed’

20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed (the incorruptible ‘Seed ’~the 'Seven-fold Spirit'), you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17: 20)

    That Seed is the Word of God. The Word of God is covenanted by the divine 'handiwork' ('name') either in the Old Covenant or in the New Covenant. All God's Word are "spirit and life." A genuine 'Seed,' though as small as mustard seed, is able to move a mountain of 'unbelief.' Faith that moves mountain cannot be learned overnight.  It is refined through 'personal' wilderness or darkness. Neither can it be learned through secular education nor through formal Biblical-study.

The 'mysterious' promise

    51 Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed--52 in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 53 For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. 54 When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.”

The Creation of Man and Woman

"1 Thus the heavens and the earth were completed, and all their hosts.2 By the seventh day God completed His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.3 Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.4 This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made earth and heaven.5 Now no shrub of the field was yet in the earth, and no plant of the field had yet sprouted, for the Lord God had not sent rain upon the earth, and there was no man to cultivate the ground. 6 But a mist used to rise from the earth and water the whole surface of the ground.7 Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.8 The Lord God planted a garden toward the east, in Eden; and there He placed the man whom He had formed. 9Out of the ground the Lord God caused to grow every tree that is pleasing to the sight and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.10 Now a river flowed out of Eden to water the garden; and from there it divided and became four rivers.11 The name of the first is Pishon; it flows around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold.12 The gold of that land is good; the bdellium and the onyx stone are there.13 The name of the second river is Gihon; it flows around the whole land of Cush.14 The name of the third river is Tigris; it flows east of Assyria. And the fourth river is the Euphrates.15 Then the Lord God took the man and put him into the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it. 16 The Lord God commanded the man, saying, “From any tree of the garden you may eat freely;17 but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die.”18 Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.”19 Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the sky, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called a living creature, that was its name.20 The man gave names to all the cattle, and to the birds of the sky, and to every beast of the field, but for Adam there was not found a helper suitable for him. 21 So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place. 22 The Lord God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man.23 The man said, “This is now bone of my bones, And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.”24 For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh. 25 And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed." [d]

The Manna from Heaven: the Sevenfold Spirit (the Word of God)

4 But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God’” (Matthew 4: 4, NASB).

     In the beginning, as He hath seen it from the end of it as well, God created man from two types of ‘essence’: the perishable body which sprang forth from the earth, and also from the imperishable being (spirit) which was breathed into by the nostril of God. Those two types of body were carrying the 'seeds' subtly woven in every cell of his body, and it explained why man was ‘a spirit-creature,’ and yet he was also clothed with the earthen corruptible vessel. The imperishable being clothed with the corruptible being (flesh). This truth also explains why Yeshua said: ‘Man shall not live on bread (corruptible) alone, but on every word (incorruptible) that proceeds out of the mouth of God” (Matthew 4: 4).  A man has two beings in ‘one’ i.e. the perishable body and the imperishable body. It is certainly subjected to the ‘darkening’ (without the Source of Light).  The literal bread represents the sustenance for the corruptible being, and the Word of God is the sustenance for the incorruptible being i.e. inter-weaved or trapped within this earthen vessel! It also explains the reason why every believer should be praying for the providence of either the corruptible food or the incorruptible food. Therefore, our existence on earth needs two types of sustenance: the food for the flesh and the food for the spirit.

    7 Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground (corruptible being), and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (incorruptible being); and man became a living being (Genesis 2: 7). Originally, He designed and created man as ‘a spiritual-man.’ A spiritual man means a man whose consciousness is dominant and dependent on the tree of Life (incorruptible sustenance). So, a spiritual man means a person who is dependent on the incorruptible divine sustenance: the Word of God. We could rephrase that prophecy in verse 7: God formed man from perishable being (dust), and he breathed imperishable being into the perishable being. Then, later on man began to ‘eat’ the perishable sustenance in Eden (the forbidden fruits from the tree of knowledge), and God had to ‘cut off’ the accessibility of Adam to that incorruptible sustenance,’ fruits of the tree of Life. Thus, God created man and woman to live by ‘faith’ in Eden i.e. total dependent upon the Word of God (the incorruptible seed)! All word of God are divine Law. God’s design for Adam and Eve was total dependency upon the Word of God (the Sevenfold Spirit): “to live by faith.”

    The absolute spiritual divine Law in Eden is “to live by faith.” Eating the forbidden fruits from the Tree of Knowledge means failure 'to live by faith.' And, this resulted the prophetic word ‘death’ dominated the whole being of man. Unless God endowed the ‘Way’ unto the transgressor, he remained to be subjected to that power of death (sins). Later on earth, the descendants of Adam continued to seek many schemes in order to sustain the corruptible and incorruptible being within him.  Adam's naivety, by ignoring divine laws which forbade him from eating the forbidden fruits, had activated the corruptions of both 'essence' within him:  the perishable and the imperishable. The chain-effects of that disobedience (unbelief) re-predestined the seeds within Adam to spring forth the descendants whom God saw as sinners: After the deluge, He (God the Creator) said: “...the intent of man’s heart is evil from his youth.”

