Jumaat, 6 September 2019

“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” (Genesis 8: 22)

    In truth, God adjudges all peoples on earth on daily basis. We just could not comprehend how he executes justice for all peoples. It is beyond our understanding! We merely know 'in parts' about God's justice! And that 'in parts' are miniscule revealed knowledge and understanding which we have received from the impartations of the 'mouths' of God! David witnessed that,  "God is a righteous judge, a God who displays his wrath every day" (Psalm 7: 11). In the Old Covenants days, the Judge was YHVH. In the post Pentecost era, during the Church's age (Peace age or the New Testament Sion), the descending Judge on earth is the Holy Ghost. And the 'completion' of Last Judgment for all nations (all races) would be executed by the returned Christ on earth! The age of the nations was birthed out from the outcomes of divine judgment on the ancient "tower of Babel." The returned Christ would finalize the last judgment upon those many nations' on earth! The 'Way' of the returned Christ is in the 'Whirlwind.' We could see many examples in the Scripture concerning  the divine (Judge) theophanic presence on earth such as in Job 38:1, Genesis 15:12-21, Exodus 14: 24; Exodus 33: 9-11; Exodus 34: 5-7; Psalm 18: 7-14 and Nahum 1:3.  And, we are interested in this final divine judgment upon 'all' nations on earth.  Almost all prophets had had seen the 'visions' about the Judgment of all nations in their spiritual visions and there were called 'the prophecies for the nations.'

    The biblical records revealed that Lucifer had once tried to usurp the throne of Heaven but he had failed. The coup d'état ended up Lucifer as the loser. He didn't succeed in gaining any heavenly territory, or any even a single layer of the seven-layered-heaven!  He was expelled from heavens and thus, he became the ruler of the lower realms of existences called 'the sky' and 'the earths'.  The angels of Lucifer who rebelled against God had become the principalities of the air; each exerted one's control over a particular territory of the vast realms of the skies. Lucifer remains as the principal ruler of the 'skies.'  "The skies or the air" are referring to the spirit realms which exist between Heavenly layers  and earthly realms.  God had  had revealed that Lucifer was the  invisible power who choreographed behind  the emergences of "the beasts" which were prophesied in Daniel 7, Revelation 13, and also the beast mentioned in the book of Revelation 17. In the final judgment, the sky and the earth would be ultimately redeemed by God, and the Old Serpent, and the false prophets, and the beasts would be thrown into the 
eternal fire of hell. The 'woman' or the house of Jacob was created by the will of God (YHVH). And the new covenant 'woman' (the Church) was also created by the will of the Spirit of God. Thus, history of human civilizations and human kingdoms on earth were, in truth, not created by human decision makings alone, but there were unseen forces who subtly interweaved all things together which shaped events what we called histories. The two opposing forces are the Good and the Adversary. The spirit realms called 'sky' and 'earth' became the perpetual battlefields between Good and Evil. The philosophy of education taught us histories according to the 'facts,' our teachers rarely tell us the 'truth.' It is very difficult to teach the truth because we have many religions which have different views concerning what truth is. And the second reason is that truth is discerned and therefore, it is not merely confined within the comprehensions through intellectual capacities!

    The divine judgment upon 'all' nations have not yet completed; YHVH had not completed the judgment mission, and even the Holy Spirit had not yet fulfilled all the prophesied 'judgment' for all nations (all races) on earth. And, therefore, the Final Judgment for 'all nations' had had awaited the return of Christ for that fulfilment! There are numerous prophecies to be fulfilled, in so much so that, God could  take at least, 70-year-period or even more than the 70 years, for the fulfilment of the apocalyptic Judgment of Christ on earth. In Leviticus chapter 26 in verse 18, 21 and 28, the Lord Yahweh revealed that His judgment upon His peoples was consistently in the known periodic pattern: seven-times and over. The Judgment for His own peoples is oftentimes involving the 'particular' and 'general' Judgment! The Judah kingdom, for example, was once exiled for 70 years into Babylonian captivity, and it was categorized as 'general' judgment, since even the true Prophets were taken captive as well. Individual judgment such as 7-year-period of Nebuchadnezzar's insanity in a remote village near ancient Tema was considered as 'particular' judgment, while the  Final Judgment for all nations is frequently referred as the final destinies of all nations! We presume that the returned Christ would adjudge all nations just like with how YHVH adjudged in the old covenant days. Since the Spirit of Yahweh and the Spirit of Christ are "One," so there were many revelations in which we could learn from the divine Judiciary  of the Spirit of Christ by 'seeing' the judiciary of YHVH.

