Ahad, 27 September 2015

A time, times, and half a time...2011 to 2070 AD.

"a time, times, and half a time..." (Daniel 12: 5-7 and see its fulfillment in Revelation 10: 5-7)

" 'a time' began ticking off on 8 March 2011 CE"... Gunang

"The times are ticking off now"... Maria Divine Mercy (as on the 03rd of March 2011 AD).

     In truth, the Lord displays His daily wraths on earth! This means that He executes judgment and punishment on daily basis since the dawn of mankind. For this reason, the Lord delivered the eschatological rhyming verse, "a time, times, half a time," unto Prophet Daniel and St. John, so that we may know how to differentiate daily judgment from the prophesied judgment in the post second advent of Christ. Thus, such rhyming verse, "a time, times, half a time," point s to the period of the returned-Christ's 'name' as the "Judge" on earth, right from the proclamation of the 'sky' in Matthew 24: 29 (see also Daniel 12:5-7) until its completion in Revelation 10: 5-7. The saints will be handed to him (the last Antichrist leader on earth), for "a time, times, and half a time." (7 + 49 + 3.5 = 59.5 lunar biblical years =58.9032 modern solar years). Many theologians had wrongly deduced that the prophesied 42 months in the book of Revelation 13: 5 points to the whole rhyming verses. But, in truth , that 42 month-period simply refers to the last part of the apocalyptic rhyme: "half a time." So, 42 months or 1,260 days refers to the last rhyme, "half a time."

     The earliest period of the Church had been ferociously persecuted by Lucifer for 1,260 days which further contributed to the dispersions of Jews: Diaspora. They were in the "desert" or dispersed into gentile nations.  So, the 1,260 days was pointing to the specific period of Luciferic operations against the Woman and her offspring. 1,260 began just after the birth of the Church on Pentecost. It was purposely written in Rev. 12: 6 as to elucidate the understanding of the readers, so that they would understand how Lucifer had hated the birth and the "evening" of the woman.  

     During the earliest period of the Church, Lucifer had subtly orchestrated the fanaticism and hatred of the Old Testament worshippers in wiping out the Woman clothed with the Sun. And yet, the Woman was favored by the Divine Spirit in succeeding in bringing the good news to the four corners of the World.  In Judgment period, Lucifer who was well aware of his fate, would once again subtly delegate his diabolic power to the beast out of the Sea, flooding the earth with the "wind of teachings" through his false prophets. They try once again to wipe out the Woman and her offspring with endless deceptions; the last spiritual warfare would be during that "half a time" or 42 months in Rev. 13: 6.  The fatally wounded head of the ten horned beast would become his "mouth on earth:" the false prophet.

     After the completion of one seven, then we have 52.5 years to go (51.96344 modern solar years). The period "a time" would be completed on 20 May 2018 CE. Thus, Christ is predicted to return on that day: after the first part of the apocalyptic rhyme "a time" was completed.

     "A time, times, and half a time" is the eschatological rhyme which points to period of Chastisement of the woman and the offspring.  In this period, the new "name" or mission of the returned Christ would be as the Judge who judges in equity.  The judgment period is also called a "desert."

     The beasts (the beast out of the Sea, and the beast out of the earth, under the global beast called Scarlet Beast) would "make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of Lords and King of kings--and with him will be called, chosen and faithful followers." (Revelation 17: 14).

     We cannot see the fullness of evilness of the above beasts, but we are talking about the period of Chastisement for 51 years from now (i.e. after the completion of one seven in 2018 CE) when majority of the governments on earth would neither respecting nor adhering the teachings of Christ, and even the Christ's Pass Over would become the object of mockery. "...against the saints and defeating them, 22 until the Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgment in favor of the saints of the Most High and time came when they possessed the kingdom." (Daniel 7: 21-22). And, see also the foreseen Kingdom of Christ" in Revelation 11: 15-19.

...the Lord delivered the eschatological rhyming verse, "a time, times, half a time," unto Prophet Daniel and St. John, so that we may know how to differentiate daily judgment from the prophesied apocalyptic Judgment in the post second advent of Christ.

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