Rabu, 14 Oktober 2015

Intercession for the “ streams of water” (the hearts of the rulers) ...

There are unseen forces beyond the tangible bureaucracies of the governments or politics on earth. King Solomon said in Proverbs 21 verse 1 “the king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will.” St. Paul who was endowed with the spirit of wisdom and understanding instructed his pupil, Timothy, concerning prayers in 1 Timothy 2 verse 1:  Paul wrote First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men,2 for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way.” 
Paul mentioned “for kings and all who are in high positions,” so that they may have a quiet and peaceful life.  St. Paul understood the wondrous hand of the Lord in guiding “a stream of water” which is referring to a ruler or a king in a particular geopolitical region.   In Isaiah Chapter 9 verse 7, Prophet Isaiah delivered the prophecy concerning a ruler who would run off and conquered the Promised Land, and that ruler was purposely allowed to rule over them as the manifestations of divine punishment upon his stiff-necked “woman” (the chosen people of God).  That ruler was prophesied in an allegorical phrase called “a stream of water.” Verse 7 of Isaiah Chapter 8 revealed “7 therefore, behold, the Lord is bringing up against them the waters of the River, mighty and many, the king of Assyria and all his glory.”  King Solomon who was gifted with the spirit of wisdom knew that the rulers on earth were in the hands of the Lord, thus he disclosed the meaning of “a stream of water” which referred to the heart of a ruler or a king.

The fate of failing in interceding for “a stream of water” in one’s nation 

Every “a stream of water” must be interceded especially during the time of the approaching day of the Lord, and also during the period of Judgment.  In our anticipation of the  coming Day of the Lord, or simply “a time,”  it would be important to continue in waiting for his Spirit to descent at our wicks of our spirit at all times, so that every prayer would be equipped with the wings of dialogos.  The descending Presence of the Holy Spirit would accompany every believer in staying in the Spirit, so that ones might be empowered by “Spirit of prayer.”  It is through the “Spirit of prayer” that every believer is strengthened.  

The Lord Jesus perspired droplets of blood, and was weakened by the realities of the power of death brought forth by total sins of humanity since the beginning of time till to the end of time which simultaneously transpired in his human-divine Consciousness.  These simultaneous realities in Jesus’ consciousness during his prayer had caused him to be consciously transpired the inconceivable agonies of the past, the present and the future realities of sins: transpiring altogether at once in his Spirit. That consciousness drained the energy of Jesus’ flesh.  Those droplets of blood were his human-physical reaction. St. Luke recorded that Jesus was strengthened by the presence of angel sent by His Father.

Prayer is the source of strength for every believer. His Spirit is the source of strength.  Unless you are inside your own chamber, then you are reduced into your own intellectual capacities, and your spirit is alone without any helper. The strength of the flesh won’t promise you any triumph, unless you are empowered by the presence of the tongue of fire or else the presence of divine messenger.  Jesus Christ was empowered by the presence of the angel during his wrestling praying in the garden of Gethsemane, embracing all the pains of the whole gamut of sins of the wounded mankind.  

Every ruler or king is like a stream of water in the hand of the Lord.  We know that when God ceases to hold on the stream of water in His hand, then who else would hold their hearts? ; It would be only by themselves, or else be inspired by the subtlest deceptions from the Old Serpent.  Sometimes, God allowed the Old Serpent to hold the “streams of waters” of the rulers and the kings, so that God would complete His handiworks of Judgments. 

God allowed the Old Serpent to strike every sign of blessing in Job’s life. Then, Job’s miserable friends came to comfort him. After seven days and seven nights of silence with Job, they broke their silence and began judging him harshly.  In Job’s enigma of justice, God explained later to them that Job’s friends were wrong, and Job’s words concerning God were right. Job’s faith was strengthened, and his traumas were subsided when he saw God’s face.  God’s revelation-knowledge somehow inspired Job to rise from his ashes of mourning; Job gained refined precepts from his sufferings. His miserable friends were confronted by God because of their foolish understanding concerning the Word, and they were demanded to reconcile themselves to God through the rite of expiation; they had to give seven bulls and seven rams as burnt offerings unto Job’s expiatory.   So, the enigma of divine justice was solved.  

Did God purposely allow Bildad, Zophar and Eliphaz, as if their “stream of waters” were appointed by God to become the judges of Job’s righteousness? I don’t know! But, to the end of Job’s miseries, God proved to be the only Judge who judged in equity! If we were Job, God’s silence would surely cause us to stagger in our walk of faith! But, God answered Job out of the storm.  Job was deeply acquainted with the Divine Creator.  His relationship with the Divine Spirit manifested by Job’s words in Job 28: 28 “The fear of the Lord―that is Wisdom,.” Job’s understanding was far beyond the precepts of his older and experienced friends who kept babbling with their human wisdom. Job spoke the things of the Spirit of God; he spoke about the gift of the Sevenfold Spirit. His older friends were not astonished at all by Job’s spiritual wisdom because their precepts were tied up with the traditional wisdom which says “we reap what we have sown.” Thus, their judgmental predispositions were somehow validated by the absence of the signs of divine blessings in Job’s life. Their spiritual eyes were unable to see the truth of Job’s words concerning “the fear of Lord.” 

The rulers in campaigning for the popular ideology of relativism may emulate the same reasoning in demoralizing and conquering the saints. How could the “wheat” prove to the “tares” that they would be the problem solvers of all the conflicts on earth, when they (saints) are lacking the signs of divine blessings in their lives?  AntiWord ideology like “Communism” says that religion is poison.  Scientific minded men say “the hand of God does not necessarily be in the big bang,” and the economists say “God never rain down money from heaven.”   God allowed the hearts of the Assyrian, Babylonian and Mede Persian Emperors to run off the Promised Land in fulfilling their ambitions in conquering the people of God, and yet they received punishments from God as well. Therefore, as long as the Lord endows us mercy and enduring loving-kindness, those “streams of water” all over the earth would be streaming down to you, bringing forth blessings or at worst, they are coming as plagues, deaths, scarcities and various forms of injustices. 

And the blessing of the Lord brings forth wealth.  And he adds no sorrow to it.  But, if the “streams of waters” of the leaders were left without divine interventions then, the worst possibility would mean that their hearts were in the hand of the Old Serpent. When the woman and her offspring enter into the “desert,” the Old Serpent would spew out the hearts of the rulers as the “streams of waters,” so that the diabolic agendas could be fulfilled through their hands.  Beware! The ruling beasts of the earth might turn out to be the “mouths” of the Old Serpent on earth.  God allowed it to take place, so that the Word would be fulfilled.  The beasts as the “mouths” of Lucifer on earth were prophesied in Revelation 13: 5 & 6.