    The simple revelation of the Divine handiworks for the fallen humankind was prophesied through the divine poem given unto Noah in the book of Genesis 8: 22. We would be astonished in 'seeing' the unfolding of the divine lyrics (Thy words); its light gives 'understanding' unto our simple mind. We knew that God is the Creator and the Father of all spirits. We also know that He constantly maintains the created universe. He also endowed 'Salvation' for the human race! Maintenance and Salvation were already in the 'package' of His blessing which He had had pronounced on the seventh day of Creation. The Scripture recorded the blessing in the book of Genesis: "3 Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done." Such blessing was later celebrated as the Sabbath day! The blessing was for the ''maintenance" for the natural Creations and also for the ''Salvation" for the human race. It was just like after we  have completed in  building our  houses, then we must have the plans for the 'ownership,' 'maintenance' and 'safety.' However, we don't call it 'maintenance' and 'safety' for the Creation of God, God called it as "Redemption and Salvation." So, the 'blessings' which God spelled out on the seventh day was, in truth, referring to His grandeur plans for Redemption and Salvation. While the Redemption is involving the changing of 'ownership' from the slavery of sins or kingdom of 'death'  into the Kingdom of Light, the blessing of  'Salvation' is up to be based on  the continuous divine faithfulness in providing forgiveness for the sinning believers. We understood that the blessing of 'both' Redemption and Salvation was flowing from divine 'immutable' name as proclaimed in Exodus 34: 5-7. The divine agenda in Redemption and Salvation is also revealed in the poetic phrase called "seedtime and harvest" in Genesis 8: 22.

As long as the earth endures,
seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
day and night
will never cease.” (Genesis 8: 22)

    The first stanza of the poem reveals that the 'mission' ('name') of Divine Judgement is depending on the earth's endurance. "Day and night" shall leave off when the phrase becomes "without daytime and without nighttime." It means that the earth's endurance would become "no longer endure" when the prophetic phrase "without daytime and without nighttime"  revealed unto us through the 'mouths' of God. It ("without daytime and without nighttime") was prophesied in Zechariah 14: 5-7, Matthew 24: 29 and Revelation 6: 12-15. The word 'earth' in that poem (Genesis 8: 23) is not referring to the literal tangible earth; it refers to the spirit's realm called 'earth.' When the earth was no longer 'enduring,' then there would be sign "a great earthquake" in the spirit's realm called "earth." And, such earthquake, was the momentous 'sign' on earth, which pointed to the descending 'time' of the Judge on earth. It must be seen in the spirit's realms called "earth." It must not be mistaken with this tangible literal earth! The 'earthquakes' which were mentioned in Matthew chapter 24 serve to be as  one of the precursor signs  of His Second Advent. It should not be interpreted as 'literal' earthquakes because, in fact, Scientific studies revealed that there would be always literal tremors which occurred on earth in every 5-minute-interval of time. Of course, Yeshua had prophesied that there would be numerous 'earthquakes' which occurred in many places on earth as recorded in Matthew chapter 24, but those earthquakes were the 'prophesied' literal earthquakes which would take place before the coming of the day of the Lord. The frequency of 'prophesied' earthquakes would be increasing, as the Day of the Lord is nearing. And, even in the post 'theophanic descending' of the Lord  i.e. in the trumpets' wraths of God or in the bowls of divine wraths of God, there were many 'prophesied' earthquakes that would take place on earth. Definitely, we are neither talking about the empirical conclusions nor statistical digests! We are talking about the 'earthquake' which serves to be the momentous Sign of the Judge's  theophanic presence on earth! The exact 'Sign' of the beginning of  'ceased-endurance of the earth' is seen  in a spirit's realm as "a great earthquake" (Revelation 6: 12-13).

