Isnin, 5 Oktober 2015

The Beast out of the Sea and the Beast out of the earth (Revelation 13)

By Jonas Mannaseh Simin.

    The fatally wounded head of one of the sevens-head Beast out of the Sea is the United Kingdom, and the Beast out of the earth refers to the United States of America.  The book of Revelation was given so that we may know "the things that must soon take place (Rev. 22: 6) [1];" knowing the future disperses fears and strengthens our faith. When we believe in His Word, then we will be blessed. 

"6 The angel said to me, 'These words are trustworthy and true. The Lord, the God who inspires the prophets, sent his angel to show his servants the things that must soon take place.' 7 “Look, I am coming soon! Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy written in this scroll.” (Revelation  22: 6-7).  [ 2 ]

    Reading the signs of the age is by seeing historical facts through the Light of the Word/Prophecies.  When we force the prophecies to agree with our intellectual observations/historical facts, then that is the opposite of reading the signs of times.  Seeing through the Word, the truth unfolds what you see through the eyes of your spirit. That 'seeing' is the gift of the Spirit.  This writing is my limited personal and fallible 'seeing in parts' concerning the signs of the 'Spirit's times.'

    We have already entered into the age, where the beasts (rulers) and the churches themselves on earth are damaging the "wine and the oil." In the fourth Seal and the fifth Seal, the "oil and the wine" remain undamaged although the running respective horses brought forth deaths, famines, diseases, scarcities and sufferings. But, when the shadows of the Scarlet Beast, the beast out of the Sea, and the beast out of the earth begin to be manifested, then the "woman" and the "offspring" would experience the distress because those three beasts are damaging the "oil and wine."   "The oil and the wine" both represent the operation of Divine Spirit under the revealed "name" called "Sower," the Son of Man. 

    We are already in the transition period i.e. The Sixth Seal. This period spans for 7 years which had began in 2011 AD (This date is personal prediction; Christ whose new name "Seven spirits,seven eyes, seven horns" would descend on earth by May, 2018 on the last day feast of harvest...ha...ha). The Spirits of Judgment operates in "sevenfold for your sins" (Leviticus 26: 18, 21, 24 & 28) [ 3 ].  The Judgment on God's people; the Northern ten tribes,  Judah or even the gentiles like Nebuchadnezzar were executed by God's Spirit in "sevenfold" period in lunar years:  420, 70, and 7 lunar years.  Thus, "a time" means 7 biblical lunar years or 7 times 360 days.

    "15 And from his mouth the Serpent spewed water like a river, to overtake the woman and sweep her away with the torrent. 16 But the earth helped the woman by opening its mouth and swallowing the river that the dragon had spewed out of his mouth." (Revelation 12: 5,6)  [ 4 ]. The ancient prophesied "River" in Isaiah 8: 7 was referring to the Emperor Sennacherib of the Assyrian Empire. The prophesied "Like a river" refers to the same geopolitical powers, but its rulership is surely not a monarchy system because the revealed phrase "like a river" only points to the same territory (Assyrian--Syria/Iran/Iraq regions) with different types of geopolitical powers. Its manifested existence is merely another facet of "hatred" between "the house of Ishmael" and "the house of Jacob" aka the prophesied "woman."

    The prophecy in Rev.12: 14-16 reveals that the "earth" (the US together with her Arabic allies) would swallow that aspiring "like a river" [5]. So, we know from prophecy that this "like a river" is merely the precursor of WW3, and the preceding chaotic political conflicts which lead to the emergence of new global powers especially the coming of the powerful beast called "the Beast out of the Sea, "which is the coalition of ten surviving lineages of monarchies in Europe as seen by St. John the Apocalypse in the spirit, and the emergence of the "beast out of the earth." In St. John's times, the future name of each European country was only known by the existence of  kingdoms within the Roman Empire. And therefore, the Spirit referred them as the seven heads of the beast with ten crowned horns in relation to that known ten lineages of kings. 

    The Spirit used those ten 'lineages' of kingships as the 'key' in enabling the future believers to see the identity of the "beast out of the Sea," and yet it is hidden unto those who do not eat the Word.   It wouldn't edify us in identifying the 'age,' if the Spirit had had used different way in revealing the identities of the "ten crowns."  Thus, seven heads of the beast  were referring to the former seven kingdoms of European monarchies.  But, why there were ten kings for only seven kingdoms? What happen to the three lineages of monarchies?  

    The ten crowns supposed to have ten monarchical kingdoms? History tells us that the three crowns had agreed to form "one" United Kingdom i.e. the United Kingdom of Great Britain & her remaining colonies; the former three lineages of crowns namely Ireland, Wales and Scotland had united to become "One" Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain.  Three crowns had become one crown referred to the emergence of the United Kingdom.  Prophet Daniel prophesied about it approximately 2,478 years since he saw its visions in Daniel 7: 8, 20-25 to the last stage of unification in 1922 CE:-

"8 While I was thinking about the horns, there before me was another horn, a little one, which came up among them; and three of the first horns were uprooted before it. This horn had eyes like the eyes of a human being and a mouth that spoke boastfully. 20 I also wanted to know about the ten horns on its head and about the other horn that came up, before which three of them fell—the horn that looked more imposing than the others and that had eyes and a mouth that spoke boastfully. 21 As I watched, this horn was waging war against the holy people and defeating them, 22 until the Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgment in favor of the holy people of the Most High, and the time came when they possessed the kingdom.  23 “He gave me this explanation: ‘The fourth beast is a fourth kingdom that will appear on earth. It will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth, trampling it down and crushing it. 24 The ten horns are ten kings who will come from this kingdom. After them another king will arise, different from the earlier ones; he will subdue three kings. 25 He will speak against the Most High and oppress his holy people and try to change the set times and the laws. The holy people will be delivered into his hands for a time, times and half a time.[b]  26 “‘But the court will sit, and his power will be taken away and completely destroyed forever. 27 Then the sovereignty, power and greatness of all the kingdoms under heaven will be handed over to the holy people of the Most High. His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will worship and obey him.’  28 “This is the end of the matter. I, Daniel, was deeply troubled by my thoughts, and my face turned pale, but I kept the matter to myself.”  [  6  ]

Revelation 13: 3-6 "...the beast was given "a mouth" to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty two months..."  (The beast had become the 'false prophet' on behalf of the Dragon. "Given a mouth" means to be  the doer of the Dragon's wills, and propagator of the "anti-Word" teachings: doctrines, philosophies, relativism and etc. Etc..,).