5 And the beast was given “a mouth" uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months; 6  it opened its “mouth” to utter blasphemies against God, blaspheming his name and his dwelling, that is, those who dwell in heaven. 7 Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them.8 And authority was given it over every tribe and people and tongue and nation,8 and all who dwell on earth will worship it, every one whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb that was slain.9 If anyone has an ear, let him hear. (Revelations 13: 5-9)

Therefore, it is very important to pray and intercede for the rulers of the nations, so that we may understand His “name.”  It would not be necessary that God would lift up the sufferings because we know from his past “names” concerning Judgment that God purposely allowed the hearts of the emissaries of the Dragon to rule over His own people.  So, we intercede for the rulers, so that we may understand what is going on as according to God’s eyes.  Unless, we enter into the Spirit of intercession, then we won’t know the reason why have the “fires” wrapped up God’s own peoples.  Anticipating for positive answer is very normal.  Do not be troubled! Because we were already foretold that during the "without daytime and without nighttime" period, Judgment, the hearts of the rulers were allowed to execute their desires for a certain period of time! The phrase “It was allowed” was twice revealed from verse 5 to verse 9 in Revelation 13. It was God’s consent. Whereas, the phrase “it was given” was the Adversary’s power.

We know that it was no longer concerning the battlefields between God, and the Adversary in the hearts of the rulers. It was clearly revealed that God allowed as disclosed by “it was allowed,” and “it was given” refers to the Old Serpent’s power in empowering the rulers. But, God allowed it for forty two months only or 3.5 years.  It was foretold that the rulers who have received the ‘mark” would become the “mouths” of the dragon.  They fulfill the wills and desires of Lucifer on earth, manifesting not only in the form of 'AntiWord-enforced Laws,' but also in various forms of anti-Word manifestations.  It won’t be astonishing to see 'wind of teachings' sweeping across the globe which was already sped up by the inventions of electronic-networks. They (the rulers) would teach antiWord’s doctrines through amendments of Laws with endless deceptions; St. John revealed that “to worship the beasts” mean to be tied up with their Laws and antiWord-precepts.

Pray for the rulers of the nations. Intercessory prayers for the rulers are not necessarily intended in converting the hearts of rulers, but merely the expressions of our faith in God that he is in control of everything. It means we do believe that “every stream of water” is in the hand of the Lord. King Solomon said “the king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will.” Unless, we enter into the Spirit of prayer, then we never know how the Lord is working out his handiworks through them. Nehemiah wrote that he “prayed unto God,” when he disclosed his desires to Artaxerxes I who was in his 20th year of reign. We don’t know whether God answered our desires, unless we have disclosed them to the rulers.  Unless we are told in the Spirit of prophecy, then we won’t know whether God has given the heart of man unto the ruler or vice versa.  Prophet Daniel knew that Nebuchadnezzar would be given “the heart of man” after the completion of seven-year insanity of Nebuchadnezzar which led him into abandonment in a remote place called Tema.  The prophets knew the secrets and the things to come because they enter into that Spirit of intercessions for the beasts (rulers). In the same way, we enter into the spirit of intercessions for the beasts of the earth, so that we may understand the meanings of the surroundings events of our times.

Your prayers may change “the watercourses or the the streams of water” as according to the Divine revelation-knowledge or the Spirit of prophecy.  Or, at worst, we may know the reasons behind the “fires” that are engulfing us.

Political analysts vs. Spirit of prophecy/Spirit of Wisdom/Spirit of understanding. 

Political analyst is a secular political expert who synthesizes the digests of the whole gamut of politics as related to the ideologies, religions, the mechanism of bureaucracies and societal institutions on earth.  They could provide any conceivable details of every event.  But, their assessments might be deprived of the wholeness of the truth due to their inability to access into the Sovereign Spirit of understanding, and the spirit of wisdom who knows everything:  the Word of the Lord. God does not leave his people clueless concerning what is to come. He blessed his people with prophecies and revelations concerning the future, so that we may believe in Him more.  Though prophecies may not be as details as reported by the expertise of the secular journalism, prolific columnist-historians, futuristic scientists or as details as what were video-taped by any modern technology such as the advanced cameras of a high tech-satellites, but they are sufficient and undeniably accurate in predicting the things to come in the future. So that, when you see stupefying fires engulf the world, you may not be troubled because you were already foretold about them.. 

He is creatively omnipresent in every event of human history of the wounded men; he touched those whose names written in the book of life.  Not even a single blade of grass was left withered without the traces of the Spirit of the living God. The sovereign transcending creative power of God defies all rulers, powers and authorities in the history of mankind.  Men only see what they understood through their five senses, and perhaps with extra-occult-information from beyond, but God fills every elect with spirit of understanding.  For not from the east or from the west and not from the wilderness comes lifting up;7 but it is God who executes judgment, putting down one and lifting up another. Each accession of a ruler is known by God.  He may allow it to take place, or else he may disclose one’s downfall.  God even allowed an evil ruler to rule for certain period of time.  Men were in sorrow and sufferings when ruled by evil rulers, but God may allow them to rule for an appointed time. 

Khamis, 8 Oktober 2015

AntiChrist means "Anti-Word"...

     Christ's "name" (handiwork) is the Word of God (Revelation 19: 13). The Word became human-divine (John 1: 14). He came to fulfill all spoken divine Word written in Mosaic Laws, Prophecies and Lyrics in Psalms (Luke 24: 44).  Thus, "Anti-Christ" simply means "Anti-Word." Surprisingly but true, anyone who is against the truth that the "Word" became "human-divine” is, therefore, under the spell of the spirit of antiChrist.

"3 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world” (1 John 4:3).
18 Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is the last hour (1 John 2: 18).
17 For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist (2 John 1: 17).

     Therefore, they don't believe in the Lord's Pass Over. They were prophesied by Jesus as the "tares" in Matthew 13. Though antichrists could be referring to 'anti-Word' persons, they (the antiChrist leaders) could not wield their diabolic influences on earth, unless they have particular systems to work through their deceptions, converting the kings and rulers of the earth as his disciples or members. 

     Thus, antichrists need "towers" to manifest their "names." "Name" in prophecy refers to "mission or handiwork." The centres or 'towers' symbolizing global agreed principles. In Genesis 11, the antiWord-wounded men envision to unite all people on earth through one name or "human agenda" or "human mission" which was against the revealed Word of God in those days. And the erected tower meant to centralize their global human mission!

     And, we are in the last hour, where people on earth are falling away from their faiths. Christians turn into apostasy! And popular secular relativism is gaining favor from all walks of life. We have had seen erected towers and various forms of "names" on earth. And the wheat are involved in erecting those "towers" and in establishing agreed "names" that would shape up the destiny of mankind. Alas! there are Anti-Christ! Thus, the conflicts between the woman and the Old Serpent and their offspring would be continually manifested on earth till the completion of the Word.

 "Thus, there would be various manifestations of Anti-Word philosophies or human precepts like Nazism, Fascism, Communism, Capitalism, and surely the prophesied "666-ism," in which the prophesied antichrists would manifest their agendas as teachings: "the emmisaries of the Adversary on earth. "666" may not be accurately discerned by those who are not given with the Sevenfold "gifts." They may not understand that the end-times world rulers were orchestrated by the Adversary. "666-ism" propagates anti-Word "wind of teachings:" it denies the Word of God that became human, Yeshua.