    Revelation 6: 12-15 foretells the presence of three main signs namely the sign on earth, the sign in the sky and the sign in heaven. The manifestations of those three converging signs which appeared almost simultaneously in three different spirits' realms unfold the 'exact' timing of theophanic descending moment of the dreadful Judge on  earth! The sheepherders ('the unknown prophets') who were keeping watch over their sheep's flocks  at night in the vicinity of Bethlehem, and the three wise men had had once witnessed the similar converging 'signs' seen from three different spirits' realms as at the birth of Christ ~ 2,000+ years ago. Those who are familiar with the flow of the Spirit of Prophecy would normally be able to understand and discern such triplet occurrence of  'signs' which point to the 'exact' setting of  the theophanic descending of the Judge on earth.  When the spirit's realm of the 'earth' or the 'pillars' ('pillars' aka 'foundations' as in Psalm 82: 5) were shaken or quaked, then we knew that the earth is "no longer enduring."

    Prophet Asaph in Psalm 50: 4 sang: "He summons the heavens above, and the earth, that he may judge his peoples:" The Judge summons the spirit's realm called the 'earth' as to pronounce that apocalyptic Judgment: the 'earth' would then depicts "great earthquake" in a spiritual vision as in the vision of St. John in Revelation 6: 12. It means the 'sign' on earth is proclaimed! 'Quake' reveals the failing 'endurance' of the spirit's realm called 'earth,' thus, it points to the timing of Divine Judgment. Prophet Isaiah prophesied the same spiritual truth concerning the ceasing 'spiritual' endurance of the earth as in Isaiah 26: 20-21:

20 Go, my people, enter your room and shut the doors behind you;
hide yourselves for a little while
until his wrath has passed by.
21 See, the Lord is coming out of his dwelling, to punish the people of the earth for their sins. The earth will disclose the blood shed on it; the earth will conceal its slain no longer.

    In other words, the if & then lyrical phrases of the poem in Genesis 8: 22 elucidate the basis of 'knowing' the "kicking-off" of the dreadful Day of the Lord. The Lord Yahweh in Isaiah 46: 10 gave us the  correct precept in 'seeing' and 'reading' the signs of times. Yahweh said, "I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come." Isaiah 46: 10 reveals unto us the main spiritual trait of the Spirit of Prophecy. The phrase which states "the Lord makes known the end from the beginning" is, in truth, revealed one of the traits of the spirit of Prophecy!

    The poem in Genesis chapter 8 verse 22 was purposely given unto Patriarch Noah, so that his descendants would be endowed with the main revealed 'signs' which also pointed the 'beginnings' of the "endings," concerning the dreadful Day of the Lord. Our knowledge and understanding of Isaiah 46: 10 would help our spiritual precepts, so that we may know how to read the 'signs' of the coming apocalypse!  We knew that the Lord's grandeur handiwork on earth was always the missions of "seedtimes and harvests" (the second line of the lyrics) based on the second stanza of the poem in Genesis 8: 22.  The protraction of  divine covenanted Peace by the Prince of Peace is subjected to that prophesied phrase "day and night will never cease." If the phrase "day and night" is somehow unceasing, then we knew that the 'earth' is still 'enduring.'

    That  poem contained the precious revealed prophetic "beginning" which pointed to the "ending," as we see it through the spiritual precepts as according to Isaiah 46: 10. Spiritually speaking, the 'ending' would be somehow prophesied as "without daytime and without nighttime." Through correct cross-referencing, the prophesied "ending" is clearly seen in Zechariah 14: 5-7, as prophesied by prophet Zechariah.