    The excerpts of the accounts of the unification of those three crowns into One Crown as documented by Wikipedia fulfilled the "foreshadowing" identification of the fatally wounded beast prophesied  in Revelation 13 and Daniel 7: 8, 20-28:-

"The Acts of Union 1707 merged the kingdoms of England and Scotland into the Kingdom of Great Britain, under the sovereignty of the British Crown. The effect was to create a personal union between the Crown of Ireland and the British Crown, instead of the English Crown. Later, on 1 January 1801, an additional merger took place between the two Kingdoms. By the terms of the Act of Union 1800, the Kingdom of Ireland merged with the Kingdom of Great Britain, thus creating the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Following the separation of most of Ireland from that kingdom in 1922, the remaining constituent parts were renamed the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in 1927, five years after the establishment of the Irish Free State."   [ 7 ]

"In 1800, the Parliament of Ireland approved the political union of the monarchy of Ireland with the monarchy of Great Britain and incidentally voted itself out of existence. The united entity thereby created was known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. With this union, the independent existence of the crown of Ireland was ended. From January 1801 until December 1922, Ireland remained in this political union."   [ 8 ]

     Personally, I love United Kingdom. She was the former colonial master of Borneo.   I mean, I don't hate them (Britons).  And I see the "wheat" and the "tares" in her just as in other countries of the world.  I am not seeding hatred towards a particular country.  But, we are talking about the endtimes or the coming "harvesting" of what had been sowed by the "Sower" as prophesied by Jesus Christ in Matthew 13.  The end of the 'age' (i.e. the Church's age) is coming, then those three kingdoms which had become "One" would eventually be ruled by the "tares;" she wouldn't be under the power of the "wheat" in a very near future.   When the "tares" oust the rulership of the "wheat" of that fatally wounded United Kingdom, then she (together with the six former kingdoms in Europe) would fulfill what was written in Revelation 13: 3-6 "...the beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty two months..." [ 9 ]. (7 x 1/2 = 3.5 lunar years or during "half a time," predicted to take place in 2066 CE  to 2070 CE -This personal prediction dated March 2014).

     She (the UK as the fatally wounded head of the seven heads) was fatally wounded because she lost most of her colonies, mandates and protectorates during the WW2 and onwards, and yet she was healed. Though several of her colonial territories had gained independence, and yet the world was astonished since she had been healed (resurrected) from the "fatal wound." "Healed" means she regained her status as world ruler; she was the main original signatory of UN and also the vetoed-power-member within the five-permanent Security Council. As one of the NATO members, she is also considered to be capable of military conquest on earth.  She still has all the criteria to be the elites of world rulers: military might, political power, and economic power. 
"Throughout its history, the British Army has seen action in a number of major wars involving the world's great powers, including the Seven Years' War, the Napoleonic Wars, the Crimean War, the First World War and Second World War. Repeatedly emerging victorious from these decisive wars allowed Britain to influence world events with its policies and establish itself as one of the world's leading military and economic powers" [ 10 ]

    The prophesied "earth" (the US) that swallowed the prophesied endtimes' "like a river" ("like a river" manifested as the geopolitical regions controlled by the present aspiring Islamic Caliphate-ISIS), was the shadow of the prophesied "beast out of the earth" (the USA).  The "earth" where the two-horned-beast (USA) came from, would be the hegemonic control of all economic facets; she enforces the laws of "buying and selling."  It seems that USA and her future powerful "tares" leaders would continue to be the leading decision makers of the "mission/name" of men on earth.  She had given breath to the fatally wounded beast (the UK) because the USA had been closed rapprochement to her in reclaiming her former colonial territories which once fell to the hands of the triple-axis. Since the victory of the Allied forces in 1945, the United Kingdom with her remnant colonies had been "resurrected," as if the godly "statue" was given breath, and enabled to be worshipped again, because she was able to "speak" again as global ruler concerning politics, economics ,and military.  The victories of the Allied forces led by US had enabled the "statue" (or 'gods'-global-ruler status) of the fatally wounded beast" to regain her global dominions.   The USA had fulfilled the prophesied story of her rise as superpower, and she even helped the UK to be revived from "fatal wound." It was revealed how the political rapprochement between US and UK had led them to be elites of world dominions. 

    "...14 and by the signs that it is allowed to perform on behalf of the beast, it deceives the inhabitants of earth, telling them to make an image for the beast that had been wounded by the sword[e] and yet lived; 15 and it was allowed to give breath[f] to the image of the beast so that the image of the beast could even speak and cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead... 17 so that no one can buy or sell who does not have the mark, that is, the 'name' of the beast or the number of its name."  (Rev. 13: 14-17) [ 11] . 

     Nobody is able to do business unless you enter the agreement or covenant."  The nations of the world must comply with the "mission/name" of the beast. This points to the hegemony of the USA currency that  controls international transactions of "buying and selling."   In prophecy, "Name" means "Mission."  The "name" or "mission" of all the "tares" who rule USA, in the future, is simply continually enslaving mankind with 666 (see link 666). Solomon annually received 666 talents of gold.  Gold is money. So, the 'mission' or '666' (see link 666) means the agendas of the future "tares" and the worldwide taxation through her hegemonic control of money on earth. Modern secular-paradigm-inhabitants of the earth would fully embrace the mission of the ruler encrypted as 666, and eventually the core of Christian teaching, "the Lord Pass Over as the Source of life," would become the enemy to their relativism. The "tares" would hate the idea of Pass Over (the Cross of Jesus) as the Source of Life; believing in the Lord Pass Over would be considered outdated and "lost-it-relevancy."
     Therefore, the "wheat" who believe in the Cross would be in great conflicts with the "tares." We have no way to escape from it ("666"see link 666) because everybody is subjected to money; the Lord's Pass Over would become the object of mockery.  Nobody is able to "buy and sell," unless he obeys the worldwide enforced Laws of money (Revelation 13: 16-17).  The whole world had been coiled up by the newly-modern tower of Babel which began at Bretton Wood Agreement; the ultimate mission or "name" of the beasts (governments) on earth. All the allied-caballike signatories (members) of that Agreement, later fully consented the abandonment of the 27 years of fixed exchange system based on the US gold-backed currency through the Smithsonian Agreement and Jamaica Treaty.

    The prophesied top-Antichrist-leader is ready to manifest himself as the "mouth" of the Dragon because the tower of Babel had been erected as the platform for him to rule the world.  We are not against the system created by the "beast out of the earth" together with the fatally wounded head out of the Sea; we simply see the signs of times.  That's how we 'read' the Revelations. It was foretold long time ago, and it was written in allegories and metaphors. The woman and her offspring were counseled to "hold what was given to them" in wading through the distress; it was foretold from ancient times that the woman and the offspring were endowed with the "treasure" of Sion (Isaiah 33: 6). Only those who know how to hold that 'treasure' would receive the sealing of the angels.  We are heading for it!  

    I love you Americans.  Your citizens are great "wheat," and your governments are super "tares" as well.  You are all fantastic!  God had had flowed His wills through you (wheat) either you admit it or not, unconsciously or consciously,... May the Lord give strength to the "wheat" of America, and may the Lord bless the "wheat" of America.  Beware of the super "tares" of America, for they would continue to be the leaders of "buying and selling," 666 (see link 666), for the appointed time.  May the "wheat" of you be protected from the "tares." And yet, Christ would overcome them (the "tares") all.