    Mental curiosity  or intellectual fascination in identfying the top-AntiChrist-leader which is subtly inspired by hatred and biased interpretations of the Scripture won't lead us into the true path of interpretation; such approach very often would end up slandering the wrong persons.   It is fascinating in identifying the candidates of the prophesied Antichrist, but in truth, more than half of the inhabitants of the world are anti-Word.  Surely, there were numerous Antichrist leaders since the earliest period of the Woman of the new "Way."
       There are only two women; the former was commanded to observe the Torah, and the latter was commanded to abide the two golden rules of love; they lived by the Spirit. And the rest of the rulers or kings and their kingdoms or governments on earth are prophetically called the "beasts" of the earth with their own human-made Laws and human agendas or human handiworks on earth; God consistently used the prophetic term “names” (‘missions’) in conveying "handiworks" or mission . Thus, 666 in Revelation 13, simply unfolds the complete human mission (human "handiworks" on earth) which are against the "names" of Christ. "...and his name is The Word of God." (Rev. 19: 13).

    Horn —is associated with the authority of a leader, and if the horn has a crown or a coronet ,then it means the leader is a monarch/king/emperor. See Dan 7: 24. If the horn is having one eye, it means an antichrist leader. The "seven eyes, seven horns and seven Spirits" is referring solely to  Christ.

Rabu, 7 Oktober 2015

Mahakasih Tuhan yang menghukum kerana ia adalah kasih yang Mahasuci.....

Tuhan itu Maha-kasih. "Benci" (hatred) tidaklah 'mencipta' malah ia adalah biji benih yang membawa perseteruan, peperangan atau kemusnahan. Ia (hatred) adalah bahasa manusia yang "luka." Dengan kasihNya yang sempurna, Ia mencipta dan memelihara alam semesta dengan kuasa Maha-kasih Nya. Manusia pertama, Adam, dicipta Tuhan kerana KasihNya. Kristus, Anak Tuhan yang Mahatinggi, juga di utus kerana MahakasihNya kepada umat manusia dan segenap mahluk ciptaanNya. Bila manusia pertama berdosa, "luka" menurun kepada keturunannya, dan "Kasih" Tuhan menjadi masalah besar kepada umat manusia yang "luka" kerana kasih Tuhan itu Mahasuci dan bernyala-nyala. Kesucian KasihNya umpama api yang menghanguskan umat manusia yang berdosa. Maka Tuhan telah membuka "jalan" iaitu "jalan penebusan" menurut amal-ibadah ritus-ritus purbakala. Ritus penebusan dosa di zaman purbakala ada dicatatkan dalam Kitab Suci iaitu dalam buku Kejadian fasal 4 iaitu mengenai persembahan bakaran oleh Abel dan Cain. Ia adalah pernyataan awal Tuhan tentang "jalan" menyelesaikan dosa-dosa manusia yang "luka," supaya kasih Tuhan yang suci tidak akan menjilat hangus manusia yang didekati oleh Tuhan.

Justeru itu, "jalan" menurut Firman adalah sumber "kehidupan yang penuh" iaitu diperdamaikan dengan kasih Tuhan yang suci. "Jalan" perdamaian purbakala itu telah diwarisi oleh anak-anak Adam sampai kepada Noah. Dan seterusnya ajaran hukum-hukum 'jalan" penebusan secara lebih teratur dan terperinci telah diturunkan kepada bani pilihan Tuhan: Israel. Kemudiannya menurut Lukas 24: 44, "Jalan" itu telah disempurnakan oleh Domba Tuhan, Kristus, agar mereka yang tertulis namaNya dalam buku kehidupan dapat bergaul karib dengan Tuhan yang KasihNya yang Maha-suci. Perdamaian antara manusia yang "luka," dan Tuhan yang "consuming" melalui karya perdamaian oleh Domba Tuhan, Kristus, adalah "Jalan" untuk dapat menerima kasih Tuhan tanpa dijilat-hangus oleh KekudusanNya.

Malaikat bernyanyi "kudus, kudus, kudus, kemuliaan Tuhan memenuhi bumi" juga dapat diertikan bahawa kasih Tuhan yang Mahasuci (agape love) juga memenuhi alam semesta. Maka, tiada tempat bagi umat manusia untuk lari dari realiti Mahakasih Roh Tuhan; entah ia kematian, kegelapan, ketelanjangan, penderitaan, sakit-penyakit, pedang, mahupun apa saja kuasa yang ada di bumi mahupun apa saja kuasa yang di atas langit...tidaklah siapa dapat dipisahkan dari Kasih Tuhan. Tuhan itu Mahakasih. MahakasihNya menerpa kita sepanjang masa. Daud bernyanyi "His love is unfailing." Tuhan dengan sempurnanya mengasihi kita semua, sepanjang masa. KasihNya menerpa kita semua, sepanjang masa. Dia bukanlah sumber kematian. Dia bukanlah sumber penderitaan. Kita semua dikasihi Tuhan.  Kita lihat Salib Kristus sebagai manifestasi kasih Tuhan kepada manusia. Tuhan tahu KasihNya itu penuh dengan kekudusanNya juga. Intelek manusia yang "luka" berfikir bahawa Tuhan itu "menghukum." Namun sebenarnya, kekudusanNyalah itu yang "consuming fire." Dan manusia yang suka dengan inteleknya sebenarnya bukanlah dihukum kerana Salib Kristus mengasihi semua manusia. Walaubagaimanapun, "nama" Kristus sebagai "Hakim" apabila "matahari jadi gelap, bulan tidak bercahaya dan bintang-bintang berjatuhan," sememangnya menghakimi dan menghukum.  Selagi Lirik "siang dan malam tidak henti-henti" berterusan, maka Kristus sebagai "Domba Tuhan yang menghapus dosa-dosa dunia" tidak akan menghukum. 

     Maka sesungguhnya Tuhan itu Mahakasih: unfailing love. Jika "Jalan" Tuhan itu ditolak kerana "tidak percaya," maka kesudahannya akan membawa roh-roh kita semua kepada nyalaan "KasihNya yang Mahasuci;" ia bernyala-nyala dan memenuhi alam semesta. KasihNya yang kudus bernyala-nyala, itulah sebenarnya yang intelek manusia fahami sebagai "judgment." Tidak percaya kepada jalan Tuhan, Firman, samalah ertinya bahawa kita akan menghadapi kasih Tuhan yang bernyala-nyala ("consuming fire"). Justeru itu, Kasihnya yang consuming itu adalah hukuman yang semutlaknya Maha-adil. Ia Maha-adil kerana ia sebenarnya "Mahakasih Tuhan yang bernyala-nyala."