"6 On that day there will be neither sunlight nor cold, frosty darkness. 7 It will be a unique day—a day known only to the Lord—with no distinction between day and night. When evening comes, there will be light" (Zechariah 14: 6-7).


...when 'evening' comes, there will be 'Light'

    It was clear that the "beginning," was the prophetic phrase "day and night." And, the "ending" would be the opposite meanings of the former phrase: "without daytime and nighttime." "The phrase" without daytime and without nighttime" is the very 'sign' which could be seen in the 'sky' (the spirit realm called 'sky'), which pointed to the Day of the Lord (Judgment). The similar meanings of that 'Sign' (Zechariah 14:6-7) are prophesied in Matthew 24: 29 and Revelation 6: 12-13. The ''signs" point to the momentous descending Coming of the Judge who judges in equity! The first stanza of  the poem in Genesis 8: 22 revealed the main 'premise' which leads to the conclusion i.e. the beginning of the Day of  the Lord! The poem revealed that if the 'earth' (the spirit's realm called 'earth') was no longer enduring, then the prophetic phrase "day and night" would turn into the opposite meaning i.e. "without daytime and without nighttime." The unfolding of God's lyrics in that poem (Genesis 8: 22) had thrown the light on the longstanding mystery concerning the "momentous" beginning of the Day the Lord (the apocalyptic Judgment).

    If we overlook the word of God pronounced in the poem in Genesis 8: 22, then we would not be able to correctly interpret the rest of the prophecies concerning the Judgment of Christ. Since the 'ending' was made known from the 'beginning,' thus, we cannot afford to consider the poem as trivial Revelation! In order to see the 'ending,' we must know the 'beginning' as well, otherwise our knowledge and understanding concerning the 'ending' (judgment) would be very much deficient and subjected to many grievous flaws. We wouldn't be able to answer why there was "a great earthquake" in the Sixth Seal, for example, if the 'revelations' in Genesis 8: 22 be purposely excluded in our wholistic interpretation concerning the Second return of Christ! When we 'see' the "a great earthquake" in the Sixth Seal" through the "eyes" of the first stanza in Genesis 8: 22, then we knew that such 'great earthquake' served to be main 'sign' which reveals unto us that 'the earth is no longer enduring' ! Thus, Revelation 6: 12-15, in truth, is the 'momentous event' of the Presence of The Judge on earth!!

    As he opened the Sixth Seal. There was a great earthquake [the sign on earth]. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, 13 and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind [the sign in the sky]. 14 The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up [the sign in the heavens], and every mountain and island was removed from its place [the sign on earth] (Revelation 6: 12-15). The occurrences of three signs in three different spirits' realms namely the seven-layer-heavens, the sky and the 'earth'!

    As I read between the lines of the above  verses, I saw the Sign on earth, the Sign (Proclamation) in the sky, and the sign of the Judge in heavens. These almost simultaneous manifestations of signs (made known to the prophets) are very much similar to the prophesied Signs by Yeshua Christ on the hillside of Mt. Olive in Matthew 24: 29-31. I 'saw' the exact timing of the Second Coming of Christ, and the given 'signs' are as follow :  the sign in heavens (verse 30), the sign in the sky (verse 29) and the sign on earth (verse 27).  In the Seventh Seal in the book of Revelation 8: 1-5, it was apparent that the Judge was already 'present' on earth, by just seeing the Way of the Judge on earth: His Way was in the whirlwind! We  learned from the impartations of knowledge and understanding from the 'mouths' of God, the Prophets, such as Prophet Nahum that the Judge's Way on earth is in the Whirlwind!

The Lord is slow to anger but great in power;
    the Lord will not leave the guilty unpunished.
His (the Judge's) Way is in the whirlwind and the storm,
    and clouds are the dust of his feet (Nahum 1: 3).



27 For as lightning (the 'sign' on earth; we saw the 'lightning' as the sign on earth because 'the Whirlwind' is always accompanied by the 'flashes of lightnings.] that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. 28 Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather.