"I make known the 'end' from the 'beginning,'
    from 'ancient times,' what is still to come.
I say, ‘My purpose will stand,
    and I will do all that I please." (Isaiah 46: 10). [ 12]

    In prophecy, "woman"  in Genesis 3: 15 presaged the chosen people of God and her offspring are those who believe in 'the God of the woman.' "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will strike your head, and you will strike his heel.” (Genesis 3: 15)[13]. "The Serpent's" offspring presaged the "tares" or "sons of the Devil" revealed in Matthew 13 and Revelation 12;13; 17.   The enmity between "the people of God" and the "followers of the Serpent" was made known from the beginning and from ancient times the things not yet done (Isaiah 46: 10). There are only two main prophesied women in Scripture. The Old Testament worshippers who are the secular Israel personificated as the woman who rides the Scarlet beast since she emerged from the political decision makings of the rulers (beasts) on earth.  The ancient "woman" of Yahweh was betrothed to YHVH through Lord Pass Over in Egypt, later she abandoned the blood covenant which caused the Holy Land to vomit them out in Diaspora;  the New Testament "woman," the spiritual Christian Hebrews, who evangelized the gentile nations and thus, giving birth to her "offspring." These children are the spirits (new covenant temples) of all believers regardless of their affiliations,denomination or rites.  We don't relate the New Testament "woman" to any city or country, though there are  many secular countries, and Christian countries having the majority percentage of the followers of the Way.  We don't interpret that a particular country is betrothed to Jesus Christ.  Christ betrothed to every spirit of the followers of the "Way."  But the prophetic symbol of the  house of Jacob remained the same in both Covenants i.e. the "woman" with twelve stars, sun and moon.  Gentile Christians cannot be the "woman" but the "offspring." (Revelation 12: 17).

    Thus, both the New Testament woman and the offspring worship the Triune God or holding the testimony of Jesus Christ.  However, in prophecy, "woman" refers solely to the Hebraic Christians, whereas the "offspring" refers to all gentile Christians. The "offspring" (gentile christians) established 23 Catholic rites, numerous protestant denominations and independent affiliations. Although the gentile Christians are entitled to be the Bride of Christ, and yet such betrothal does not mean that they belong to the prophetic Symbol of the house of Jacob.  The symbol "woman with twelve stars, Sun and moon " specifically and prophetically belong to the Hebrews either the Old Covenant or New Covenant Hebraic people. (see Genesis 37: 9 and Revelation 12).  However both Hebraic Christians and  gentile christians were adjudged according to the seven paintings of faith revealed and resonated  by the seven churches in Asia Minor (Revelation  2 & 3).
"17 Then the dragon was angry with the woman, and went off to make war on the rest of her children (offspring), those who keep the commandments of God and hold the testimony of Jesus"  (Revelation 12: 17)  [ 14 ].
"4 But you, beloved,  are not in darkness, for that day to surprise you like a thief; 5 for you are all children of light and children of the day; we are not of the night or of darkness. 6 So then let us not fall asleep as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober; 7 for those who sleep sleep at night, and those who are drunk get drunk at night. (1Thes. 5: 4-7)"  [ 15 ] .


[1]  "Revelation 6: 6"  Holy Bible, New International Version NIV@ Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011. 27 May 2015. BibleGateway.<>
[2] Ibid.  (Revelation 22: 6-7)
[3] Ibid.  (Leviticus 26: 18, 21,24 & 28)
[4] Ibid.  (Revelation 12: 5,6)
[5] Ibid.  (Revelation 12: 5)
[6] Ibid.  (Daniel 7: 8, 20-28)

[7] "Monarchy of Ireland."  Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 26 May 2015.<>
[8] Ibid.

[9] "Revelation 13: 3-6"  Holy Bible, New International Version NIV@ Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011. 27 May 2015. BibleGateway.<>

[10]  Bot, Kaspar. "British Army." Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia.  25 May 2015.<>

[11]  "Revelation 13: 14-17"  Holy Bible, New International Version NIV@ Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011. 27 May 2015. BibleGateway.<>
[12]   Ibid.   (Isaiah 46: 10)
[13]   Ibid.   (Genesis 3: 15)
[14]   Ibid.   (Revelation 12: 17)
[15]   Ibid.   (1Thes. 5: 4-7

The Beasts: Revelation 12, Revelation 13 & Revelation 17

 By Joannes Simin

    The present United Nations could be allegorized as a weak sago worm, that later in the very near future metamorphoses into a sago palm weevil, the future “Scarlet Beast.”The possibility of Christ‘s return during the rulership of the United Nations is recognizable “as its twigs get tender and it leaves come out”; nonetheless its signs must be correctly interpreted as according to all Laws, Prophecies and Lyrics (Luke 24: 44). St. Paul said in 1 Thessalonian 5: 1-3, “Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, 2 for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.  But then he continued his presaging description with surprising clues; “3 while people are saying ‘Peace and safety,’ destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.” St. Paul prophesied unknowingly the meaning of the phrase “Peace and Safety, “but its message somehow says, as if the inhabitants of the earth are asserting the same agreed principle of life on earth. Interpretation through observation of that presaging phrase “peace and safety” reveals surprising secret behind the purpose of the present world governing body. Paul‘s phrase “Peace and safety” is the exact resemblance with the principle establishment of the United Nations i.e. “to maintain international peace and security" prescribed by the 1st Article, Chapter 1 of the United Nations Charter.”[1] We are already in the 69th year (2014 CE) since the establishment of the United Nations in 1945 CE. The United Nations was established based on the Principle “peace and security.”The purpose of the creation of this beast is to maintain “peace and security"  for the whole world.

     In contrast, the Prince of Peace offers us the ultimate peace that the world cannot give. He reconciles us to, the Creator, the Spirit of God. There shall be peace on earth when peoples on earth truly experience peace with God, peace with each another, and peace within us. We are unable to become true peacemakers unless we have experienced those threefold peace. Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God” (Matthew 5: 9). Alas, how could we find peace on earth when leaders reign in unrighteousness, and rulers rule with injustices? “The fruit of righteousness is peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever” Isaiah 32: 17.

     The Word became flesh in order to fulfill Luke 24: 44 and those who believe in him would be reconciled to the Spirit of God, so that they become the recipients of the ultimate blessing of the Lord i.e. the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Since the time of Noah, the hearts of the rulers on earth continuously become the battlefields between Good and Evil. King Solomon likened the king's heart as a flow of a river in the Hand of God (Proverb 21: 1), and yet it is easily fallen into the unseen hand of the Serpent as well. During the eschatological era rhymed as a time, times, and half a time, the Serpent’s deceptions in ensnaring the hearts of the inhabitants of the world would be running into full measure. St. John the apocalypse wrote in Revelation 12 that “the Serpent spewed out water ‘like a river’ aimed at overtaking the woman and sweeping her away with the torrent.”

     The “spewed out water like a river” allegorizes subtle-antiChrist deceptions aimed at overtaking the hearts of the saints or prophetically called the Woman (not to be mistaken with the woman in Revelation 17), so that they would give up believing in God. The “like a river” begins in the realms of the spirits. The hosts of the devil would choreograph the unrighteous leaders manifesting their diabolic agendas. The widowed woman propagates biblical deceptions as well, so that the modern secular Israel created by the beasts would be supported by Christendom. Zionism is the core politics of the widowed woman aka Mother of prostitutes. The river from the Serpent's mouth was specifically aimed at influencing both the Hebraic Christians and the offspring (non Hebraic Christians), so that they may embrace the biblical Land Grant as if ordained by God for Zionism. The Hebraic Christians knew this deception, and therefore the Dragon was enraged at them and also at the offspring. The woman (referring to the Christians house of Jacob in Revelation 12) knew that the ultimate blessing of the Lord is not the literal Land grant, but the Spirit of God Himself i.e. the promised outpouring of the Holy Spirit among all believers either the house of Jacob or the offspring (converted heathens/other nations).
The “earth” in Revelation 12: 15 symbolize divine intervention which helped the followers of Christ to discern antiChrist deception and divine intervention as depicted by the phrases “by opening its mouth and swallowing the river that the Serpent had spewed out of his mouth.” This divine intervention called the “earth” would be continuously interposed as creative divine arbitration throughout the Church's age. However, Revelation 12 disclosed the latter part of it. The adversary‘s subtlest-scriptural apologetic had enchanted the Christendom especially those who have superficially embraced the Word; the half true Scriptural-weaved propaganda aimed to turn the tide of political support in favour of the widowed woman who rides the present beasts and the future Beasts.