Kasih Tuhan itu selama-lamanya setia, akan tetapi kasih setiaNya itu adalah Mahasuci. "...bernama: Setia dan Yang Benar,"...(Wahyu 19: 11).  Maka, bagaimana mungkin roh kita mendapat kehidupan yang penuh jika bukan percaya kepada "Jalan" perdamaianNya? KasihNya adalah sumber kehidupan kepada segala ciptaan Tuhan di bumi. Namun kita tahu bahawa KasihNya itu juga adalah Mahasuci. Justeru itu, semua hukuman Roh Tuhan mengalir turun daripada KekudusanNya. Semua hukum-hukum suci Tuhan menyatakan ("revealing") kekudusanNya. Secara peribadi, saya melihat dosa-dosa adalah keputusan intelek, dan juga segala perbuatan yang menentang kasih Tuhan yang Mahasuci. Ketika YHVH menyatakan kemuliaanNya kepada Nabi Musa, Ia berseru "Tuhan, Tuhan, Allah penyayang dan pengasih, panjang sabar, berlimpah kasih setiaNya, yang meneguhkan kasih setiaNya kepada beribu-ribu orang, yang mengampuni kesalahan, pelanggaran dan dosa; tetapi tidaklah sekali-kali membebaskan orang yang bersalah dari hukuman,...(Keluaran 34: 5-7). Allah Bapa, Allah Anak dan Allah Roh Kudus adalah Satu Roh yang Mahasuci. Yahweh adalah Roh Yesus dalam Perjanjian Lama. Tuhan itu berlimpah kasihnya  untuk selama-lamanya, namun ia juga menghukum terhadap orang-orang berdosa yang melanggar kekudusan Tuhan; Tuhan yang Mahasuci adalah empunya langit, bumi dan segala isinya.

Hukuman Tuhan ke atas kehidupan peribadi seseorang menurut pengertian peribadi saya adalah ringkasnya seperti berikut:

(1)      Roh Tuhan adalah Hakim ke atas segala perlanggaran hukum-hukum Tuhan (dosa-dosa). Jika ada penghukuman, maka ia mestilah ada penghakiman. Tuhan itu Hakim yang Maha-adil. Namun intelek manusia senantiasa cenderung berpendapat, malah  berusaha menghakimi sesama manusia; dan inilah kelemahan manusia yang “luka.”  Hukuman Tuhan adalah ditujukan kepada "orang yang bersalah" kerana Tuhan tidak membebaskan kita dari kesalahan kita (Ayub 10: 14), kecuali kita menyeru nama "Domba Tuhan yang menghapus dosa-dosa dunia"(Kis 2: 21; 1 Yoh 1:9). Orang yang ditebus, dan diperdamaikan selalu oleh anugerah pengampunan dosa yang diberikan oleh "Domba" akan luput daripada segala hukuman Roh Suci Tuhan. Maka, mereka yang percaya kepada "Jalan" tidaklah dihukum tetapi ditegor dan dihajar Roh Kudus (Wahyu 3: 19);

(2)      Hukuman Roh Tuhan di umumkan terlebih dahulu di Sorga (Mazmur 76:8) iaitu dalam jantung (Roh) Allah Bapa ("Court of Heaven"). Kesemua keputusan hukuman adalah terbit dari kehendak Allah Bapa. Dalam Perjanjian Lama, hukuman disampaikan oleh "mulut-mulut" Tuhan (Nabi-Nabi). Jika "dalam hadirat Roh YHVH" seperti dalam kasus anak-anak Harun yang membuat perapian yang tidak dibenarkan, dinyatakan bahawa api hadirat Roh Tuhan seperti api yang menghanguskan. "Hadirat" Tuhan juga menghukum dengan manifestasi sakit-penyakit, atau wabak penyakit kepada mereka yang bersalah/berdosa atau tidak diperdamaikan dengan Roh Suci Tuhan. Wabak itu berhenti bila penyelesaian dosa di upacarakan oleh imamat. Dalam Perjanjian Baru, ia (hukuman) disampaikan oleh hadirat Roh Kudus. Bila Roh Kudus turun, kita akan diinsafkan akan dosa-dosa kita. Kekudusan kasih Roh Kudus itulah yang menginsafkan kita; jika kita masuk hadiratNya tanpa mendengar apa-apa pengumuman hukuman, maka itu bererti Roh Kudus tidaklah menghukum kita. Jika Roh Kudus tidak turun ataupun kita tidak dapat memasuki hadiratNya yang suci, maka itu bererti kita tidak sempurna (Mat. 5: 8, 48). Roh Kudus menuntut kekudusan kepada orang percaya yang ingin memasuki hadiratNya (Matius 5: 8).

(3)     Oleh kerana Tuhan itu "panjang sabar" (Keluaran 34: 6-7), maka Ia tidaklah menghukum sembarangan tetapi dengan penuh keadilan. Jika Roh Tuhan menghukum dosa-dosa manusia, maka hal itu berlaku hanya apabila dosa-dosa mereka menjadi 'ranum,' ataupun hanya pada waktu kematian, destinasi roh-roh kita akan diputuskan oleh Roh Tuhan. Biasanya, manusia sesama manusialah yang sebenarnya saling menghukum sesama diri kita sendiri, samada mengikut undang-undang manusia ataupun tanpa mengikut apa-apa undang-undang. Dan penghakiman kita adalah berdasarkan rumusan intelek kita, kecuali kita sampaikan mesej Roh Tuhan, maka ia akan menjadi suatu penghakiman dari Roh Tuhan. Penghakiman yang sedemikian adalah disebut "Roh nubuatan" ("Spirit of Prophecy").

(4)      Tidaklah bijak jika kita menggangap diri kita telah dihukum oleh Roh Tuhan, sedangkan tiada apa-apa diperdengarkan perihal keputusan yang spesifik tentang hukuman dari Roh Tuhan (Amos 3: 7). Hukuman Tuhan bukanlah ditafsir oleh intelek manusia, tetapi kita dengar dari firman Roh Tuhan (Roh Kudus). Kesemua hukuman Tuhan dalam Perjanjian Lama dijelaskan tanpa samar-samar oleh Roh Tuhan melalui pemberitaan nabi-nabiNya ataupun 'pilihanNya' ('chosen ones') (Amos 3: 7). Tuhan menjelaskan hukuman yang bakal menimpa ke atas semua penduduk bumi, dan segala isinya dengan banjir yang besar kepada Noah selang waktu selama 120 tahun sebelum ia digenapi. Noah tidak menafsir hukuman tersebut tetapi dia mendengar pemberitaan atau pengumuman dari Roh Tuhan. Ramai orang kristen menafsir hukuman Tuhan dengan intelek; mereka tidak mendengar suara Tuhan kerana hukuman itu adalah dari Suara Tuhan.  Justeru itu, mereka menjadi sangat Judgmental atau kuat menghakimi.