    The account of Eden in the book of Genesis did not tell us about the dawn of mankind in literal sense.  All divine words in Genesis spoken through Prophet Moshe prophesied the 'ends' and the 'beginnings' of Creation and mankind. They reveal unto us the destinies of the ‘seeds’ entrapped within each one of us. And man had chosen to live by sight since Adam's days because “6 ...the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate.” It rather prophesied their predisposing choice in glorifying the perishable being within them. Eating the forbidden fruits of the tree of knowledge meant they glorified the perishable being within them. They transgressed and defied divine holy instructions i.e. the incorruptible Manna.

   They began to live by the corruptible side of man: the senses of the earthen vessel. They defied the divine ultimate design that was to live by faith in Eden. The laws of Eden says that if they ever wanted to stay in Eden, then “they must live by faith:” the tree of Life. A single act of failure in obeying the laws of faith caused them to be ‘cut off’ from the providence (Manna) of the Tree of Life. The rebellious man cannot partake what is incorruptible in the Kingdom of God.  It is against the Laws of Sustenance in Eden. God had to ‘cut off’ Adam from partaking the holy sustenance or the incorruptible fruits of the tree of Life. They must be holy if they ever wanted to be forever as the partakers of the ‘incorruptible food’ (the fruits of the tree of Life).

    The prerequisite in partaking the incorruptible Manna in Eden is ‘holiness.’ The consequence of defying or rebelling against the rule of holiness was to be driven out of Eden. The phrase “to be driven out of Eden" is better understood as the revelation of the truth concerning the spiritual laws of holy Manna of Eden. To be the partaker of the fruits of Tree of Life, then one must be holy. Thus, the prerequisite to be fruitful also means to be the partaker of the imperishable seed of Eden. Sinner is forbidden to take part of the fruits of the tree  of Life. 

    Therefore, a sinner means an unfruitful man in the sight of God. Sinners not only defile this earth with blood-shedding, but also frequently intend to destroy this earth, and yet God had predestined their destiny: " 18 and the nations were enraged, and Your wrath came, and the time came for the dead to be judged, and the time to reward Your bond-servants the prophets and the saints and those who fear Your name, the small and the great, and to destroy those who destroy the earth.” (Revelation 11: 18).  In the end, the destiny for those unfruitful men would be meted out in Judgment. Unless we are given the divine ‘way,’ then sinners have no access to partake the 'Manna' of the Kingdom of God. The mythical ‘expulsion’ of Adam from Eden is, in truth, rather spiritually discerned as prophetic revelation! So, the whole book of Genesis is prophetic revelations. The messages in the holy book of Genesis are given unto us according to 'the Spirit of Prophecy.' It reveals that man was created from two types of essence, and they were carrying within them those two types of seeds: the corruptible seeds (flesh) and the incorruptible seeds (spirit)!

    The flesh was corrupted while the spirit was darkened due to the power of 'sins.' Everything is in small things (seeds), and small things (seeds) are in everything. God began the intangible and tangible realities with ‘seeds.’ God created the incorruptible ‘seeds’ from His Word (Seven-fold Spirit). And He also created the corruptible body from the ‘earth.’ Genesis 1: 26 says: Then God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness (Incorruptible 'seed ‘~spirit); and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.” Man was predestined to enjoy freedom with his freewill, and to be the ruler on earth. The power of Sins entered into human’s seeds, and man began to be enslaved in sins (the power of death), and they began to wage wars against each another, seeking to dominate each another, and even endeavouring to enslave each another. Christ came to liberate us from the 'root' of the power of death, thus, that man may live again as a spiritual man. When the 'imperishable being' within a man was darkened or 'cut off' from its original Source of Light, it needs the prophesied 'Seed' to resurrect the 'cut off'  spirit. Thus, he came (to us), as the Lux Lucet in tenebris!


[a] “Genesis 1: 26 – 31.”  BibleGateway. The Creation of Man and woman. The Lockman Foundation. 7 September 2016. <https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+1&version=NASB>

[b] “1 Peter 1: 13-25.” BibleGateway. The Creation of Man and woman. The Lockman Foundation. 7 September 2016. <https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1Peter+2&version=NASB>

[c]   Harper, Douglas. Word Origin and History for gist Expand.  Online Etymology Dictionary © 2010. 06 September 2016. <http://www.dictionary.com/browse/gist?s=t#>

[d]  “Genesis 2.” BibleGateway. The Creation of Man and woman. The Lockman Foundation. 7 September 2016. <https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+2&version=NASB>

[1] Munroe, Myles. your destiny is chosen by God, but its fulfillment is decided by you.  05 September 2016. <https://www.Facebook.com.youtube.com/watch?v=0w_a_...>
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.