     We know that the ancient theocratic Israel (the deserted woman) was born right from the Lord‘s Pass Over in Egypt. As long as she was obedience to the marriage Covenant (...the 'way' of expiation as according to Torah) then she could remain as the wife of YHVH in the Promised Land. Because of their rebellions against Yahweh, either the kingdom of priests, or the monarchy kingdoms had had become the things of the past. The holy land vomited them out into Diaspora. They had abandoned the way to be reconciled to YHVH, and Prophet Ezekiel allegorized the widowhood of Judah and Samaria by insinuation, calling them Oholibah and Oholibamah respectively (see Ezekiel 16 & 23).

     Though the New Covenant woman (Hebraic Christians) had wisely disclosed the subtle orchestration of the Dragon concerning the created secular nation for the widowed woman, Christendom had been divided into three different groups depending on their paradigms. The first group is those who are deceived, and thus support the cause of Israel (which was created by the beasts in 1948 CE), and the second group is those who correctly interpret biblical prophecies concerning the true restoration of Israel, and therefore shedding off the deceptions of the beasts. The third group represents either the uninformed Christians or perhaps simply occupied by their own chores of life. The discerning group is, in fact, not mystified by the Mystery Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and abominations of the earth in Revelation 17: 5. The New Covenant woman cannot be the woman who rides the Scarlet Beast because the New Covenant woman is always married to, King Jesus Christ, her bridegroom. Jesus’ perfect Pass Over guarantees the blamelessness of the Church, and therefore she is always to be the delight of the Lord Jesus Christ.

There are only two women in the Scripture i.e. the ex-wife of King Yahweh, and the forever-married woman betrothed to King Jesus Christ. The Mother Harlot who rides the Scarlet Beast is, indeed, the ex-wife of Yahweh. Forsaken by King Yahweh, this widowed woman had been ruled by the gentile kings, and they have been thriving to ride every beast on earth through Zionism. Her last husband would be the prophesied the Scarlet Beast in Revelation 17. Personally, I‘m not against the creation of the modern secular nation of Israel because it was already sanctioned by the United Nations. However, as far as Scriptural prophecies are concerned, this created secular nation is not the genuine restoration of the House of Jacob. And yet, there will be 12,000-Hebraic Christians from each tribe of Israel prophesied to be the 144,000 elect House of Jacob. He had twelve Apostles when he was on earth and when he returns he would have 144,000 “who follow him wherever he goes” (Revelation 14: 4).
     True restoration would only come true during the Messianic Judgment era, the Father ushers us into the unknown 1,000 years of Christ. Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all tribes of Israel (Revelation 7: 4-5). Those non-elect Hebraic people (those who rejected Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God) were those whom restored by the shadow of the Scarlet Beast (the United Nations). They would end up riding their last husband i.e. the Scarlet Beast centered in the city of Jerusalem. Indeed, the Spirit of God had revealed unto us of the things to come in the future. They were written in metaphors and allegories.  “...Who foretold this long ago, who declared it from the distant past? Was it not I, the God? And there is no God apart from me, a righteous God and a Savior; there is none but me” (Isaiah 45: 21). “I make known the end from the beginning, from the ancient times, what is still to come" (Isaiah 46: 10).

Two different women (Covenant Peoples) in the Bible: the Old Covenant woman and the New Covenant woman

     In the whole bible, the Covenant people of God are prophetically called as a woman; her bridegroom was once King Yahweh in the Old Covenant, and then King Jesus Christ in the New Covenant. So, there would be only two covenant people of God or prophetically called two women in the Scripture. The former was the widowed woman because they had broken the Covenant, and abandoning the way of atonement (or simply rejecting the Lord‘s Pass Over observation). By rejecting the Lord‘s Pass Over observation, the Old Covenant woman was deserted by YHVH, and thus becoming a degraded woman or a prostitute (Ezekiel 16 and Ezekiel 23). Allegorically, faithfulness in observing the way (the rites of expiation) simply means remaining betrothed to God. By observing the Mosaic Laws as if like “the mark on the right hand and on the forehead” would save her marriage. Through disobedience they became a prostitute.
Any member of the Old Covenant woman who believed in the redemption of Christ would be encompassed within the new-covenant-marriage; a woman depicted as “clothed with the sun with moon under her feet and twelve stars above her head” (Revelation 12: 1). Symbolically, the cryptic depiction means “the house of Jacob” (Genesis 37:9), and spiritually it means betrothed to Jesus Christ (Isaiah 62: 3-4). The house of Jacob was called as a woman while the rest of the heathen nations on earth were symbolically called as the beasts on earth.
     Later, the Old Covenant woman whom Ezekiel allegorized as sister-prostitutes namely Oholibah and Oholibamah aggravated into further callousness; contemptuously refusing the prophesied redemption through the Cross of Jesus. In the end times’ era, she would end up as the Mother of all prostitutes who was riding on the Scarlet Beast. She was called the “mother” of all prostitutes due to the continuous tumultuous enslavement by various heathen rulers since their earliest era of Diaspora. Those foreign dominions over them were the manifestation of divine punishments upon them according to the dictation of divine punishments in Leviticus 26. She (the Old Covenant‘s house of Jacob) disobeyed YHVH, and thus became a prostitute. And yet since she was once betrothed to him, her prostitution would not change her status as a “woman”; to the rest of the nations, YHVH figuratively called them as the beasts. A widowed woman with her genius political maneuvers, they seek rapprochements among the beasts of the earth. She rejected Jesus as God's perfect Pass over, and the prophecy reveals that she would end up “marrying” the Scarlet Beast (Revelation 17: 5). The believing Hebrews who accepted Jesus as the perfect heaven Lamb‘s Sacrifice would be called the woman of the New Covenant. The evangelized heathens in the book of Revelation called as Offspring or children as written in Revelation 12: 17.

The dream of Joseph in Genesis 37: 9 and the Vision of St. John Revelation 12: 1

In the earliest era of the Church (the followers of Christ were Hebrews), she was identified with the symbol of the Old Covenant house of Jacob because it meant the Spirit of God of the Old Covenant Hebraic people was exactly the same with the Spirit of God of the New Covenant Hebraic people. Since she is betrothed with the same Spirit of God, thus the symbol must be retained in order to reveal that it was from the same Spirit of God who fulfilled both Missions: the Old Covenant‘s mission and the New Covenant‘s mission. If the prophetic symbol (see Revelation 12: 1;Ezekiel 48; Genesis 35 and Genesis 37: 9) for both Covenant peoples is not the same then the Spirit of God of the Old Covenant and the New Covenant would have been different. Isn‘t? There were only eleven “bowing down” stars in Joseph‘s dream because the twelfth star was the object of reverence; the twelfth referred to “the dreamer” himself (Genesis 37: 9). The New Covenant woman had been prophesied in Isaiah 54: 9b-10, which says, “I have sworn that I will not be angry with you and will not rebuke you. 10 for the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my Covenant of Peace shall not be removed, says the LORD, who has compassion on you.” But why then in Revelation 3: 19, it is written that those whom God loves would be rebuked and disciplined? Rebukes and disciplines are meant for those who do not repent earnestly.