29 “Immediately after the distress of those days
“‘the sun will be darkened,
    and the moon will not give its light;
the stars will fall from the sky,
    and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’ [the 'sign' in the sky, please refer to Psalm 19: 1-2 concerning the purposes of heavenly declaration "the sign  in the heavens" and the  divine proclamation through the sign in the ''sky".]

30 “Then will appear the 'sign' of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory (Matthew 25:  27-30).

    The 'sign' of the presence of the Spirit of  the Judge on earth could be distinguished as seen in the spiritual visions. He (the Judge) is seen, as 'in the Whirlwind,' with the pillar of Light in the middle of the Whirlwind which is the Consuming Fire. It was prophetically sang by David in Psalm 18: 6-14. Christ prophesied that His Second Advent is associated with the 'sign' on earth i.e. the "Lightning" as in Matthew 24: 27. We knew that 'the lightnings' are always accompanying the Whirlwind and the Storms.

Why would the 'Way' of the Judge on earth is in Whirlwind?

    While the way of the Prince of Peace is the altar on earth, the way of the Judge is up to be distinguished, as in the Whirlwind and storms. And yet, the Spirit of the Prince of Peace is exactly 'the same,' as the Spirit of the Judge. Though somehow differentiated with their priority of mission respectively, both names of the spirits are having the same divine attributes. They remain as 'One' in the Spirit.  'Slow to anger" is one of the proclaimed 'name' of God in Exodus 34: 5-7. All divine missions on earth are flowing from the very immutable Nature of the Divine Spirit (the immutable divine attributes or immutable divine 'name'). Thus, the Lord's name is the rock of our salvation!! The proclaimed name in Exodus 34: 5-7 is the Immutable name of God. It is inseparable with the divine attributes. Thus, it is the origin of all divine missions (the Covenanted names of God). The Altar is the Way of Peace between the Prince of Peace and mankind on earth. The rites of the altar and the death of the Lamb of God are the tangible wills of the name of God as proclaimed by the 'name" in Exodus 34: 5-7.  However, the "Way" of the Returned Christ on earth would be "in the Whirlwind and Storm." And a whirlwind would surely be accompanied by the spiritual phenomenons like the peals of thunders and the peals of lightnings! The Judge's Way on earth is always in the 'whirlwind.'. Such is the language of the Spirit of Prophecy


A 'seer' is a spiritual person who  sees spirits' realms namely, the heavens, the sky, the earth and the hells. So, the 'signs' which point to the Second Coming of Christ are readable by the seers as according to Divine mercy. God may even permit the heathen seers to see the 'sign' in the sky, as at the moment of the birth of the King of Righteousness (Prince of Peace); the three wise men (sorcerers/seers) saw the star of Bethlehem. They saw the sign in the spirit's realm called the 'sky.' Definitely, it was not referring to the literal sky!

20 Go, my people, enter your rooms
    and shut the doors behind you;
hide yourselves for a little while
    until his wrath has passed by.
21 See, the Lord is coming out of his dwelling
    to punish the people of the earth for their sins.
The earth will disclose the blood shed on it;
    the earth will conceal its slain no longer (Isaiah 26: 20-21).

    Are we scared if he comes in like a thief in the night? St. Paul said: '3 While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. 4 But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief. 5 You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. 6 So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober' (1 Thessalonians 5: 3-6).

Revelation 6:12-17 New International Version (NIV)

12 I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, 13 and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. 14 The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.15 Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. 16 They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 for the great day of their wrath has come, and who can withstand it?”

    Let us enter into judgment, we are not afraid, for Christ is immutable! The immutability of  Christ had had been proclaimed by YHVH from ancient times on the seventh day of Creation! The divine attributes are immutable, as proclaimed in Exodus 34: 5-7. The author of the book of Hebrew wrote that Christ's immutability in Hebrew 13: 8: Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Verse 8 is referring to the immutability of the Spirit of Christ. Since YHVH and Christ are 'One' Spirit, thus the proclamation of divine 'name' (attributes) in Exodus 34: 5-7 is applicable in revealing the immutability of Christ's divinity.