Tuhan menjelaskan setiap jenis hukuman yang ditimpakan kepada Firaun dan ke atas Mesir melalui mulutNya --Nabi Musa. Tuhan menjelaskan hukuman yang ditimpakan Sodom dan Gomorrah kepada Abraham, dan kemudian disampaikan kepada keluarga Lot oleh utusan Tuhan iaitu malaikat. Tuhan menjelaskan hukuman yang bakal menimpa Raja Yeroboam serta garis keturunanya, dan juga hukuman yang ditimpakan kepada sepuluh suku kaum Israel di bawah pemerintahan Yeroboam di utara melalui mulutNya, Nabi Ahijah (1Raja-Raja 14). Tuhan akan jelaskan terlebih dahulu hukuman yang ditimpakan ke atas umatNya yang memberontak. Justeru itu, Tuhan akan memperdengarkan keperincian hukuman sekiranya Ia menghukum; sedangkan mereka yang bukan umatnya tidaklah mengerti apa-apa yang sedang berlaku, entah mereka tahu mereka dihukum atau sebaliknya. Sebenarnya mereka yang tidak percayapun diberikan peluang mendengar pemberitaan hukuman yang disampaikan oleh nabi-nabi ("elect") Tuhan. Namun, biasanya mereka tidak akan percaya kepada 'pemberitaan' kecuali mereka dianugerahkan dengan 'percaya' oleh pekerjaan Roh Tuhan. Mereka pasti tidak akan percaya jika sekiranya telah dinyatakan oleh Roh Tuhan bahawa "nama mereka tidak tertulis dalam buku kehidupan;"

5)      Suara hati bukanlah hukuman Tuhan tetapi amaran awal yang "menuduh" kita mengenai dengan pelanggaran hukum Tuhan (10 Commandments; Taurat tidaklah dibatalkan, dan ia menyingkapkan kekudusanNya.'). Jika benar pelanggaran itu melibatkan pelanggaran Firman Suci, maka ia berfungsi sebagai "pendakwa," untuk membimbing kita kepada "pengakuan dosa" kepada Domba. Kuasa Kristus lebih besar daripada suara hati kita yang menuduh kita;

6)     Rasul Paulus berkata bahawa "tidak ada penghukuman bagi mereka di dalam Kristus Yesus" ("mereka yang tertulis dalam buku kehidupan") Roma 8: 1. "Di dalam Kristus Yesus" adalah mereka yang senantiasa diperdamaikan dengan Kasih Tuhan yang suci melalui pengakuan mereka yang tidak putus-putus akan Manna dari Syurga. Pengakuan mereka yang tidak putus-putus seperti seakan suatu lapar semulajadi akan Manna: Roti Kehidupan Kekal. Inilah kecenderungan roh bagi mereka yang telah "lahir kembali."

7)     Roh Tuhan adalah tujuh lapis (Sevenfold Spirit), maka hukumannya adalah menurut Roh tujuh lapis ataupun dalam versi Inggeris "the Spirit of Judgment is seven times or seventimes over." Roh Tuhan tidaklah berubah walaupun ada "nama" (karya~handiworks) baru Tuhan.  Roh yang menghakimi dan menghukum tetap sama: Roh tujuh lapis. (Imamat 26: 18, 21, 24 & 28).

8) Penyampaian pemberitaan hukuman disampaikan dalam bentuk Taurat, nubuatan-nubuatan ataupun dalam bentuk Lirik-lirik dan juga bersama atau melalui penglihatan-penglihatan dan mimpi. 

The mystery of the holiness of God

By Mannaseh Gimin

His supernatural presence in all living things and non-living things is unfathomable. However, His Omnipresence is somehow can be likened as mysteriously weaving together the whole spaces in the Universe with His unseen Divine Spiritual auric-field, and His Holiness is infusing all Creation as well -- the throne of it, is seated in Heaven. The inseparable Omnipresent and Omnipotent of divine Spirit are constantly sustaining his Creation, and therefore He also mysteriously infuses this Creation with His Holiness. Thus, the utmost reason for the Divine Laws to be revealed unto mankind is simply teaching us the ever presence of His divine holiness in the Universe. He is constantly working through the Laws because the divine laws serve to be one the three basic foundations of His divine handiworks in the universe. Jesus said that he came to fulfill all laws which meant all transgression of divine laws (10 Commandments) are expiated by his atoning blood on the Cross.
His intention is not to control man’s freedom on earth. Man is endowed with freewill, and he must use his moral obligation, as according to the Divine Laws because His divine holiness is always dictating all Creation. To be in harmony with this holy Source of life  is to know the secrets of eternity.  We are not saved by the Laws since by the knowledge of the Laws, we are stumbling upon it. But the Lamb liberates us from the power of the Laws. His holiness is consuming. All forces which vibrate contrary to that Divine Nature of Holiness would be consumed. He holds intact the whole universe with His Holy divine power. Therefore, he is always infusing this Creation with His holiness as well. His power as the Source of life of the whole universe is inseparable with His divine holiness. He said, “It is I Who made the earth and created mankind upon it.” [1] And again the Creator said, “… ( I ) fixed Laws of heaven and earth…” [2] In other words, it is understood that this earth is wrapped up by His holiness as well.
The triune God as the Creator and owner of all Creation is the reason behind all of His Divine Judgments on earth. In fact, divine judgment is merely the natural reaction of His holiness that confronts any opposite nature in the highest good intention of all in all Spaces of Creation. All divine judgments flow from His omniscience consuming Holiness whereas all life pulses, blessings and forgiveness flow from His Divine mercy, and perfect Love manifested by the Prince of Peace, the Lamb of God. Jesus is the perfect Way of the Covenant of “day and night will never cease(Covenant of Peace). Every life form on earth springs forth from the Spirit of God. David sang that, “When you send your Spirit, they are created, and you renewed the face of the earth.” [3] The earth is likened as part of the Divine holy robe which when defiled, would naturally demand cleansing like the cleansing by the Deluge. When day and night cease to bear this defilement on earth then this earth would be cleansed again with the element of fire. Judgment kicks off as soon as Jesus rises up to execute the mission of Judgment on earth.
God knows from the beginning of time that His unconditional love would not pose any problem, but the 'wounded' mankind needs to be reconciled to the nature of His Holiness. Neither His holiness be neutralize-able nor be removable from infusing the whole Creation since Creation herself is dictated by all of His laws, Omnipotent power and by His Holiness. Thus, God had planned even before Creation came to be that Man needs the 'spiritual covering i.e. the Word  (Lyrics) "day and night will never ceasethrough the way of expiation. He purposely provided the Way, so that the ever presence of Holiness or divine Laws on earth are satisfied.  All divine breathed prophecies serve to be the confidence of what we are hoping for, and the proof of what is not yet seen.
The Word was endowed unto man, so that one may learn to put one’s trust in the name of the Lord. God must bind Himself with this Covenant of Peace, or allegorically the Covenant of day and night , so that not only His holiness be restrained from consuming us, (the sinning creatures) but also that may His covenant people live, and inherit the earth, for it is prophesied that the righteous ones shall inherit the earth. After the Deluge, Noah became the sole inheritor of this planet earth because he was endowed with the way of peace with God. Noah’s belief in those simple divine ceremonial instructions of the rites of expiation had became the way, for him to be endowed with the divine favour. Noah had faithfully applied the Word of God concerning the dimensions in building the Ark. So, the way of “day and night will never cease” in Noah’s times was simply by observing the rites of expiation.  Later, Jesus perfected that “day and night will never cease” by becoming the Redeemer for all nations on earth, so that all nations on earth would become His inheritance.
He (Noah) was accepted by YHVH as a righteous person compared to those wicked contemporaries in his days. God considered him righteous not because of his sinlessness, but simply he was endowed with divine favour. Divine favour was given through His Word. Noah was faithful in observing the ancient way of peace with God. According to the ancient practice, the head of each family was responsible in performing the rite of expiation, mediating for his family, and therefore it is understandable that Noah’s family members (“the seven others”) received divine favour (“day and night”) through Noah’s expiatory office.
Whosoever been reconciled to God then surely one is not subjected to the divine consuming holiness. Man called these divine holy reactions as divine anger, divine judgments or divine wraths. These terms are purposely written in the Scripture because generally man could only perceive Divine Holiness in terms of human languages. The truth is that God is never angry, and He is never broken hearted, but he is in Supreme Happiness all the time. He must be the happiest Spirit Creator in order to be the Supreme Divine  who is in control of every matter of Creation. Divine Supremacy must not be subjected to human emotions like anger and broken heartedness? And yet the Son of Man, the Son of God and also called the Lamb of God, knew all the weaknesses of the human flesh. It is this mysterious Divine Holiness that becomes the wondrous things of the Laws or Torah. He had preordained the name Lamb of God since the beginning of time in order to fulfill the restraining of His own Holiness otherwise they would never able to stand any chance to survive on this planet earth.
The mystery of Divine Holiness is not easy to understand. Some of us are confined within the tree of knowledge, and therefore we linger within that mental plane, unable to go beyond the cruxes of do’s and don’ts. We, the mediocrelies, may need the life after death’s spiritual journey in order to understand the beyonds: the spirit realms. Discerning His holiness beyond the written Laws is, indeed, the mysterious key to understanding, if mankind ever wanted to choose the highest potential of life called the fullness of life; only the operations of the Sevenfold Spirit could enable the wounded men to see His realities. (Isaiah 33:6 ; Proverbs 9: 10).  Any ripeness of evil deeds or pollutants (Bloodsheds/sins) on earth would invoke His Holy Reactions (wraths). It is written that commands, decree, and Laws were given, so that the Israelites “may fear the Lord,” [4] and they “may enjoy long life.” [5] It didn’t say that their spirits may enter heaven. And yet later Jesus said that he came to fulfill the Laws (Luke 24: 44), so that every believer is reconciled to the divine Spirit of God.
The Spirit of prayer or entering into the presence of the Holy Spirit may endow us the glimpse of His holiness. However, our sins and our busyness in building up our own 'house' have limited our “Deep calls deep,” thus we have unrefined understandings concerning the unfathomable Mystery of Creation. Ordinary believer believes that He provided the Way of redemption because nobody would be passed over by His ever consuming fire in the universe, unless he is reconciled to the Holy God. Though it is consuming, and yet His Holiness is Omniscience and Just. Though the Word is boundless, our normal Christian precept says that the Omnipresence of the Holy Spirit is only accessible for those who are reconciled to His Spirit.  Who could then able to stand in the presence of His Consuming Holiness, unless be covered, by the redeeming power of the Lamb?