The prostitute woman (the ex-wife of Yahweh) and the married woman (The wife of Jesus Christ)

     Since all of us are sinning then all of us have experienced the disciplining of the Lord. The Church was prophesied by Prophet Isaiah as a woman who is “...neither be forsaken, nor be desolated, but to be the delight of the Lord and forever married to God” Isaiah 62: 3-4. Therefore, the Church is also called as a woman because she is betrothed to Jesus Christ while the rest of the nations symbolically remained to be called as the beasts on earth.

    The offspring of the New Covenant woman who abandons the Covenant is not termed as a prostituteprostitute, but merely an apostate; and they would end up obeying the laws made by the Beast during a time, times and half a time. They won‘t be warring (against) against the Laws of the beast. The Hebraic peoples who rejected the Christ of Christianity would become the sole race on earth riding the Scarlet Beast. Either the apostates or the faithful of the New Covenant people wouldn‘t be riding on the Scarlet Beast, but they would be forced to obey (worshipping) the Laws made by the rulers (beasts).

The woman who rides the Scarlet Beast is specifically referring to the Old Covenant people (Judaism) in the end times. Prophet Ezekiel was commanded by Yahweh to prophesy the architectural descriptions of the Temple in Ezekiel 43: 10-12, so that they (the Old Covenant worshipers) may be ashamed of their sins. These prophetic descriptions of the Temple (Ezekiel Chapters 40-42) would remind them of their current predisposition; “unreconciled” to the Spirit of God. She became the widowed-covenant peoples who ended up thriving for tumultuous political relationships with the rulers of the earth. The Diasporas were due to their stiff-necked rebellions against YHVH, and their rejection of both the “way” and the “Way” of atonement. The term “prostitute” is merely an allegory referring to the Old Covenant people who abandoned the Covenant, and it does not literally definable in relation to the decency of the people. The apocalyptic language in Revelation 17: 5, “mother of all prostitute” merely unfolds the widowhood and her political subtle prowess denoted by “the act of riding the beast.” Her figurative harlotry does not necessarily to be associated with moral ascription. It simply says that if you (Hebrew peoples) abandoned the “redemption/Redemption” then you were automatically among that “harlot.” That prostitute during the period of a time, times, and half a time would be riding the Scarlet Beast.

The woman and the dragon during the prophesied apocalyptic Chastisement period called a time, times and half a time

The Chastisement of the New Covenant woman would begin in Matthew 24: 29, soon after it is pronounced by the Court of heaven, and spoken through his true mouths on earth. Both the “deserted” Old Covenant woman and the New Covenant woman would enter the same eschatological distress called a time, times and half a time. However, only the widow would continue riding the beasts on earth. This eschatological rhyme is related to the place prepared for her in the “desert” (Revelation 12: 14). This end time‘s “desert” is merely a metaphor which suggests judgment era. The desert in Revelation 12: 14 are the same with the desert (a time, times and half a time) in Revelation 17: 3. The rephrased version of Revelation 17: 3 is somehow like “the angel carried St. John far away into the future, in the Spirit into the rhymed period; a time, times, and half a time, and it takes place in a desert” which means the woman (the ex-wife of Yahweh) was riding the Scarlet Beast during that rhymed-chastisement‘s era.
     The period of 1,260 days in Revelation 12: 6 is not applicable in interpreting the meaning of the eschatological chastisement period a time, times and half a time in Revelation 12: 14. What is the difference between 1,260 days in Revelation 12: 6 and the phrases, a time, times and half a time in Revelation 12: 14?

    Many apocalyptists interpret the phrases, a time, times and half a time as equivalent to 1,260 days. Though the phrase “half a time” is interpreted as 1,260 days, this interpretation is not derived from verse 6 of Revelation 12. Verse 6 and verse 14 unfold different messages. The term “desert” in both verses symbolizes the place of refuge during the persecution of the covenant people. However, the desert in verse 6 was related to the persecution during the destruction of the Temple‘s era in 70 CE. The desert became their sole place of refuge where they could escape from the fury of Roman-General Titus. Obviously, the woman must flee into the desert (wilderness) in order to escape from the abomination of desolation. Revelation 12: 6 says, “The woman fled into the desert to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days (Revelation 12: 6). The desert itself did not totally guarantee her safety since it is written that “she might be taken care of for 1,260 days,” but her act of fleeing into the desert would be necessary in escaping the abomination that causes desolation. The earliest Hebrew Christians were advised by the divine Spirit to stay out of the Promised Land especially in the city of Jerusalem, lest they might be wiped out together with the Old Covenant worshippers of Yahweh. They had to flee into the wildernesses even among the heathens until the Roman wrath had subsided.


The desert in verse 14 specifically refers to the end times’ persecution because it is identified with the eschatological rhymed phrases a time, times, and half a time. In contrast, verse 6 specifically marked by the numerical period of 1,260 days-persecution. Verse 6 serves to be the marker of bird‘s-eye-view of what the Church had to go through in her earliest persecuted era as the brief “backdrop” of Revelation 12. Verse 14 depicts the persecution of the woman in the end of times, as if likened by that “backdrop;” the earliest persecution demanded the act of fleeing in order to have divine refuge in the wilderness. But the latter persecution in verse 14 suggests that it is inescapable (no where to go), and the woman ought to depend solely on Divine interventions. She needs to receive “what is given to her;” the woman was given the "treasure" prophesied in Isaiah 33: 6.  By that treasure, she was endowed divine protection from the beasts. Revelation 12: 14, says “the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the desert, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time.” The woman was not demanded to flee into the desert by her own initiative, but she is endowed with “what is given” to her i.e. the two wings of a great eagle. In Daniel 12: 1, it is prophesied that during the end times’ distress, Archangel Michael (a great eagle) would arise to give protection to the saints (New Covenant people woman) see Exodus 19: 4 and Exodus 23: 20-21.

Therefore, we know that the rulership of the Scarlet Beast would begin to be manifested (...which is prophesied as yet will come in Revelation 17: 8) right from the early period of the prophesied a time, times and half a time or right after Matthew 24: 29. However, its (Scarlet Beast) official ruler-ship would be clearly manifested after World War III. In fact, that final world ruler was prophesied by St. John as “he once was, now is not, and yet will come” (Revelation 17: 8). The Old Covenant woman was persecuting the Church since the earliest era of the Apostles, and later in the end times she would be politically riding the Scarlet Beast. The Scarlet Beast and the ten kings will later hate the manipulative “mother of all prostitutes.” God would work through the hearts of the leaders (the 10 kings) of the Scarlet beast in order to accomplish God‘s promises (Revelation 17: 15-17). The Scarlet Beast would bring Jerusalem (woman on the beast) to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire. It seems that there would be changes which take place within “the hearts” of leaders of the Scarlet Beast in the latter period of her rulership; the secular nation of Israel would end up against the ten rulers of the Scarlet Beast. This aggressive confrontation would bring forth ruins of the great city of Jerusalem. “God figuratively called this great city as Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified (Revelation 9: 8).”