[1]  The Holy Bible, New International Version. The NIV Study Bible. (Grand Rapids, Michigan: The Zondervan Bible Publishers, 1985), —Isaiah 45: 12, p. 1082

[2]  Ibid. —Jeremiah 33: 25, p. 1181

[3]  “Psalm 104: 30.” The Holy Bible, New International Version. The NIV Study Bible.
(Grand Rapids, Michigan: The Zondervan Bible Publishers, 1985), p. 896 .
[4]  The Holy Bible, New International Version. The NIV Study Bible. (Grand Rapids, Michigan: The Zondervan Bible Publishers, 1985), —Deuteronomy 6: 1– 2, p. 253

[5]  Ibid. —Deuteronomy 6: 1– 2, p. 253

Isnin, 5 Oktober 2015

The Beast out of the Sea and the Beast out of the earth (Revelation 13)

By Jonas Mannaseh Simin.

    The fatally wounded head of one of the sevens-head Beast out of the Sea is the United Kingdom, and the Beast out of the earth refers to the United States of America.  The book of Revelation was given so that we may know "the things that must soon take place (Rev. 22: 6) [1];" knowing the future disperses fears and strengthens our faith. When we believe in His Word, then we will be blessed. 

"6 The angel said to me, 'These words are trustworthy and true. The Lord, the God who inspires the prophets, sent his angel to show his servants the things that must soon take place.' 7 “Look, I am coming soon! Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy written in this scroll.” (Revelation  22: 6-7).  [ 2 ]

    Reading the signs of the age is by seeing historical facts through the Light of the Word/Prophecies.  When we force the prophecies to agree with our intellectual observations/historical facts, then that is the opposite of reading the signs of times.  Seeing through the Word, the truth unfolds what you see through the eyes of your spirit. That 'seeing' is the gift of the Spirit.  This writing is my limited personal and fallible 'seeing in parts' concerning the signs of the 'Spirit's times.'

    We have already entered into the age, where the beasts (rulers) and the churches themselves on earth are damaging the "wine and the oil." In the fourth Seal and the fifth Seal, the "oil and the wine" remain undamaged although the running respective horses brought forth deaths, famines, diseases, scarcities and sufferings. But, when the shadows of the Scarlet Beast, the beast out of the Sea, and the beast out of the earth begin to be manifested, then the "woman" and the "offspring" would experience the distress because those three beasts are damaging the "oil and wine."   "The oil and the wine" both represent the operation of Divine Spirit under the revealed "name" called "Sower," the Son of Man. 

    We are already in the transition period i.e. The Sixth Seal. This period spans for 7 years which had began in 2011 AD (This date is personal prediction; Christ whose new name "Seven spirits,seven eyes, seven horns" would descend on earth by May, 2018 on the last day feast of harvest...ha...ha). The Spirits of Judgment operates in "sevenfold for your sins" (Leviticus 26: 18, 21, 24 & 28) [ 3 ].  The Judgment on God's people; the Northern ten tribes,  Judah or even the gentiles like Nebuchadnezzar were executed by God's Spirit in "sevenfold" period in lunar years:  420, 70, and 7 lunar years.  Thus, "a time" means 7 biblical lunar years or 7 times 360 days.

    "15 And from his mouth the Serpent spewed water like a river, to overtake the woman and sweep her away with the torrent. 16 But the earth helped the woman by opening its mouth and swallowing the river that the dragon had spewed out of his mouth." (Revelation 12: 5,6)  [ 4 ]. The ancient prophesied "River" in Isaiah 8: 7 was referring to the Emperor Sennacherib of the Assyrian Empire. The prophesied "Like a river" refers to the same geopolitical powers, but its rulership is surely not a monarchy system because the revealed phrase "like a river" only points to the same territory (Assyrian--Syria/Iran/Iraq regions) with different types of geopolitical powers. Its manifested existence is merely another facet of "hatred" between "the house of Ishmael" and "the house of Jacob" aka the prophesied "woman."

    The prophecy in Rev.12: 14-16 reveals that the "earth" (the US together with her Arabic allies) would swallow that aspiring "like a river" [5]. So, we know from prophecy that this "like a river" is merely the precursor of WW3, and the preceding chaotic political conflicts which lead to the emergence of new global powers especially the coming of the powerful beast called "the Beast out of the Sea, "which is the coalition of ten surviving lineages of monarchies in Europe as seen by St. John the Apocalypse in the spirit, and the emergence of the "beast out of the earth." In St. John's times, the future name of each European country was only known by the existence of  kingdoms within the Roman Empire. And therefore, the Spirit referred them as the seven heads of the beast with ten crowned horns in relation to that known ten lineages of kings. 

    The Spirit used those ten 'lineages' of kingships as the 'key' in enabling the future believers to see the identity of the "beast out of the Sea," and yet it is hidden unto those who do not eat the Word.   It wouldn't edify us in identifying the 'age,' if the Spirit had had used different way in revealing the identities of the "ten crowns."  Thus, seven heads of the beast  were referring to the former seven kingdoms of European monarchies.  But, why there were ten kings for only seven kingdoms? What happen to the three lineages of monarchies?  

    The ten crowns supposed to have ten monarchical kingdoms? History tells us that the three crowns had agreed to form "one" United Kingdom i.e. the United Kingdom of Great Britain & her remaining colonies; the former three lineages of crowns namely Ireland, Wales and Scotland had united to become "One" Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain.  Three crowns had become one crown referred to the emergence of the United Kingdom.  Prophet Daniel prophesied about it approximately 2,478 years since he saw its visions in Daniel 7: 8, 20-25 to the last stage of unification in 1922 CE:-

"8 While I was thinking about the horns, there before me was another horn, a little one, which came up among them; and three of the first horns were uprooted before it. This horn had eyes like the eyes of a human being and a mouth that spoke boastfully. 20 I also wanted to know about the ten horns on its head and about the other horn that came up, before which three of them fell—the horn that looked more imposing than the others and that had eyes and a mouth that spoke boastfully. 21 As I watched, this horn was waging war against the holy people and defeating them, 22 until the Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgment in favor of the holy people of the Most High, and the time came when they possessed the kingdom.  23 “He gave me this explanation: ‘The fourth beast is a fourth kingdom that will appear on earth. It will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth, trampling it down and crushing it. 24 The ten horns are ten kings who will come from this kingdom. After them another king will arise, different from the earlier ones; he will subdue three kings. 25 He will speak against the Most High and oppress his holy people and try to change the set times and the laws. The holy people will be delivered into his hands for a time, times and half a time.[b]  26 “‘But the court will sit, and his power will be taken away and completely destroyed forever. 27 Then the sovereignty, power and greatness of all the kingdoms under heaven will be handed over to the holy people of the Most High. His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will worship and obey him.’  28 “This is the end of the matter. I, Daniel, was deeply troubled by my thoughts, and my face turned pale, but I kept the matter to myself.”  [  6  ]

Revelation 13: 3-6 "...the beast was given "a mouth" to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty two months..."  (The beast had become the 'false prophet' on behalf of the Dragon. "Given a mouth" means to be  the doer of the Dragon's wills, and propagator of the "anti-Word" teachings: doctrines, philosophies, relativism and etc. Etc..,).

    The excerpts of the accounts of the unification of those three crowns into One Crown as documented by Wikipedia fulfilled the "foreshadowing" identification of the fatally wounded beast prophesied  in Revelation 13 and Daniel 7: 8, 20-28:-

"The Acts of Union 1707 merged the kingdoms of England and Scotland into the Kingdom of Great Britain, under the sovereignty of the British Crown. The effect was to create a personal union between the Crown of Ireland and the British Crown, instead of the English Crown. Later, on 1 January 1801, an additional merger took place between the two Kingdoms. By the terms of the Act of Union 1800, the Kingdom of Ireland merged with the Kingdom of Great Britain, thus creating the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Following the separation of most of Ireland from that kingdom in 1922, the remaining constituent parts were renamed the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in 1927, five years after the establishment of the Irish Free State."   [ 7 ]

"In 1800, the Parliament of Ireland approved the political union of the monarchy of Ireland with the monarchy of Great Britain and incidentally voted itself out of existence. The united entity thereby created was known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. With this union, the independent existence of the crown of Ireland was ended. From January 1801 until December 1922, Ireland remained in this political union."   [ 8 ]

     Personally, I love United Kingdom. She was the former colonial master of Borneo.   I mean, I don't hate them (Britons).  And I see the "wheat" and the "tares" in her just as in other countries of the world.  I am not seeding hatred towards a particular country.  But, we are talking about the endtimes or the coming "harvesting" of what had been sowed by the "Sower" as prophesied by Jesus Christ in Matthew 13.  The end of the 'age' (i.e. the Church's age) is coming, then those three kingdoms which had become "One" would eventually be ruled by the "tares;" she wouldn't be under the power of the "wheat" in a very near future.   When the "tares" oust the rulership of the "wheat" of that fatally wounded United Kingdom, then she (together with the six former kingdoms in Europe) would fulfill what was written in Revelation 13: 3-6 "...the beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty two months..." [ 9 ]. (7 x 1/2 = 3.5 lunar years or during "half a time," predicted to take place in 2066 CE  to 2070 CE -This personal prediction dated March 2014).

     She (the UK as the fatally wounded head of the seven heads) was fatally wounded because she lost most of her colonies, mandates and protectorates during the WW2 and onwards, and yet she was healed. Though several of her colonial territories had gained independence, and yet the world was astonished since she had been healed (resurrected) from the "fatal wound." "Healed" means she regained her status as world ruler; she was the main original signatory of UN and also the vetoed-power-member within the five-permanent Security Council. As one of the NATO members, she is also considered to be capable of military conquest on earth.  She still has all the criteria to be the elites of world rulers: military might, political power, and economic power. 
"Throughout its history, the British Army has seen action in a number of major wars involving the world's great powers, including the Seven Years' War, the Napoleonic Wars, the Crimean War, the First World War and Second World War. Repeatedly emerging victorious from these decisive wars allowed Britain to influence world events with its policies and establish itself as one of the world's leading military and economic powers" [ 10 ]

    The prophesied "earth" (the US) that swallowed the prophesied endtimes' "like a river" ("like a river" manifested as the geopolitical regions controlled by the present aspiring Islamic Caliphate-ISIS), was the shadow of the prophesied "beast out of the earth" (the USA).  The "earth" where the two-horned-beast (USA) came from, would be the hegemonic control of all economic facets; she enforces the laws of "buying and selling."  It seems that USA and her future powerful "tares" leaders would continue to be the leading decision makers of the "mission/name" of men on earth.  She had given breath to the fatally wounded beast (the UK) because the USA had been closed rapprochement to her in reclaiming her former colonial territories which once fell to the hands of the triple-axis. Since the victory of the Allied forces in 1945, the United Kingdom with her remnant colonies had been "resurrected," as if the godly "statue" was given breath, and enabled to be worshipped again, because she was able to "speak" again as global ruler concerning politics, economics ,and military.  The victories of the Allied forces led by US had enabled the "statue" (or 'gods'-global-ruler status) of the fatally wounded beast" to regain her global dominions.   The USA had fulfilled the prophesied story of her rise as superpower, and she even helped the UK to be revived from "fatal wound." It was revealed how the political rapprochement between US and UK had led them to be elites of world dominions. 

    "...14 and by the signs that it is allowed to perform on behalf of the beast, it deceives the inhabitants of earth, telling them to make an image for the beast that had been wounded by the sword[e] and yet lived; 15 and it was allowed to give breath[f] to the image of the beast so that the image of the beast could even speak and cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead... 17 so that no one can buy or sell who does not have the mark, that is, the 'name' of the beast or the number of its name."  (Rev. 13: 14-17) [ 11] . 