“like a river”

     During the apocalyptic Chastisement period (Matthew 24: 29, Daniel 7: 25), the New Covenant woman, —whom Prophet Isaiah prophesied as Beuleh and Hepzibah would be sealed by the angels as the elect. She would be pursued by the spewed out water “like a river.” It is written in Isaiah 48: 18 that “peace” is “like a river.” God endows this true peace unto His covenant people. Jesus came in the flesh and said “I am … the life.” Since then the Serpent had heard it thousands of times, and he deceived the whole world under his spells by orchestrating wars, spewing out antichrist-ideologies, and plotting diabolic-economic-conquest. Even in our present materialistic-based societies, he (the Serpent) already succeeded in contriving the worldwide-masterpiece-laws of money as the bubbling source of life, thrusting Jesus’ word “I am…the life” into irrelevancy. So, our materialistic-based societies began to reason out that the redemption of Christ is not the real giver of life. People wage wars against each another because of the lustful desire of money. The spewed out water “like a river” out of the Serpent‘s mouth means the “false peace or peace and security” propagated and instituted by the diabolic undisputed-world rulers as the Serpent‘s emissaries. Briefly, the “like a river” treated God with contempt. “But the earth helped the woman by opening its mouth and swallowing the river (Revelation 12: 15 and Numbers 16: 30)” which refers to the divine interventions in upholding our faith in God in situ of its object of worship.

The devil‘s manipulation of leaders on earth as his emissaries is also metaphorically expressed as water “like a river.” In fact, we have seen many unrighteous rulers or “like a river” since the earliest era of the Church. But this “like a river” in verse 15 of Revelation 12, is specifically referring to a prototype antichrist who arises during the earliest phase of Judgment era. Certainly he is not a king because a king is allegorized as the “river” like King Sennacherib. So, “a river” means a king who persecutes the woman, but “like a river” suggests the leaders who have kingly authorities ruling the roost of the world. They would choreograph World War III in order to uphold their status as “gods of this world,” and thus paving the way for the unrighteous kings from the Beasts in Revelation 13 to exercise their immense authorities on earth.

     King David revealed the secret of the “like a river” rulers in the end of Church's age, and he sang 6 “I said, 'You are "gods" ;  you are all sons of the Most High.' 7 But you will die like mere men; you will fall like every other ruler.” David continued singing as if pleading God, “rise up, O God, judge the earth, for all the nations are your inheritance" (Psalm 82: 6-8). King David‘s presaging lyrics elucidated the righteous desire of justice on earth since only God alone who judges in equity. His lyrics are imparting God‘s grandeur plan after the Judgment era where all nations would eventually become God‘s inheritance. David‘s lyrics are disclosing that the rulers of this present world‘s system are the unjust “gods.‘ David knew that the exaltation of the rulers was due to the fingers of God, and therefore their responsibilities should be carried out as if they are “the sons of the Most High.” During the Judgment era, the rulers‘ exaltations come from the dragon. Thus, “all the foundations of the earth will be shaken (Psalm 82: 5).”

     During the end times’ Chastisement period, the Serpent would creatively delegate his power to a certain world leader allegorized as “like a river.” In Isaiah 8:7, it was the Lord who caused the mighty floodwaters of “River” (referring to the King of Assyria) to bring judgment upon Judah. Thus, we know that water and the river means political conquest made by a king (…in Isaiah 8: 7, “the River” specifically refers to King Sennacherib). In Revelation 12: 13-17, the foretold distress called “a time, times and half a time” would be marked by political scenarios where a leader called “like a river” would be diabolically inspired by the Devil. This “like a river” leader is not the same with the river (King Sennacherib) written in Isaiah 8:7 because the river in Isaiah 8:7 was orchestrated by the hand of Yahweh, whereas this end times’ “like a river” leader with kingly authority is orchestrated by the unseen diabolic forces of the Devil.

He is not a king, but his power is of kingly authority or simply called “like a river.” He is going to conquer the woman depicted by the strong torrent. The diabolic purpose of this leader, “like a river,” is to take over the influences of the woman in every stratum of societies, and also to change the woman‘s imprints in any bureaucracy existed among the inhabitants of the world in the name of “Peace and Safety,” and also through the hegemony of “river of life” i.e. fiat money. Briefly, the “like a river” tries to obliterate the work of the woman by presenting to the world “hegemonic money” as the “river of life.” So, it certainly brings distress to the followers of Christ. Their lives are enslaved by hegemonic mammon, and thus leaving Jesus’ Word “I am…the life” as powerless truth in Christianity.
     The divine intervention or identified as the “earth” would swallow the torrential water in order to save the woman and her offspring, so that she would not end up over-whelmed or felt worthless in holding to the testimony of Jesus (Revelation 12: 16). In the eyes of the secular political analysts, this ambitious “like a river” leader might not be seen as the threat to the woman, but rather be seen as the one who makes dominating decision makings in the international politics. Thus, this leader would subtly cause the surges of domino tensions, and the world is eventually succumbed into another world war. In the eyes of the spiritual men, this “like a river” leader would be seen as the diabolic emissary of the Serpent on earth.

I make known the end from the beginning, from the ancient times, what is still to come (Isaiah 46: 10)

     The League of Nations was born after the World War I and the United Nations was established immediately after World War II. [2] Therefore, any establishment of governing global bureaucracy that would become the caretaker of Peace and Safety (see 1 Thessalonians 5: 3) must be from the Abyss. The Scarlet Beast shall come out after the World War III. And this “like a river” leader (Revelation 12: 15) would initiate the spark for the WW III. The prophesied World War III is orchestrated by the Serpent. World War III is the manifestation of the word “Abyss.” In the near future, the veto-power signatories of the present United Nations shall find the way to metamorphose her bureaucracy in order to cope with the chaotic political conditions of the world. She would continue to be the new-metamorphosed Custodian of “Peace and Safety” called the Scarlet Beast. The unseen Devil would continue to be enraged at the woman because she had survived through the World War III. The Devils’ deceptive hostilities would be endlessly scoffing, and conquering the woman and her offspring. The Scarlet Beast‘s elite decision makers namely the Beast out of the Sea and the Beast out of the Earth would continue to oppress and to conquer the woman. The Beasts would proudly reason out that he is the real giver of “peace and safety” on earth. The inhabitants of the earth believe in his deceptions, and they worship the beasts. The word worship here means “obeying the Laws” made by the global governing body (The Beasts). The Prince of Peace said, “Peace is with you.” He is offering us the Way of reconciliation to the Spirit of God.