     Nobody is able to do business unless you enter the agreement or covenant."  The nations of the world must comply with the "mission/name" of the beast. This points to the hegemony of the USA currency that  controls international transactions of "buying and selling."   In prophecy, "Name" means "Mission."  The "name" or "mission" of all the "tares" who rule USA, in the future, is simply continually enslaving mankind with 666 (see link 666). Solomon annually received 666 talents of gold.  Gold is money. So, the 'mission' or '666' (see link 666) means the agendas of the future "tares" and the worldwide taxation through her hegemonic control of money on earth. Modern secular-paradigm-inhabitants of the earth would fully embrace the mission of the ruler encrypted as 666, and eventually the core of Christian teaching, "the Lord Pass Over as the Source of life," would become the enemy to their relativism. The "tares" would hate the idea of Pass Over (the Cross of Jesus) as the Source of Life; believing in the Lord Pass Over would be considered outdated and "lost-it-relevancy."
     Therefore, the "wheat" who believe in the Cross would be in great conflicts with the "tares." We have no way to escape from it ("666"see link 666) because everybody is subjected to money; the Lord's Pass Over would become the object of mockery.  Nobody is able to "buy and sell," unless he obeys the worldwide enforced Laws of money (Revelation 13: 16-17).  The whole world had been coiled up by the newly-modern tower of Babel which began at Bretton Wood Agreement; the ultimate mission or "name" of the beasts (governments) on earth. All the allied-caballike signatories (members) of that Agreement, later fully consented the abandonment of the 27 years of fixed exchange system based on the US gold-backed currency through the Smithsonian Agreement and Jamaica Treaty.

    The prophesied top-Antichrist-leader is ready to manifest himself as the "mouth" of the Dragon because the tower of Babel had been erected as the platform for him to rule the world.  We are not against the system created by the "beast out of the earth" together with the fatally wounded head out of the Sea; we simply see the signs of times.  That's how we 'read' the Revelations. It was foretold long time ago, and it was written in allegories and metaphors. The woman and her offspring were counseled to "hold what was given to them" in wading through the distress; it was foretold from ancient times that the woman and the offspring were endowed with the "treasure" of Sion (Isaiah 33: 6). Only those who know how to hold that 'treasure' would receive the sealing of the angels.  We are heading for it!  

    I love you Americans.  Your citizens are great "wheat," and your governments are super "tares" as well.  You are all fantastic!  God had had flowed His wills through you (wheat) either you admit it or not, unconsciously or consciously,... May the Lord give strength to the "wheat" of America, and may the Lord bless the "wheat" of America.  Beware of the super "tares" of America, for they would continue to be the leaders of "buying and selling," 666 (see link 666), for the appointed time.  May the "wheat" of you be protected from the "tares." And yet, Christ would overcome them (the "tares") all.

"I make known the 'end' from the 'beginning,'
    from 'ancient times,' what is still to come.
I say, ‘My purpose will stand,
    and I will do all that I please." (Isaiah 46: 10). [ 12]

    In prophecy, "woman"  in Genesis 3: 15 presaged the chosen people of God and her offspring are those who believe in 'the God of the woman.' "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will strike your head, and you will strike his heel.” (Genesis 3: 15)[13]. "The Serpent's" offspring presaged the "tares" or "sons of the Devil" revealed in Matthew 13 and Revelation 12;13; 17.   The enmity between "the people of God" and the "followers of the Serpent" was made known from the beginning and from ancient times the things not yet done (Isaiah 46: 10). There are only two main prophesied women in Scripture. The Old Testament worshippers who are the secular Israel personificated as the woman who rides the Scarlet beast since she emerged from the political decision makings of the rulers (beasts) on earth.  The ancient "woman" of Yahweh was betrothed to YHVH through Lord Pass Over in Egypt, later she abandoned the blood covenant which caused the Holy Land to vomit them out in Diaspora;  the New Testament "woman," the spiritual Christian Hebrews, who evangelized the gentile nations and thus, giving birth to her "offspring." These children are the spirits (new covenant temples) of all believers regardless of their affiliations,denomination or rites.  We don't relate the New Testament "woman" to any city or country, though there are  many secular countries, and Christian countries having the majority percentage of the followers of the Way.  We don't interpret that a particular country is betrothed to Jesus Christ.  Christ betrothed to every spirit of the followers of the "Way."  But the prophetic symbol of the  house of Jacob remained the same in both Covenants i.e. the "woman" with twelve stars, sun and moon.  Gentile Christians cannot be the "woman" but the "offspring." (Revelation 12: 17).

    Thus, both the New Testament woman and the offspring worship the Triune God or holding the testimony of Jesus Christ.  However, in prophecy, "woman" refers solely to the Hebraic Christians, whereas the "offspring" refers to all gentile Christians. The "offspring" (gentile christians) established 23 Catholic rites, numerous protestant denominations and independent affiliations. Although the gentile Christians are entitled to be the Bride of Christ, and yet such betrothal does not mean that they belong to the prophetic Symbol of the house of Jacob.  The symbol "woman with twelve stars, Sun and moon " specifically and prophetically belong to the Hebrews either the Old Covenant or New Covenant Hebraic people. (see Genesis 37: 9 and Revelation 12).  However both Hebraic Christians and  gentile christians were adjudged according to the seven paintings of faith revealed and resonated  by the seven churches in Asia Minor (Revelation  2 & 3).
"17 Then the dragon was angry with the woman, and went off to make war on the rest of her children (offspring), those who keep the commandments of God and hold the testimony of Jesus"  (Revelation 12: 17)  [ 14 ].
"4 But you, beloved,  are not in darkness, for that day to surprise you like a thief; 5 for you are all children of light and children of the day; we are not of the night or of darkness. 6 So then let us not fall asleep as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober; 7 for those who sleep sleep at night, and those who are drunk get drunk at night. (1Thes. 5: 4-7)"  [ 15 ] .


[1]  "Revelation 6: 6"  Holy Bible, New International Version NIV@ Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011. 27 May 2015. BibleGateway.< https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/>
[2] Ibid.  (Revelation 22: 6-7)
[3] Ibid.  (Leviticus 26: 18, 21,24 & 28)
[4] Ibid.  (Revelation 12: 5,6)
[5] Ibid.  (Revelation 12: 5)
[6] Ibid.  (Daniel 7: 8, 20-28)

[7] "Monarchy of Ireland."  Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 26 May 2015.<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_Ireland>
[8] Ibid.

[9] "Revelation 13: 3-6"  Holy Bible, New International Version NIV@ Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011. 27 May 2015. BibleGateway.< https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/>

[10]  Bot, Kaspar. "British Army." Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia.  25 May 2015.< http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Army>

[11]  "Revelation 13: 14-17"  Holy Bible, New International Version NIV@ Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011. 27 May 2015. BibleGateway.< https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/>
[12]   Ibid.   (Isaiah 46: 10)
[13]   Ibid.   (Genesis 3: 15)
[14]   Ibid.   (Revelation 12: 17)
[15]   Ibid.   (1Thes. 5: 4-7