     The present beasts on earth override Jesus’ teachings by offering the world with mortal “Peace and Safety,” at the expense of their superguns and their enslaving monetary systems. He enraged (Revelation 12: 17) at the woman because she faithfully shepherded her offspring, and thus they remained observing the divine ordained “times,” but the coming diabolic beasts (Revelation13 and Revelation17) would try to change their “times.” Prophetic term “times” means “life.” The beasts try to change their lives including their beliefs. (see “set times” Daniel 7: 25. The Devil knows that this woman and her offspring would someday inherit the earth. It was foretold that the beasts was given with the power from the dragon (Revelation 13: 7-8), so that the beasts could oppress the woman on his behalf. The devil‘s agenda is to conquer the woman, so that she may fail in becoming the inheritor of the earth. Jesus said, “blessed are the meek (submissive to God), for they shall inherit the earth” (Matthew 5: 5). King David prophesied that the righteous ones shall inherit the earth. “Like a river‘s” failure to take over the woman through world war III would not frustrate the Devil in orchestrating another diabolic metamorphosis among the custodians of “Peace and Safety” of the world.
The relationship between the beast out of the Sea, the beast out of the earth and the Scarlet Beast

The human mission ("name")“peace and safety” on earth (1 Thessalonian 5: 1-3) offered by the future metamorphosed United Nations (the Scarlet Beast) is irresistible for those whose names are not written in the book of life. The elite-decision makers of this prophesied Scarlet Beast (Revelation 17) would be from the diabolically orchestrated Beast out of the Sea (Revelation 13: 1-10), and also the Beast out of the Earth. Both exercise their authorities under the global diabolic umbrella called the Scarlet Beast. The two horned Beast is the end times diabolical superpower nation who controls the hegemony of money on earth (Revelation 13: 11-18). He is the elite within the Scarlet Beast. The Beast out of the Earth, “exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf, and made the earth, and its inhabitants worship the first beast.” The 10-horned Beast out of the Sea would become the Adversary‘s diabolical emissary on earth who “utter proud words and blasphemous, and to exercise his authority for forty two months ~3.449756 years (3 years and 164 days i.e. during the “half a time” period). The beast out of the earth “exercised all the authorities of the first beast on his behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast” (Revelation 13: 12).

     The Beast out of the Earth is the co-top seed group together with the first Beast who comes out of the Sea within the larger governing body of the world called the Scarlet Beast. Thus, he ratified and enforced all the Laws which had been covenanted by the fatally wounded beast who is one of the “many nations” cryptically depicted as “out of the sea.” By exercising the Laws enacted (amended/legislated) by the first beast, and her political and economic rapprochement between the first and the second beast  had fulfilled the metaphor “he made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast” and “to give breath to the statue of the first beast, so that it could speak” and cause all who refused to worship the first beast be killed.” The phrase “it could speak” refers to the ratification and rapprochement  made by the second beast out of the earth in favour of the revived dominance on earth. Thus, the inhabitants are directly and indirectly subjected back to the power of the first "fatally" wounded beast.

     Through his technological advancement, surely he would be the leading authority in the frontier of Science (Revelation 13: 13-14). “He ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast that was wounded by the sword and yet live. He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed (Revelation 13: 14 b– 15).” The USA world's dominance had revived the "wounded" British Imperialism. It also means that the Beast out of the Earth is exercising all the Laws which were formerly covenanted by the first beast through-out the colonies, mandates, and protectorates. The Second Beast was merely the rapprochement of the fatally wounded beast. Why the beast was seen by St. John as coming out from the “earth”? The word “earth” in verse 1 of Revelation 13 is related to the “earth” in verse 16…"the earth helped the woman”…in Revelation 12. The history of the “earth” that helped the widowed woman was briefly explained by Wikipedia:

On May 14, 1948, the last British forces left Haifa, and the Jewish Agency, led by David Ben-Gurion, declared the creation of the State of Israel, in accordance with the 1947 UN Partition Plan. Both superpower-leaders, U.S. President Harry S. Truman and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, immediately recognized the new state. …On 11 May 1949, Israel was admitted as a member of the United Nations[3]

     Throughout the history of Diaspora, the Hebrews (widowed woman) had experienced a prolonged period of anti-Semitism. Eventually, the creation of the secular nation of the widowed woman in 1948 was recognized by most of the Christian nations. But the Muslim countries, mostly the Arabic nations aggressively against the creation of the state of that widowed woman. Since the creation of the state of the widowed woman, the pre-metamorphosed two-horned beast out of the earth (the United States) had allowed her to ride on her back. The pre-metamorphosed “beast out of the earth” had placed the nation of Israel as her national commitment as if Israel was part of her country. The prophecy had long foretold these political relationships between the United States and the widowed-woman of YHVH. In Revelation 12, it is understood that the “woman” refers to the Hebrew Christians since they were the ones that evangelized the heathens, and thus giving the offspring. Since “a woman” must be associated with a geopolitical description; and thus, it is also referring to the widowed woman who acquired the created secular modern nation of Israel. According to Wikipedia, America had been the safe haven for the “woman” either the Hebrew Judaists (Old Covenant woman) or the Hebrew Christians (New Covenant woman) since the late 19th century:

“…the formation of modern nations in Europe was accompanied by changes in the prejudice against Jews. What had previously been mainly religious persecution now became mainly racial hatred, and acquired a new name: 'anti-Semitism.' Anti-Semites saw Jews as an alien religious, national and racial group and actively tried to prevent Jews from acquiring equal rights and citizenship. In the 19th century most Jews lived within the Russian Empire, where authorities sought to forcibly convert them by requiring 25 years military service from Jewish boys aged 12, to keep them in poverty by banning Jews from cities, universities, restricting their access to schools and to drive them out by encouraging violent mobs which would also divert popular resentment away from the Tsarist regime…millions of Jews left eastern Europe in the late 19th  century, mainly for the USA, but a small percentage headed for Palestine and Jews began to consider the possibility of reestablishing themselves as an independent nation.”  [4]

     Therefore, the “earth” in Revelation 12: 15 symbolized intervention which helped the widowed in the land of Israel. Since Christianity is rooted in Hebrews religious Old Testament, therefore, it won‘t be surprising that most Christian nations are recognizing the existence of the modern nation of Israel. Though, it is apparent that the woman in the delectable land was not representing the true restoration of Israel then they conclude that either they were graced by the hand of YHVH or vice versa, they reasoned out that their existence in the holy land would pave the way of the awaited Messiah. Since Christianity is deeply rooted in Hebrew Old Covenant and thus, it is predictable that those who are against Israelites would also turn their hostilities towards Christian nations. The Scripture says that the Israelites in Diaspora wouldn't be wiped out “if they will confess their sins, and the sins of their fathers…when they are in the land of their enemies, I (G-d) will not reject them or abhor them as to destroy them completely…” (Leviticus 26: 40-45). It was recorded in history that millions of Hebrew people were seeking safety in the country called the “earth.”

     This “earth” continent received those fleeing Jews from the world wide anti-Semitism, and today she remains in favor of the causes of Israelites either those of her own Jewish origin citizens or even those who had opted to return to the modern secular nation of Israel in the former British mandate. The Serpent knew well the Arabs’ hatred since it was already foretold in the ancient scriptural prophecies during the era of Abraham. Being conscious of his fate, he is all out to orchestrate all available abominations on earth in fulfilling his devilish agendas during the rhymed a time, times, and half a time. The “earth” nation (the United States of America) who emerged as the new superpower of the world had already manifested her role as the pre-metamorphosed 666. The future United States or the shadow of the final 666 (see notes about 666) appeared “like a lamb but he spoke like a dragon”; he was likened “like a lamb” because she was, undeniably, one of the cabal-vetoed power nations within the United Nations: "peace and safety." Besides, that country adopts friendly approaches towards foreign nations. But this friendliness might be due to her popular cultures and ideology dished out by the globalized mass media networks. Her “monstrous (dragon) political power” is undeniably the most powerful on earth. The US began her hegemony of money on earth since the establishment of Bretton Wood Agreement in 1944 together with the United Kingdom, and Canada as the pioneering signatories.[5]  Later Germany, Japan, and France joined the rank in the shareholders of the World Bank. [6]

     We are on the brink of “Christ Second Advent”; the distress we are seeing and experiencing at this moment, preceded the fulfillment of the prophesied a time, times, and half a time. However, we would only see the manifestations of evil in full measure when the divine favor is no longer guaranteed by the Mediator who seats at the right hand of the Father. The image refers to the Laws i.e. the beasts as the object of obedience (worship).

The words “image” and “worship” in Revelation 13

     Both the first Beast and the Second Beast out of the Earth are adhering and enforcing the same Principles or Charter/Covenant. The difference was that the first beast became world superpower earlier than the beast out of the earth. And both of them are allied forces. The beast that had had fatal wound referred to the United Kingdom who once ruled one fourth of the earth‘s surfaces; she had the dominions, colonies, and mandates. After World War I and World War II, she lost most of her colonies and mandates. She regained her status as world superpower via her position as the one of the five-permanent members of Security Council of the United Nations. She would hold this elite position till the day of Christ‘s Second Coming. The Scripture says “3One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was astonished and followed the beast.”

World dominancy depends on the capability of military might, political power and economic power. Thus, superpowers are those who have the capability to conquer the world through military campaigns (wars), ideological (politics) conquests and economic conquest. Both veto-power nations, the United Kingdom and the United States seemed to be invulnerable in those three aspects of world dominance namely military, politics and economics because they become the elite decision makers of the world. They are “the gods of this world;” the inhabitants of the world say “Who is like the beast? Who can make war against him?" (Revelation 13: 4). Through the agreed principles or Charter they dominate the international politics (see the metaphor revelation in Revelation 13: 12). Briefly, the rapprochement of the beast out of the Earth with the laws (principles) established by the first Beast out of the Sea. The special authority of the Beast out of the earth enables her to exercise all authorities of the Beast out of the Sea is metaphorically revealed as “giving breath to the image of the first beast” (Revelation 13: 15a). The strict observance of the covenant is written in apocalyptic word as if “to worship” the image (the image is the Laws/Principles).

     The interpretation of “worship” is simply derived from the Old Covenant worship where the Lawmaker was YHVH, and He was imaged by the Laws or Torah. Thus, the observance of Mosaic laws was the act of worshipping YHVH. In the Old Covenant, the 10 Commandments was the image of Yahweh. Therefore, when the makers of the laws are the diabolic beasts then the object of worship must be the diabolic beasts. One of the wondrous things of Laws was seeing the image of YHVH‘s heart through the Laws. King David sang, “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things of the law" (Psalm 119: 18). In the same way, we could pray that may we see the diabolical things of the beasts’ laws. The diabolic laws of the beast are the very image of the hearts of the lawmakers of the diabolic Beasts.

    Those two Beasts, in fact, would be the elite members of the Scarlet Beast. In Revelation 11: 3-8, the Scarlet Beast will kill the end time‘s two prophets soon after they've finished prophesying for 1,260 days. It is prophesied that “...the beast (Scarlet Beast) that comes up from the Abyss (WW III) will attack them (two prophets), and overpower and kill them (Revelation 11: 7).” These foretold killings reveal unto us that the Beast out of the Sea and the Beast out of the Earth, in fact, co-established the elite decision makers within the Scarlet Beast's governance. Briefly, the Beast out of the Sea and the Beast out of the Earth are the top seed group of the Scarlet Beasts.

Together they become the global Custodians of “Peace and Safety.” They would wage war against the saints and defeating them during the eschatological a time, times, and half a time (Daniel 7: 21; Revelation 13: 5 ~ half a time). Waging wars is not necessarily defined as literal wars, but it is interpreted as the Adversary‘s deceptions against the teachings of Christ on earth manifested by the enactment of the duplicitous torah-like laws of the beasts. Any stand against the rapprochement with the “gods of this world aka creators of money” would be economically sanctioned or else be confronted with “suppression of any act of aggression”; frequently dominated by the elite decision makers through bellicose rhetoric. Through the distress of wars, the saints would be powerless in invoking “true peace” from above; they would give in to the authority of the beasts for people would say “who is like the beast? Who can make war against him? Thus, they end up conquered by the beasts.
   One of the heads (a super power nation or a kingdom) of the Beast seemed had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed (Revelation 13: 3). The recuperative power from the fatal wound could be understood as “the lost of world dominancy in world politics” due to her loses of colonies, dominions or mandates. But her authority in world politics was restored through political maneuvers; placing her to be the leading elite of the global governing bodies. Her elite role in world politics would convince the whole world that she is the undeniably the adorable god (ruler) of this secular world. The diabolic Scarlet Beast and her consorting beasts define the saints’  belief as merely shackling the secular progress, and also against the popular relativism ideologies of the world. Therefore, the fire of the saints must be put off. The lawless one who rules the world through the Scarlet Beast would then “speak against the Most High and oppress his saints, and try to change the set times and the laws. The saints will be handed over to him for a time, times and half a time (Daniel 7: 25). These phrases are representing the period of eschatological Chastisement.

Daniel 12: 7 says that, “it will be a time, times, and half a times. When the power of the holy people has been finally broken…” This half a time period i.e. 1,260 days is the same time frame prophesied in Revelation 11: 3. This “half a time” also exactly points to the same period of distress of the saints in Revelation 13: 5-7 which says, “…the beasts exercise his authority for forty two months (1,260) days….he was given power (diabolical power) to make war against the saints and conquer them.” The diabolic agendas aim at warring against the saints. Such wars are originated from spirit realms (Serpent), and when manifested on earth, they were seen as tangible realities which would be totally against the Scriptural teachings. It is prophesied that the saints (New Covenant‘s woman) are called for patient endurance and faithfulness as they go through the eschatological a time, times and half a time; numerically translated into 7 years (6.89953 years), 49 years (48.508546 years), 3.5 years (3.4497656 years). The agenda of the Beast out of the Sea is to conquer the saints. The Beast out of the earth would continue in oppressing just as what the first beast had done to the saints. The saints would experience great distress because the whole world would be enslaved through forced monetary system under the authority of the beast that comes out of the earth. The diabolic leader of the Beast out of the Earth would control the whole transactions of buying and selling through enforcement of monetary laws. “He forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand and on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name" (Revelation 13: 16).

by Joannes Simin( c) Copyright 2014
[1]  Martin, Elizabeth A, ed. Oxford Dictionary of Law. London: Oxford University Press. 5th ed. 2002. p.517
[2]  Martin, Elizabeth A, ed. Oxford Dictionary of Law. London: Oxford University Press. 5th ed. 2002. p.517
[3] "History of Israel.” Wikipedia The Free Encylopedia. June 23, 2012.
[4] History of Israel. Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia. June 23, 2012. <>
[5] "Bretton Woods System.” Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 15 April 2014.
[6] Ibid.